Shapiro 4 Prez

Shapiro 4 Prez

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He got owned. I used to really respect him until he started to pimp himself out to fox news and Trump supporters. He doesn't think for himself anymore.

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>implying this kike is conservative and not a plant to manipulate retarded libs like you
he was a never-trumper you retard. you think that just changes?
>the only "conservative" allowed to speak on kike news with out harassment

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>wants a jew to be president
lolno, faggot.

U must be Russian

you must be retarded

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Are your parents siblings?


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Thanks for the confirmation, retard..

The most triggering thing would be if trump replaces Ginsburg with him on the Supreme Court. Cause he is degree wise qualified to be nominated, and he’s young. So he’s be on the court for like 40 years maybe even more. Personally I think Ginsburg is dead and the dems are just holding out hoping they win 2020 so they can pick her replacement


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All these schizo posts gave me cancer op

confirmed kike

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Oh sweet summer child

yes? jew rat

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>You're not butthurt because once he stepped out of his safe zone he got btfo'd

Are you some edgy 17 year old that just found Yea Forums? Just go to /pol/ until high school is back in session again

what are you even saying retard

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>kike nonsense kike nonsense kike nonsense

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