What do you think about Ted Bundy?

What do you think about Ted Bundy?

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The stuff he said at the shoe store was hilarious

He's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything

Showed the world the truth that is subjective morals. If you think "this is morally accaptable" then it is and noone in the world can change that view, because your own will is the driving force behind every action you take and its the same for everyone else. Today most people including me would say he is morally unaccaptable so we put him into jail, but if I wake up tomorrow and think "this is okay to do" then it will be okay to do and noone can change that.

A fat lady came into the store today...

...I beat her with a tire iron until she stopped moving, raped her corpse, and dumped it in the woods.

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He talked way too much and wasn't that interesting. One of the movies about him was good, though.

He had some good ideas

he's just another mentally insane killer whose exclusively praised because he seems like a "normal guy" and is somewhat attractive to most people

Good riddance.

Charles Manson is the better one

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if you study bundy for a little while you'll suddenly realise he is the ONLY serial killer that killed for fame. for ted is wasn't sexual, it wasn't about power or control it was simply about being famous. it was narcissism run wild and out of control.

I agree with you, user. He seemed way too in control to have committed such impulsive crimes. And it also didn't seem to be about controlling someone.

How did you come to your conclusion?

I don't think it was entirely for fame, I think some of it was sexual too. he practically only killed women, and raped many of them. in his interview he blamed everything on his addiction to porn, which I think is his way of sparking even more fear into the public even after he's dead. I think his prime motive was to make everybody fear him, while he's alive and while he's dead. he was studying to be a lawyer to be able to represent himself, so he's seen as a very casual person, charming and intelligent. I think he wanted to make people be scared of the people around them, basically saying that anybody could be a serial killer

>he practically only killed women
Probably because they're dumber and easier. I agree with this other user; I think it was all for fame, and I also think it was for shock value; he like shocking people.

This tbh. He just seemed boring to me and undeserving of all the attention he got. He was an early example of the media making a celebrity of someone who didn't deserve it.

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Not a fame killer. A sex killer. He did everything not to get caught. When he was discovered he enjoyed the fame just like any other killer. You are over thinking it.

How do you know? You typed that as if you actually knew this guy.

The world is better off without him

Read about 5 books and thought.... what's the simplest conclusion

>He was an early example of the media making a celebrity of someone who didn't deserve it.
Exactly. I feel like they could make anyone sound "fascinating" if the so desired. It's all meaningless. He was a murderer, but the media sensationalized him as "pure evil" and some kind of genius, when he was simply a guy looking for nonstop fame and attention.

If he wanted fame? Why deny it for 10 years?

What do you mean? He needed time to become famous in the first place.

Not really anything, to be honest.

Bundy was an Addict. Only his addiction was sexual violence and murder. He was as out of control as any addict in the throes of addiction.

His case was weird since everyone kept indulging his narcissism. He fucking loved the attention, just like all narcissists. And at the end there was nothing really special about him other than a nice haircut and some charm.

it was while watching some of his later interviews. ted just had this glint in his eye when the camera was around and that glint said "show time!". this was very apparent when he fired his lawyers and decided to represent himself, because that way it would be ted front and center and nobody else. i don't think he was as smart as he would have had people believe, but he was certainly brilliant at the celebrity game.

yea, i think ted blaming porn was a red herring for sure. his motive of wanting to be feared i would disagree tho. i believe ted took inspiration from ed gein due to the huge amount of news generated by ed geins crimes that ted tried to emulate even down to the trophies he kept of his victims. geins had his masks made from human faces and ted used to put makeup on the decapitated heads he had. now exactly why ted decided to start killing i'm not sure, but i think it was something other than fear.

>got sloppy
>got attached to someone
>got comfortable
>extreme narcissist
Dude was just a fucking loser who wanted attention.

What about the coed killer aka Ed Kemper?

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Another version of Ted Bundy. Like Bundy, Kemper doesn't do much for me. And he, too, talks way too much in interviews.

probably the smartest killer i know. extremely intelligent, in fact i'd go so far as to say he is shy of showing just how smart he is.

Checked and this.

I watched all of his interviews, and I think he's a retard. I don't put much stock in IQs.

Are you retarded? Bundy himself admitted to feeling an overwhelming urge to kill. To paraphrase his own words, "I knew I couldn't control it".

This thread is full of wannabe amateur psychologists who don't know the first thing about Bundy. I bet you all believe his alleged scapegoating of pornography was just that as well.

>Bundy himself admitted to feeling an overwhelming urge to kill.
You clearly have no clue about Bundy. Bundy said shit like that for the PRESS. He even claimed an "entity" lived inside him at one point. Bundy was many things, but to say he wasn't in control is retarded.

>his alleged scapegoating of pornography
Bundy LITERALLY only ever mentioned BDSM porn as a root cause for his actions a few days before his death. Shut up retard.

Nice lamps. He should make a couch.

>Bundy LITERALLY only ever mentioned BDSM porn as a root cause for his actions a few days before his death.
This. He was just trying to escape the chair as anyone else would do. But like everything else he said, they devoted way too much attention to it.

He should have shaved that stache, to be honest.

it is nice to be 14, isn't it?

>I don't put much stock in IQs.
Yeah that's because you're a retard.

No, because I'm not a brainless retard who trusts some test, which, in his case, was from the 1970s or before.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies

KEKKK banned for cp youtube.com/watch?v=3GeD95KwwkQ for no reason

He murdered women, and would sometimes keep their severed heads at his house or return to the dump sites to have sex with their corpses.

How does that have anything to do with 'wanting to be famous' you dumb fuck?

he literally got caught the first time because he used his real name when he picked up victims at the park.

also, he had to get drunk to work up the courage to do it.

really not that impressive as everyone thinks

He represents everything American, and generic women love him.
It's disgusting, but he sells and fucks.
He's the penultimate proof that evil will always triumph over good.
Fucked up, but true.

Zac Efron is my husbando

Uncultured swine.

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He both amuses and disgusts me

You know how we have shooters that are big for a few months nowadays? He was one of the more recent killers to make it a thing- using the media to further their image and 'ideals'
But we haven't had a good murderer in a while. Its a long time coming, I suppose.

Charles manson was an edgy hippie. Jeffrey Dahmer now thats an Alpha serial killer.

Sure, an alpha in the beta sense. Manson was psychologically controlling these people he united into one big "family", getting them to do all his dirty work. He didn't have to do a thing but say the word.