Homolust thread 8:

Homolust thread 8:
Post yer dicks and butts for the enjoyment of guys you don't know edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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to the user last night that was also into frottage :3

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y-you could probably feel the pulse while doing it

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I think you'd be able to feel every throb. A good way to really get to know someone

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Cute trap i fuck

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i think ya boy posted in one of these threads like two days ago
neckerchief looks like its tied the same way

That's a pretty cute penis your trap has

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Does his penis taste good?

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Like my boipucci?

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Yes, it's a nice dick as well

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Rate me.

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Would stuff down my throat/10

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twink here, add me on kik : joffbuddie

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Ok that make you feel better? Now who’s going to clean that mess up user?

"nohtty" on twitter

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Got b& from twitter sadly, was calling out hypocrites who were playing the victims.

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Well the trap’s arms and hands are not very cute

Are you volunteering yourself?

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That’s hot

Get it hard/10

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I only clean up messes I help create

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How about i clean up this mess and we can create a new one to clean up together?

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Where at?

Northern Europe, you?

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would you?

sauce is included in the webm

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eat me up

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Holy shit what a cute fag
I'd fuck

biggest on Yea Forums

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Post one with your foreskin completely pulled back:3

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i rarely get fully erect

god damn these cute boys are getting me hard as hell
anyone got feet stuff?


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These threads

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Thong boy has entered the building. Give a rate

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Bump it


In the store but i will be back to posting soon


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i wanna be bumped in my rump

Does anyone know the name of the woman with the great body but has a boys face. There was a link to her sextape on spankbank. Please help

What do you guys think?

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whoa, im drooling

why is your cock brown but your body is white? is this what a mutt penis looks like?

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Here is another pic with better lighting

Attached: IMG_20190512_203224.jpg (3024x2662, 1.2M)

I wanna bump and get bumped all day long


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Goddamn that vein

It needs a butt on it

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do you have a kik?

Discord? I can make a kik if u want

tbh this entire pic is pretty disgusting. whats that shit stuck in hair looking stuff?


Just noticed

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a kik account is super useful ;)

Time to switch it out with the real thing

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Also a booty pic

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Made it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190512-205259.png (1080x2160, 180K)

hello goodbye just dumping a teeny handful for funsies before I drive 12hrs home today :3

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prob just this any my few from yesterday just to say hey (:

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how's all the homos doin today?

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besides me
I'm great, got to sleep w fiancees cum in my butt
gonna get them to fuck my face/throat like laying back over a couch arm or something before i go
so I can't much complain

Attached: fotofriend_4578761.jpg (640x480, 36K)

whered you get that red velvet case of dick nails? does it hurt doing it at first?

idk I was REALLY explorative (solo) when I was like a little kid. I was putting things in my dick when i was like 9, so for me the first one was SO nice instantly. I can get it all the way down to where it stretches up to the bigger size on the other side and that feels great!

Attached: fotofriend_4578763.jpg (243x472, 31K)

damn these are great pics

hmm well i stuck something down my cock once but on accident while i was jerking off to twinks and there was blood all over the place and cum (it hurt like shit having a computer desk bolt shove down my cock hole but felt weirdly good so i came). tbh the pain wasnt worth it....does your dick hole bleed the larger you work your way up to?

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The poster is such a perfect loop

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not if you do it right. combo corners or sharp edges are suicide and also if you stretch too fast it'll be bad (same as, say, stretching ear piercings or your butthole)
hey thanks bb just wanted to show off some for the homolusters yesterday, and am a whore so I'm cashing in twice on it before I go drive forever today XD

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I love this thread

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Oh hey

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I'd smash your butt like a battering ram at a castle door.

I'd do it

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Gosh I love spreading my legs and bating. Being encouraged to keep going and edge by everyone

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and I'd let that happen

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Ever had someone call you a homophobic nazi?
Pretty funny to reply with "i'm a faggot who's first crush was a jewish guy"
There's not much they can say after that.

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I'd do you.

whats in ur ass?

cool come force me

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whats your diet like? are youu always ready for anal play by eating only greens and no meat or sugars, or do you douche before vids?

Old pic, but here's my ass.

Attached: 1557352585796.jpg (1616x1212, 1.01M)

the latter, and the prior doesn't work if you eat as voraciously as I do
I could eat pounds of greens, and if I do I still need to clean out
that said, I'm big on the whole serious enema thing, especially considering the amount of large stuff I get in there

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well then i sure hope they enjoy this

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I'd take you to Pound Town.
>Population: me and you.

Primal Hardwere's 'Tonguetacle'

Attached: DSC00306-min.jpg (4608x3456, 1.59M)

If i could i'd gladly force you. That ass needs some rough treatment

keep posting

boulder, CO
if you 'could' E.G. if you can :3

Attached: 00009.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

would nom/10

I'd love that user~

Another old pic btw.

Attached: 1557179258962.jpg (1157x1549, 929K)

I'd bury myself inside you and feel your chest up.

yum can I come too?
how do you feel about that?

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Everyone in this thread should eat 2.3 pounds of almonds

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Welcome back! And we'll see you again next time! :3

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Is your face as cute as your butt?


Heyy there just a Yea Forumsandom user that horny af and really wants to see some cocks and balls, show me what your made of sc: scoot2poot

Ps i am a bottom

and I need to shave, but since I'm just road tripping today I'm way too lazy

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I'm fine with you coming along, we would have a lot of fun.

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Can we get a nice close up of that dick

Why is this thread better than most trap threads?

Never had people call you an ebil nazi gay hating satan before?

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Dunno, i don't hang around trap threads

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I'd still kiss you.

That's sweet of you user, i'd love to have my chest caressed.

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>interested in crossdressing
>interested in trying to suck a dick while dressed up
>not at all interested in men whatsoever

waiting on daddy then
a medium up :/ not home rn
can you force kiss me, and like spit in my mouth and on my face?
is that enough or should I keep going?

Attached: DSC00098-min.jpg (4608x3456, 1.56M)

You're a naughty boy. After kissing you really hard, I'd force your head down to my lap and make you suck my dick.

Dont mind a rate

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Can you also piss down my throat and in my ass?
bring friends and tie me up (I'll give you my restraints, with CRAZY specific padlocks that actually can't be slipped cause I'm quite the escape artist) ignore safe words we don't set anyways, all treat me wrong right?
I'm a whore!

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Thanks, I hate it.

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Watersports is really awesome imo, don't really have anything saved tho

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Good lord. I would suck and swallow that everyday haha

I look at these threads and i imagine my ex fucking all these cocks


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Got any other angles?

Muh dick

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I'd love to try having someone pee in and on me.

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Not sure if real or fake

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fuck yeah I'll make real OC with someone for y'all soon here
fucking yum I'd chug
jeez you've got me wet and heated, fuck!

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this thread might as well have been called "straight men who are in denial" with the amount of fem and traps pics in here

Straight guy. Hate my dick :( always feel like it’s too small and everyone else is big

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nah looks great I'd let that anywhere you'd put it without asking

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Already looking forward to the OC :3

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Yeah, since the homolust threads took over instead of trap thread for me (since they're around, and OBVI better!) I get to do whatever I want and post it now!
Know the exact one of my fiancees I'm gonna get to do it!

Is it bad that the first thing i read was homocaust? Can't be the only one here



try searching with them on google, dunno where they are from other than on here years ago