Hello fellow Yea Forumstards

Hello fellow Yea Forumstards

I have this weird thing where sometimes (mostly when it’s hot out) i start feeling small tingles / stings all over my body, google is telling me about 1million causes... fuck that

Anyone legit know what this is?

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Bumping, i need to know

I got this recently. Have you taken anything?

Nerve damage

Nah i do drink a lot of caffeine tho

Don't take such hot showers.
Also stop masterbating so much. It won't help your skin but you'll have more energy and free time and also you do it A LOT.

Pinched nerve

Idk man i dont masturbate that much, like once every 2 days sometimes everyday but thats pretty rare now and for hot showers, i go for 30 degrees

Even when its all over body? Idk man.

You need to stop eating so much ass. I mean the amount of ass you eat on a daily basis is preposterous even for your faggot standards.

the spine or neck

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I mean could be

30° means you're accidentally showering in an ice maker. Have you tried making sure it's a shower first?


> Implying euroshits take showers
You almost got me there

I have the same thing. Im autistic, so it might be overwhelming stimuli, but it could also be a skin disease/disorder a friend of mine has. The latter is quite rare tho

Well better smell like shit than be obese

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you've got lupus

Attached: Enjoy-Your-Lupus-house-md-4318152-450-374.jpg (450x374, 28K)

Could be, i think i’ll lay off cafeine a while and check if it changes anything

Yet you manage doing both so well

As long as you don't start getting headaches it's probably just dry skin.

Yeh sure bud, i think the ice cream truck just arrived go user get ur gallon.

Could be an systemic allergic reaction related to certain allergens in combination with and exacerbated by increased temperature (normal)
If it really does cause much disability, seek dermatologist.
Could also be completely psychosomatic.

Ait ty user

Probably fleas, bedbugs, or some other infestation caused by your lack of hygiene. Lose weight, take showers, and clean your clothes and bedding.

Doctorfag here, this guy is no medfag.

You have prostate cancer its obvious. Im sorry Yea Forumsro.

Fuck you. Give me your DD or shut up

It doesn’t hinder me, it’s just annoying when it comes up, idk why but when i start feeling it i start sweating a little, anyways ty user i’ll sleep good tonight knowing i don’t have a brain tumor

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Do you realize you'll likely get prostate cancer too

OR, or, or, you start feeling it when you start sweating a little and you DO have a brain tumor.

user, you are a genious

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Well, no
Obviously you have an advanced brain tumor yourself since your reasoning is defunct

Nope total bs. With insects/parasites you would clearly see some excoriations on the skin and it would cause hellish itching.

If you're talking about an itchy tingling when it's hot and you've only been outside for a short time, it's your pores opening abruptly. It's normal and nothing to be worried about. Go outside more and let your body acclimate to the weather and that'll happen less.