/waifu/ Thread
Who is your waifu and why, Yea Forums
My waifu is Sonokawa Momoka because I can relate to her on so many levels
/waifu/ Thread
Who is your waifu and why, Yea Forums
My waifu is Sonokawa Momoka because I can relate to her on so many levels
High elf Archer. She sweet, sincere, and intrigued by the world she's exploring for the first time outside of her kingdom. She tries to hide how much she cares behind her bravado. I love how she grows to be more close and respectful with everyone in the group even without losing her critical nature. She wants everyone in the party to be their best and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Much love dear Anvil. I'll pour one out for you today in hopes that you return home safely. So that I can reap those sweaty nectar troves below your arms!
her armpit looks like a pussy
that's pretty cool how old were you when it
Well. Enjoy your ban.
what a trashy thread
;~; come back!
chaika is hot
i failed to make this thread interesting...
not enough hentai to be interesting
Lewd is bad
why you do dat
at least it's not boring
lets let the thread die then
u ded
Time for lewd!
why you do dat nerf:)
Boi if u dont
This cute shortcake is my waifu!
This is my wife
She likes to watch the senko anime the perfect woman
>not having an image of your waifu
my waifu is konata because she is a based gamer
>illegally distributing your waifu
what a whore
don't talk about kona-chan like that
What a sorry bunch, you need booze. My waifu is Earth mom because she kicks my ass every day.
Lewd is boring.
The animation in that anime shows so much effort made in every scene I see of it. It's really a pleasure to look at.
what if I do? u gonna cry?
Nozomi Tojo (Love Live).
Let me tell you about Nozomi Tojo. Bit of a prankster, Big ass titties, despite being a prankster is rather nice, is an idol so has a nice singing voice, knows how to use tarot cards so can see someones future (well as much as you can by reading tarot cards), and she has TIG ‘OL BITTIES (wait shit I already mentioned that).
Based. Konata is my fuckin spirit animal....orr spirit person. Whatever. Shes literally me.
Based. Mordred is fucking delinquent saber and I fucking love her.
Hello Earth-chan
Your waifu is as cute as mine!
based much
soulless bug look in her eyes
>.XxX Imgboard like this one 1-st
>.XxX Imgboard like this one 2-nd
>XxX Imgboard like this one 3-d
>XxX Imgboard like this one 1-st
>XxX Imgboard like this one 2-nd
>XxX Imgboard like this one 3-d/
Heylo what's up? How are you? What's the day been like? Why do we exist?
Holo from Spice & Wolf
best waifu
My day is fine and nice. We exist to love our belobed waifus!
How about you?
A satisfying thesis, but difficult to execute.
My day isn't as good because I've a headache from lack of sleep, but I visited my parents today which was nice.
Hope you are doing well on your thesis and get better soon!
can do boss
Is this truly what Tapris-posting has become?
I like the Holo
GL mate. Hope everything goes well
Nice hotpants
You told be last year that cuckold porn was kino
no homo
Of course you would, holos have similar energy as Tape hair.
It's great to see you're still alive, on a sidenote.
Me too but it's just a headache, worst case I die.
That took you a little. Thanks to your input I can never look at that image the same way I once did again. Good job.
You can almost just assume that whenever I post it, that it's as a direct nudge towards you.
Thanks! How does the hair have energy?
I'd slap that thigh all day
people are spending time with their mothers
and youre all here
Because she's busy making me tendies
It's a figure of speech, Tapris' hair just seems so glowy. The energy of Tapris' hair is frequency times planck.
I think I'll shut myself in a room and scream for a while after reading this.
Maybe moms are dead or they don't have a good relationship anymore.
I already spent most of the day with my mom but I didn't want to occupy her all day because she's a buzzy lady.
because she's gone
At least I have a waifu
Howdy. Anyone wants their waifu drawn in MSPaint??
are you that Luigi artist from the drawthreads?
Nah, but u can draw her ass if you'd like.
Luigi? I don't recall drawing Luigi recently, but I do post on the drawthreads.
I am, i'm hanging here as a side thing
Can you draw my husbando, Doppio Vinegar, sucking a big cock?
Nicu, and even trips. I wanna see this!
If you don't recall then please never mind, it's not you..
Does your mom know you post here?
+ Doppio and trips
>At least I have a waifu
Yes, i tell her not to exit out my tabs
how do I even cope with this fact
hmm sure
>If you don't recall then please never mind, it's not you..
fair enough
forgot to attach pic lol
I'm pleased, gj user
Hey everyone!
i want her to sit on my face
heyy Relm
hello earth-chan! how are you?
My brain hurts and I'm tired and have lost the concept of social adequacy.
I recall yesterday you weren't so great for different reasons, did anything change?
>lost the concept of social adequacy.
what do you mean?
btw, yes, I'm much better than yesterday, but I'm kind of tired
agh the pic...
I mean when I'm tired or sick my social anxiety gets better and my bipolarity balances on the extroverted side.
Did you do something nice for your mom today?
It happens to me the same, but I act more explosive when it happens to me
nothing besides normal, why?
You guys better have remembered to wish your mother a happy mother's day
discord..gg/2PzYds ((remove the extra dot.))
Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want!
Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc
You can even get Mod just for being active!
>More to come soon
Mothers day. I don't know your timezone but for me it was today- You should at least call her.
I'm doing my part!
Hello Relm!
how strange, in my country, mothers' day is at the end of the month ...
hello nanami! how are you?
Good on you earth-chan. I'll make sure to recycle more now
I just threw flowers at her
sure, also
Pretty fine, enjoying the day with family
How about you?
Well look at this romantic prince charming, giving his mother flowers
The internet says that mother's day is in november in russia. I guess everyone's just a snowflake about it.
Does your spam circlejerk have greentext exchanges? That would be real cool.
That makes me happy.
and her favorite chocolate
Well, mothers day is at the end of the month, so today I'm just resting from everything
It is different in each country apparently ... and what have you done today?
Nice, i can't wait!
also do note his freckles, they make him cuter
I was at my moms and made sure she was happy, since I've been back home I've been drawing and posting and looking at the internet.
can you post a screencap of the cuck channel? i might join tonight if it's good shit.
have you made drawings about earth-chan? because if so, I'd like to see them
A whole lot actually, but it's impossible to really nail what immerses me in her in a single png, so I always feel like I fail.
I made this one, tho, and I figured out a way to make lines seem all nice and stuff without needing to use a tablet.
is not bad, draw with or without a tablet?
BY DUMPING MY TRASH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD... So it can turn into compost and feed the wild flowers
Quit trying to show us up you flirt, she's your mother not :redacted name:
Looks pretty good got any more you're willing to post
well it seems like cute posting isn't lost on you
crazy ass anime hair. Had to step away for a while, but ready to do some more requests.
aww sorry, didn't catch that reply
I should buy him some stuff... he doesn't have a use for flowers tho and no idea if he likes chocolate
That's a pretty bold move, but a great attitude. Godspeed.
That's a beautiful jojo reference, you are great.
Thanks! I draw with mouse on pc. I should have a tablet somewhere but I don't know where it is, maybe I'll switch once I hit a wall with this.
Wild. I've more but since that's the second most recent it's the best of them yet. Here's the one I made for the shrine that one day.
It's nice to have people not immediately notice what's my stuff by lack of proficiency. I've posted some up there, too;
Cab you draw Giygas giving a thumbs up?
unfortunately not anime, but skout is best southern waifu
>no lewd
aw, he deserves something like that. he's rather overshadowed by Narancia
still pretty cool.
post lewd, femdom if you have any.
but that is anime
Do you get those results with a mouse ?! Wow, that's skill! but I understand that there is a disease that affects those who do that and that's why they use graphic tablets
What ever you gift him i know he'll like it. It's not about the usability or monetary value but the reasoning behind it. You little cutie
Don't sell yourself short. You can draw competently with plenty of room to grow even better than i or most. I like what you've made
Since when am I cute
Relatable. Similiar childhood.
I don't understand what you mean by disease, but thanks for the thumbs up-
Most of my messups are because I don't yet understand visuals, anatomy and soft physics as well, so I didn't think a tablet could help much.
That's very nice of you to say, and I take your words to my heart, but I don't think I'll ever stop craving more.
After all, there's still so much to learn, and whole worlds, even in a literal sense, to imitate and create.
its called carpal tunnel syndrome...
Do not worry, with effort and dedication you can be a great artist, that's for sure!
I have to go, I need to take some pictures and for that I need sunlight, we'll talk later! farewell!
Oh dang, well, you too Relm, have fun!
oh, didn't see the last part lmao. NExt time maybe
no idea who's that. Post reference
>James bond doesn't know i know he's always been a cutie at heart
Motivation and interest will only take you further. If you have a will to improve don't lose it. There's a wide wold out there to see with so many things to learn and plenty of personal experience to gain from yourself and others
Goodbye relm come back safe
There's never a next time
pretty sure he's that red blob of smoke
>and from others
>don't lose it
That's easier said than done. I can do what I want to do, but I can't want what I want to want.
But cease your worries, I've a certain someone in my heart to remind me about the wide wöld and all the things to win from participating in it!
This is deeper than it should be able to be.
pretty much this
You can! Don't let yourself fall into a slump an say it's okay, keep a positive but realistic mind set and you'll be able to stay on track
>cease your worries
No can do at this point, you've been marked. I'll harass you like a few others here from now on
When did you turn into such a softy?
When ever i drink or when you became a bigger softy by getting hitched
Goodnight, enjoy claiming waifus anons!
You're so vivid and hope-inspiring about this, but if I make promises with you, I'll just psychologically lift the burden of actual delivery off of myself.
Instead, I'll just see where fate takes me, like always, and maybe be able to look back at this post in 5 years and see it all having worked out.
Harass me all you want, I've an ear for you to bite off always.
Anime is the japanese word for Animation. So REALLY any cartoon (wether it be Avatar, RWBY, Teen Titans, Steven Universe, ETC) can be considered an anime. So yes Skout is technically an Anime Waifu.
Also Nomad is fucking great. Too bad Season 2 probably won’t be happenin anytime soon (considering CAMP CAMP SEASON 4 and RWBY VOLUME 6 are Rooster Teeths top priorities).
Shit forgot the image
Wakfu is the best non-japanese anime second only to Avatar. You can't change my mind
Based. RWBY is also pretty good.....well it was until Monty died. RWBY CHIBI however is still great. Especially since its a lot like Montys RWBY....in the sense that its comedy is actually funny.
Letting yourself wander is fine, it's where most of us gain the most experience and wisdom. Have successes and make mistakes, own them all, reflect on them. It'll work out fine as long as you try
An harassed you will be
Goodnight earth-chan take care
Did OP kill your dog or something?
Pfff, what do u know
Have this (you)
As your father i know plenty
Yeah, sure.. daaad. I'll get to bed, cya
Not OP, but yeah. Dad threw my dog out the window after kicking it around the house.
You better go to bed, it's far past your bedtime. Take care buddy
Have a goodbye bump. Don't forget to wish your mother a happy mothers day
Touka from tokyo ghoul.
My first anime. Nice
Why? She's a hideous monster.
Since she eats people can she eat my cum without throwing up?
Heck no.
Speaking of moms, momoka's was pretty great.
she's trying to kill her daughter?
Osaka from azumanga daioh
Your point?
It is human so I can't see why not but that does suggest that anyone that has swallowed cum has committed a form of cannibalism.
socdem in the streets
white supremacy in the sheets
Would you let her suck your cock knowing she might rip it off and eat it?
Would you fuck a woman knowing she might falsely report you for rape. You have to take some risks.
High risk, high reward
howdy fellers
Are you the same person I was talking to?
relate to your waifu and off yourself
That last episode broke my heart.
These are me.
Then would you let her suck your cock knowing she might rip it off and eat it?
Yes assuming I some how make a relationship with her.
That's true love right there
It is user it is.
Hello again!
Sorry for being late, I was spending some time with my family
Well my birthday is close to my waifu so that is the only thing I can relate to her
Say goodbye to your dick.
I can be glad knowing that my dick is inside a woman.
I'm amazed you can love someone so much
Well you just bottle it up and one day it all comes out.
>ywn have a qt anime cowboy gf
why even live
She really deserves someone like you too....
holy fuck
You have got my feelings going user.
I'm sorry! ;_;
Why tho?
It's ok. Don't worry. Stay here please.
nigger faggot!
Hi Yui
how are you tonight?
Pretty fine and tired
How about you?
feeling like spaghetti
i gotta do homework.
Do your best!
Goodnight, hope everyone had a great day
where do you cuck fucks think you're going?
>14 hours long thread
To get this thread back on topic, my waifu is Nico Yazawa, aka Hit or Miss Girl. If you watch her anime, you know that she is top idol and is always trying her hardest to be the best. Of course, with her bad luck, it never works out. Regardless she always tries no matter what.
I want to hear what Duke has to say about this.
whomst is duke
Some faggot bitch who frequents these threads.
mine is hatoba tsugu because she is so cute i just want to watch her do normal everyday activities like feeding her fish and eating at a cafe
she's cute!
It's fucking gay