Story time. Just got out of hospital

Story time. Just got out of hospital.

>Be me
>Pot smoker for years
>Super high tolerance
>Buy some weed from a sketchy dealer one day and smoke it with my girl
>About 4 hours pass and the high changes
>Think nothing off it.
>Get an extremely sharp pain in chest and heart is pounding.
>I couldn't talk or form sentences without slurring or stuttering hard core. (knew what I wanted to say just couldn't say it)
>Start shaking uncontrollably
>Call ambulance and they strap me to a machine and see my heart rate and blood pressure was alarmingly high and I was having some form of a heart attack.
>Get blood test done at hospital and im positive for speed and cocaine in my blood stream

Been in hospital since then and just got out today. Felt awful. My legs were completely numb and felt extremely extremely sleepy.

Any else experienced this with weed?

Attached: women_who_smoke_weed-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 81K)

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>Any else experienced this with weed?
Fuck no, there was something else in there dude.

>not buying weed from the shaggy haired guy who sat in the back of the class in third grade

real talk, cut the dealers balls off

the hardest part of believing this story is you saying you have a super high tolerance and then being high 4 hours later

weed probably isn't the problem here chief


That's because it had coke and speed mixed in the weed to make it stronger.

You're a fucking idiot. No one would cut weed with more expensive drugs. Why would they add coke and speed (that don't burn at the same temperature as pot) and waste their money?
Fucking moron.

Then why was it in my blood stream and why did my heart to clot? These are the facts buddy I'm not making this shit up to look cool on this website. Call me what you like I don't car I know there was something extremely wrong with that bud.

most likely it wasn't coke/speed, i would say that those were RC's, which are dirt cheap.

false positives exist

I once sold a dime to my friend for profit. I smoked some of it and wanted to make my money back. He bought it but he told me he felt extremely weird, kinda like how you described it. His chest was heavy and his heart was beating like a motherfucker. Said it felt like trippy, like in a pcp way. What was strange was i got none of those side effects. We still laugh about it today but i still feel a wee bit shitty about it.

The thing is my girlfriend felt fine, she experienced nothing that's out of line with normal weed.

its only may

>he doesnt know how to tell when his shit is laced
>he doesnt spread out a bit of smoke to see if its oily or not
>he doesnt know what odors to look out for
honestly? you deserve it, find a dealer you can trust or learn how to look out for bad signs

your a heavy smoker but didnt realize your weed was coated in crystals and powder? and who the fuck are you buying from some fucking nigger its 2019 bruh

This is a good point. Why would you do that. Beside you would notice it being on the weed in the form of powder or if it got on the weed through a liquid you would notice weird crystals. Sorry dude but this story is unlikely to be true. If it did happen though someone probably drugged you

Who knows, it was probably laced but in a lazy way where the dealer just sprinkled it on some of the bag and not all of it. It would make sense seeing as how shake always coagulates to one corner. Other drugs that are peppered in probably take on a similar behaviour. Wouldnt buy from that dude again, regardless.

OP ever heard of this video?

maybe it was laced with something else after all but got packed up while the guy was handling other drugs? it would show up on a blood test but it wouldnt be enough to actually be noticable on the product

how did you not taste the meth and coke, and not notice your heart rate sky rocketing your a fatty

I did trust this guy. He usually sells normal stuff. I just got back from university and wanted to smoke. I guess you're right it is my fault for not analysing the buds.

Any more tips user?

ive been buying stuff from my guy for 3 years now and i still always check what i get
call me paranoid but i dont want to get any shit and i have cut ties with dealers when i got a feeling i have been ripped off

in the end it helps to have experience. i know what clean and impurity-free weed smells and tastes like so i have a point of reference. but the ashes check is definitely something i would start with, just rub it onto a white paper. if it looks/feels oily, it has probably been cut with hair spray or something like that. from my experience (lynch me for it if you want, weedsters) seeds that were left in indicate sloppiness. you notice that if you occasionally hear crackling sounds while smoking a j. not necessarily bad by itself, but it makes me a bit more cautious about what i am actually smoking. try to get a point of reference and do trust your stomach feeling, if it tastes off or different, you should not cast that feeling aside and be careful.

>how did you not taste the meth and coke
never did it before

howd ya even meet the guy
didnt he seem a bit methed up to you? nobody who is serious about seeling weed would put amph in it, people generally want reliable repeat customers

weed maps. i never expected it

My best guess is he was about of weed and bought it from someone else to sell into me. I have never experienced that feeling in my life I honestly felt like my life was over and this is how it ends.

Out of weed*

dont you have some friend that could hook you up with someone? dodgy people are everywhere these days

idk where you are from but when cold copping i would always ask for a sample, or at least for a smell test
if the person has good intentions he will do it

nah man new city no friends yet

Speed is more expensive than weed? Where? Let me move to that place.

maybe try visiting some nightclubs? not actively asking where to buy but more like getting to know some people, eventually you will meet some people who know their shit and who can maybe hook you up
you could still get ripped off of course but the odds are way better

well im in
do you want to hit up the place where coke is cheaper than coffein patches afterwards?

They sprayed it with bug spray. Its called nade

I wanna mention that crack would hit you the second you smoke it

the have to vaporize meth and if you held the smoke in you wuold feel it definetly taste and smell it.
nice b8 m8

crack and weed is the shit. We used to call them poteys cuz they were "potent". Candy makes you dandy. Loved that shit

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Yeah this is bullshit. Smoking coke or meth takes hours to hit. I'm not believing OP at all

Is there a single goddamn reason why any drug dealer would do anything like this, ever?

weed bought from sleazeballs is weed best avoided
ignored by the medical people,are reactions to herbs which some people are allergic to in the way of plant oils,basil,reactions in some are like poison ivy inside the giblets, the guy might have put dried up grass cuttings in the stuff,cocaine,whose craving gets first timers hooked & back to buy more next week,