Pic Related. Hi guys...

Pic Related. Hi guys... I ordered glow in the dark paint to paint a canas with! I am doing a'glow-in-the-dark painting' however I dont know what to draw... Everything has been done already or improved... Any tips? Pic related...

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no suggestions ? oke


Use photoluminescent paint for the X-ray version.

Attached: albert_eisenstein.jpg (620x653, 72K)

still here, OP?

>ask /x/ for spooky ideas
>draw spookiest painting
>looks normal, with normal paints
>looks SPOOKIEST with spooky paint!

yeah, the basic concept has been done before, but never with /x/ help

Attached: spooky.jpg (480x640, 83K)

paint a dog
that in glow-in-the-dark paint turns into a cat

>Paint yourself (a faggot)
>Under glow-in-the-dark light you will appear to be (a faggot)

Well i like it

Make it more interesting; add UV pigments or fluorescents as well as visual range and photoluminescent paint.

Advantage this:
When illuminated in UV light the photoluminescent paint will "recharge" much faster and then shine much brighter than with visual-range light alone.

OP pls respond
or your mother will turn into a faggot in her sleep

Attached: 4635386052.jpg (2112x1614, 142K)

Cool, op! Im not celever enough to come up with any neat ideas, but I hope it goes well for you.

with bright enough UV - after brief exposure the photoluminescent paint will glow for a bit, even in ambient light.

Strongly suggest whatever else you do, invest in a decent UV light source. It will make your work and life much easier.

do glow in the dark shadow people standing over your bed

Attached: 0ZDaJvO_d.jpg (640x640, 35K)

op is looking for original ideas.

find or mix another (non-luminescent) paint to match the appearance of the glow-in-the-dark paint in ambient light.

Work on a dark canvas. Your final work will appear as one shade in both light and in the dark, as in the light-viewed painting the two paints look the same.

>Paint a self-portrait in visible paint
>Paint a self-portrait of you, dead, in luminescent

For extra spooky, do this in reverse order.

open the paint, mix it with some hard lacquer and flush it all down the toilet. Your toilet will glow forever after in some random and hopefully inspirational abstract swirl.

as per
Kill yourself.

you waited 3 minutes and 49 seconds after posting to abandon thread. Which is about the shittiest effort you could possibly make.

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Draw something like this with Stars glowing in night

Attached: 41671661-b23f-41c3-8b9d-99f573fad483.jpg (1185x1920, 829K)