Holy shit guys the scat video was real with ProJared and Holly
Holy shit guys the scat video was real with ProJared and Holly
Well? Post it!
It involves Jared's groomed underage fans so I can't but maybe someone else will. I saw it posted on Yea Forums yesterday
Uh huh
>so I can’t
Isn’t that convenient.
Doesn't exist faggots.
Yes it does.
give description of video
Post proof.
>I can’t.
Jared is in the video for about a frame but you get a good view of holly's ass covered in shit. Also the bed is covered in plastic and shit but there's also shit all over the walls, rug, and birds freaking out flying and shitting every where. Then I saw what appeared to be possibly children appear in the video so I NOPED the fuck out and closed it immediately.
I don't know if it will be posted again but it was posted a few times the past couple days. I reported it to the FBI so that might be why the posting probably slowed down.
can confirm it exists
Can confirm you're a samefag, nigger.
that would explain why he leaves a qt 3.14 for a goblin girl.
wanted to start doing collabs with another pedo
I saw this exact same OP yesterday. How about you fuck off you unfunny prick
> I mad cause of this cancer
How can people not believe it was real when it was posted multiple times over the past few days
Bro did you guys see OP's micropenis??? Someone posted a link earlier and it's totally real!!!!!
Because it wasn’t posted multiple times over the past few days.
Can confirm OP's micropenis is real. I saw it.
Yes, it was. here's an example of a time it was posted: archived.moe
drink bleach fuckin newfags that missed it lol it's real
Damn not even an inch? I feel bad for OP.
Looks more mutilated than jared's
I couldn't even sleep last night it was soo fucked up dunno why i'm even back on Yea Forums
>there's also shit all over the walls, rug, and birds freaking out flying and shitting every where.
Now I'm confident it's not real, thanks user
It is real. Nothing you do can change the fact that it exists unless you delete it from whoever leaked it on Yea Forums anonymously's computer, delete it off probably Jared, Heidi, and Holly's computers if they didn't destroy their hard drives yet, and hack into the FBI's database and delete it.
my thoughts exactly when I saw it. lol it was fucked up tho
Damn! I missed this. I was on this drama train since the beginning but tuned out yesterday cause I thought nothing won't happen. Then today my friends kept telling me about it. Fuck! I should of kept following
Damn, OP should just get a penis replacement surgery
I saw it too and I wish i hadn't. Seriously, don't even try to look for it.
.....yah sure
It's real. Stomaching that truth is the hard part. There are people who will try to change your mind, I've just accepted that they don't understand because they missed the link and didn't see it. It sucks but to be honest there are worse realities
yeah it was real...
I wish it was but I saw it and I can never erase that nightmare from my mind...
it was posted all day long yesterday so I don't know how you didn't see it. you're wrong, it's real.
Sure is summer in here.
The video is definitely real.
Yeah I saw it, but it's better to let them believe what they want. It's already been reported so yeah.
Sauce so i can see it too b/ros?
it has Jared's underage groomed fans in it so it's illegal
for all we know the user who was originally posting the megas got fuckin v&
Yes underage kids that were fans of ProJared that he groomed appear in the video
Fake and gay kill yourself lol
not him, i wish it was fake but the sad reality is its real
There's no evidence of it so it's fake.
I couldn't believe it either. I hope they get raped and murdered in prison. PRobably will smear shit all over their cells fuckin psychos.
There's plenty of evidence. Even with all of it still say it's fake.
Oh look it's The Grifter pt. 2, except a lot less convincing this time
If I was a newshit maybe I would've been convinced
So I take it you missed when it was posted?
what actual evidence?
Is fake, if it were real both of them would be in jail already, fuck off mega faggots
All of the people who witnessed it and confirmed it was real.
It was posted only on Yea Forums a few times for a few minutes until it was deleted on mega so they wouldn't even have a chance to arrest them yet.
With nary a picture archived.
For all the people who have claimed to see this, all I see is this same description copypasted over and over.
If this actually existed a screenshot or a thumbnail would have been posted at some point by now
I saw it
Why would the description change?
WOW THAT'S WEIRD... most people don't want to post scat cp
No I saw it :)
No I did :)
so no actual evidence at all then
No I was the one who saw it :)
It was literally posted. There's video evidence.
People can upload shit with VPN or even in a shitty cibercafe, why nobody have done it already? BECAUSE IS FUCKING FAKE
It was getting posted I dunno why it stopped all of a sudden
no proof if it was it would be there now but it isnt so it's not real
It's the exact same paragraph copypasted word for word
people seem skiddish about posting them seeing as how the video is literally illegal
So one person copied what they said because they didn't feel like retyping it?
That fucking video man. I'm traumatized.
seems bullshit it would be over on 8 chan reddit facebook ect but it is isn't so it's fake
it wasn't posted on any of those sites and it was up for literally minutes.
fake then
no it's real
sure that's real sure sure
not lies
There's nothing funny about this. Holly and Jared created scat CP... it's one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.
I can't believe they were even capable of this.
no they didn't stop trying to force push your shitty meme
it did not happen you did not see it you are a liar
stop lying you might feel better about your Yea Forumstard life
wtf is this all bout ????
quick rundown ???
How the fuck was it CP. Did they invite some of their underaged fans to their Scat Dungeon? I dont fucking think so.
You fucking nigger you didn't even see the video. Jontron was having Jacques shit all over Holly and Jared. There was no human feces in that video at all.
A youtuber called ProJared was found out to be the leader of a pedo ring and made a video of himself and his friend's ex wife cheating on his wife by having scat sex and shitting on some of his underage fans.
I've been no-life active on b all week not seen one vid link. Fuck off fag.
*cough* bullshit *cough*
Don't listen to this fucking samefag
You fucking missed it then retard
you can not miss what was not ever there
That's what really happened.
There was tons of bird shit that's true
post the video, already!
It doesn't exist.
it kind of didn't though
so why lie?
do you really need the attention that bad?
That was season 1 of Mighty Ducks.
There's literally nothing there you retard.
I am the one who saw it
yes it does
Ok so you're retarded
so still no proof! you are worse than a democrat journalist
nah you really didn't
find the scat cp yourself newfag I can't spoonfeed any harder
No me :)
How do you know? inb4 HURRR DURR IT ISN'T REAL
it's not real though is it
it is just you trying to force a meme that pushes some shitty agenda you have
Jared is in the video for about a frame but you get a good view of holly's ass covered in shit. Also the bed is covered in plastic and shit but there's also shit all over the walls, rug, and birds freaking out flying and shitting every where. Then I saw what appeared to be possibly children appear in the video so I NOPED the fuck out and closed it immediately.
No u,
not that guy but it's real and extremely fuck up
and how is it cp if it two legal age adults? are you that inconsistent with your own lies
it involves Jared's underage groomed fans
yeah more lies
but not according to your original lie it was holly so .... you are a liar and a bad one at that
are you retarded? It involved Holly, Jared, and his brainwashed underage fans
It's not a lie but you're better off not seeing it anyway.
so now the lie involves more people wow pretty soon you will convince yourself of your own lie being the truth
Everyone who saw it has been saying the exact same thing for the past 2 days. Go back to sleep David.
its all bs
but i'm not tired and my name isn't david
11th post in the thread:
Good night niggers!
its real
Well, it's past your bedtime regardless. And yes it is, David.
>saying the exact same thing
This part is true, at least.
nah its barley 7pm and told you i'm not david but i am done shit posting for the evening
>Then I saw what appeared to be possibly children appear in the video
You shouldn't have, that's where it gets real good. It's not kids, it's midgets dressed up in bird costumes and the all start doing mating dances with each other while Holly judges their performance on a scale of 0-10 by drawing the number on the wall with Jareds shit-covered penis.
OH SHIT really?!?!?
jesus im dying .... just what in the world
You can do better than that, David.
Is it CP if no child is captured in the images?
Frankly this is all disgusting and you should be ashamed for caring so much. Let it die.
Poor Ross.
cropped cp isn't allowed
It's real btw
The Aristocrats!
Here faggots. This is before they start pooping. Notice the toilet paper. Now shut the fuck up about it being fake. It's real.
I want to believe that's Holly's ass. Anymore good caps?
don't spoonfeed the newfags
That can’t be Holly
Hope this shuts up all the fuckers saying it isn't real
This is one of the greatest trolls ever because so many people actually believe it. You would have to be room temperature IQ to not realize if it was real it most certainly wouldn't even be a question anymore. Seriously read a book
Alright, I was wrong. I was one of the people who doubted the existence of the scat video... But it is real.
it is real
Where the webms at?
It doesn't you retard no face no shit no plastic on the bed go eat a spoon of dicks.
I was like who the fuck are they talking about.
Then I read this, lol
Please post more holly nudes
They know...
they put the plastic on once they start pooping
Where's the plastic sheet then?
>Generic picture of a woman on bed with vaguely similar looking haircut proving anything
Sure pal.