I just killed somebody Yea Forums. Where do I put the body at...

I just killed somebody Yea Forums. Where do I put the body at? I don’t want the police to find out the murder scene of a crime I committed.

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Show the body

put it in the police car when they arrive
to frame the police

Send pics fag

And you immediately downloaded that stock image and shit posted.
You deserve the worst.

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inside html tags
works every tiem


Bury them in a remote location. Use a pump to fill their insides with unflavored yogurt to aid in decomposition

I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion.

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Lmao fag

Op is a lying fag unless he can prove the murder
Standard procedure, corpse and time stamp

do you not have pre dug graves on several locations? rookie mistake, you deserve prison rape

Is it a female? Let's see how wet her pussy is before u bury her. Come on OP post nudes

up the butt

Pics, faggot. Cut up the carcass and put the parts in different trash cans across the neighborhood so nobody gets singled out, especially you.

>killed someone
>doesn't want to be found out
>posts this to known honeypot
KYS and quit LAARPing

OP is a pussy faggot

Put them in all the trash cans except yours. No one will suspect you.

Have you considered explosives?

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OP has been watching too many ‘Top 10 creepy Yea Forums posts’ on YouTube

Eat the body. Go look up how to butcher a hog it's similar enough that you shouldn't have too much trouble.

pics or gtfo

Burn the body along with their possessions and any item that they interacted with during the time of murder, bury the ashes along with the bones, in 2 months, it'll be like they never existed

the first step is to post a pic of the body, the second is to kill your self on a live stream

OP the rules are you post a pic of your work aqnd then we help

this isnt Yea Forums's first time helping cover up as murder...