Why do whites make fun of us Indians when they are the most pathetic race on the planet? You are a race of cucks and whores, everyone laughs at you.
Why do whites make fun of us Indians when they are the most pathetic race on the planet...
fishing for a fight?
White people don't take a shit out on the streets
You smell bad, you're brown, you all look like downies and you worship cows. Oh and all of the rape that you guys do.
i'm a national socialist indians ruin every country they go to and only go there cause they ruined there own i just wanna rape their women and make their men fuck each other
not only whites make fun of you. China, USA, anyone in Africa who knows your existence, even Pakistan. Your country is going to swell and collapse under pressure just like your rockets
I’m a white girl and I can’t go to the Indian populated part of my city without being stared at the entire time. I saw an older Indian man staring at a girls ass who couldn’t have been older than 14. It’s so creepy and weird.
fucking almost-nigger, have you never seen how your kind reacts when they see a picture of a woman online? It doesn't matter how ugly or hot they are, there's always one of you dotheads being all "open bobs".
and you can't even scam for shit. Do you really think your awful accents fool anyone that isn't so absurdly stupid they should be under medical supervision? Kill yourself, madarchode.
Indians smell like shit, are disrespectful as fuck, they throw garbage and spit everywhere, and they are thieves. If you have an Indian nearby gather all your shit and hide your phone and wallet.
also why is it that you always claim to be pakistani when people call you out on your shit. You aren't fooling anyone. You know that, don't you? We all know you're in new delhi
Bro I Tyronefish all the time on Tinder. It’s rare to find women who want black dude in real life, and most of them are fat.
Because The only thing you niggers know is to shit in street and rape each other
Incels literally making tinder accounts to post this. You guys need to relax.
White girls would fuck blacks, Latinos, whites, midgets, dogs and even Chinese before considering even being near an Indian. They hate you.
they are ok until they hit puberty. By like 13 they start getting the moustache and become unfuckable ogres.
Red dot dumper or feathered woolooloolooloo indian?
Shut the fuck up you dirka dirka ass mother fucker, go back to your street shitting, "microsoft" scamming and fucking your disgusting ass unibrow bitches. Your country was fucking owned by England for the longest time and some lib left fuckhead decided to starve himself to try to get independence. If anything, you people are the most pathetic. You don't fucking know how to use condoms over there either.
Nice B8 edit
Calm down mate, don’t shit in the street
the fattest american can kick the shit out of all of you pita bread eating fat fucks and only break a little sweat.
i just love walking outside and not gagging on the aroma of piles of shit and garbage
pic of me btw scrawny brown boy
A lot of whites are a disgrace but that's nothing when compared to India lol. It's a shame that Britain didn't clean India when they had the chance.
Indian men seem to love the American white women. I mean theyre clean, beautiful, smell nice, and don't have that everlasting disgusting fucking smell of Curry lingering around them. I would never put my dick inside of an indian women for the simple fact that it might fall off when im done with it.
>ring ring
>hello this is Randy from windows calling is your computer turned on? pajeet.exe
why yes it is
>we are receiving a problem with your computer sir but we are able to fix this over the interwebs. your computer is infected with a virus and transmitting personal data
oh great ho do we do fix this
>first I will require a credit card to process a small service fee.
Oh that sounds reasonable. hang on one sec. let me put the phone down and get that
>puts phone down for 10 minutes. continues to play PS4. take dog out.
>pick up phone
hey you still there?
>yes sir I am ready for that number
Ok it's 5...5...5...5...5...5...33321111
>sir that is not a valid number
ok I'll go look for another card. I think that was my quest card
>put phone down. repeat.exe
This is literally the only reason I still have a land line.
It’s true, whites are pathetic
>pic related, the average daydream of the average white “man”
There are 2 indias. Poo in the loo x brahmos. You belong to the first one. This said, after looking at the fucking catalog, I really got the impression that no more from 8 or 10 of all the threads may be original, that is, shitposted by someone, even if by a nigger like you, a cuck or a homo/trap/webnazi/whatever. Meh.
Why did I read that in a Indian accent.
Whites live for this kind of thing, I can’t say I blame them though, it’s only natural.
She needs some BWC.
Kik: unholysunfire
Kek how old is this kid?
Poo in the loo you filthy currynigger dothead shitskin.
You're obviously a nigger if you unironically think that
Only brain dead roasties go for the "BBC" but they still wouldn't even want to touch a currynigger
Kek, this. No one likes streetshitting filthy curryniggers.
You are aware you are "White" as Well you fucking retard? From Iceland to North Africa to Middle of India everything is "White" or the scientific. proper term Caucasian.
Anyone using the terminology "White" as a race just proves they are brainwashed by the Jewish German Americans.
The only thing I will point out op is that your tinder posting said Big Black Cock not Big Brown Cock
ya silly faggo
No designated shitting streets here, compare. You're welcome for all the freedom BTW
I am actually believing that this is a bait.