Are antifa's the real nazi's?

are antifa's the real nazi's?

Attached: nazis-commies-antifa-1504116355.jpg (750x971, 95K)

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The Nazi's wanted to rule the world, antifas want a one world government, alt right want every country to keep their own laws, rules and traditionals.

absolute bullshit

Does this image offend you? If so, why?

Attached: image.jpg (960x540, 88K)


Hitler liked free markets. He just wanted to nationalize industries like power and transportation.

Attached: nazis.gif (400x328, 902K)

Loves indivualism, loves free speech, loves the free market (a lot), loves free elections (but are they?).

Would shoot an SJW in the head. Thank you, our fat pink haired overlords, for our near future of not even being able to say "fuck" like we're about to live Demolition Man or something. Fucking Google actually took "don't be evil" out of their corporate creed a few years back, what the hell?

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Jealous? Burning flags is ape behavour. Untermensch.

Attached: 4QwJzXD.jpg (500x391, 26K)

This is your average antifag.

Attached: 1543117995493.png (1000x1000, 1.32M)

Hi Ben Shapiro. Sorry about the whole Andrew Neil thing.