Will he kill himself?

Will he kill himself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's a jew. They don't really feel shame.

He's a stallion.he puts his dick in some less than attractive women but he's a scumbag with no moral compass.someone will bury this pile of skunk stool soon enough.

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God I hope so. There hasn't been any notable updates since yesterday when he tweeted this.

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Please do.

>Will he kill himself?


Apparently he's had a history of letting depressive things slip on stream. So possibly. Unless he's gone full sociopath.

I doubt he will, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did

The slower pace of these threads on Yea Forums are indicative of how the drama is now dying down.

Yes if reddit and tumblr get their hands on the scat video.

hey, to the dipshit in the last thread that tried to link me a claim about defmation, read youre own fucking link dipshit,

"First, if the actor who makes oral or written statements about another individual can prove that they are true and have not just been uttered as rumor, that is a defense to defamation."


There is a scat video?

Uses the last of his jewtube money to hire hitmen on those who wronged him.

Or commits seppuku or murder/suicide. He's a ticking time bomb right now.

everyone in this thread kys
including me

Holly will probably attempt to off herself. Her Twitter feed revealed how much of a fucked-up sad sack she is before she locked it down.

theres no scat video you fucking mongoloid

Why am I supposed to give a shit about what he does in his spare time, in bed, or whatever?

Like srsly... why are people so obsessed with this shit.

Christians don't want people have sex in a different way they do. Liberals want you to learn some 8 word "identity" that really boils down to how/when/who they like to fuck.

There's only certain people who should give a fuck about my fucking, and I should give a fuck about theirs... and it's the people with whom I fuck!

So he cheated on his wife? So what.
So she cheated on him years ago? So what.
So the chick she cheated on her with is some cunt? So what.
So he supposedly solicited pics from fans? So what.

People fuck... that's what they do. If people fucked him, that's on them. If they sent him pics. That's on them.

So why is it again I'm supposed to give a flying fuck?

But I'm cozy in bed

Plus everyone is still praising Tiger Woods despite him doing 10x worse. People are stupid, reactionary and very forgetful. ProJared's career isn't "over". Watch him take a massive social media break then get back into it like nothing happened. Hardcore fans will always come crawling back.

Apparently she had an abusive mother growing up. That's why she's such a mentally ill, insecure, wreck. If you're mentally ill you probably shouldn't cuck your husband with bird-man with a mushroom dick.

Yes there is don't listen to the retards that haven't seen it yet. My sources say it will be posted again in a few hours.

That's no excuse for filming scat cp

she didnt cheat on her husband, theres no evidence to even suggest that.

someone post the dick pic


dont reply to yourself, its sad

That thing that never happened

Was Holly divorced before she slept with Jared?

That wont happen. Since April of last year, he's only gained 33,000 subs which he's lost five fold in three days. He hasnt uploaded an actual video on his main channel for almost a year with him justifying it with mental health issues, i.e cucking my wife. That's why his fans dropped him so easily, cause he stopped giving a shit about his main channel.

Going to post this request i got in the yesterday's thread, also did a scat one, but don't know if i should post it...

Attached: Why 7.png (1576x1312, 92K)

yes it did



>In the Fall of last year, Ross says that he and Holly divorced cause she wanted to move to Seattle and he didn't
>Seattle just so happen to be where Jared moved to recently at the time.
Do the math pal.

Holly on the other hand...

Post pics with everything but Jared blacked out

he was really depressed while things were building up before exploding in public. I was worried he might hang himself then, but now I don't know...
no one can handle this kind of overblown reaction. Humans just didn't evolve to process that
When he would get one negative comment every once and a while, he really cared about it and was affected by it. But now that literally the whole planet is shitting on him, I think the natural response is just to be desensitized

He'll probably come back as Punished Jared and act completely different

Nobody knows

Winning some $$$ at bd.vidslotz.com


You're going to have to wait til it's posted again. You have no other option.

all indications say nothing started until the month after her divorce was final, 6 moths after it started.

prove it then. you cant. its fake. stop lying.

"Won't be able to make it"
>Got kicked off the panel

I don't necessarily disagree with you, however there's always a time for comeback and this is case pretty fucking mild. DrDisrespect from Twitch comes immediately to mind as a success story. I enjoyed ProJared's old content and there's potential to bring it back.

The tweet he's made seemed somewhat sociopathic with him pretending nothing's wrong.

I did it extremely mild, since i don't have experience drawing scat and don't wanted to do something really nasty... but, oh well, here it is, sorry if you see this.

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>Punished Jared


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Fucking hell cuck literally means anything now

Well the thing is that Dr. Disrespect brought it up on stream himself and seems to have improved himself and stuck with his wife. Jared on the other hand has acted like a sexual deviant for years only for it to all be revealed by others just a few days ago. Also, Jared has to deal with CP allegations, that's a major difference.

it's like if you have a stain on your desk you may want to clean it, and try really hard if it's not coming out.
But if you come back from work and your desk is literally SUNK in a pile of shit 3 times its size, you just don't even bother. I think it's a natural behavior

Shut up cuck

Maybe but hes getting used right now

I think it was just a throwaway tweet to just let people know he won't be going, but at the same time why even post it as its super obvious he wouldn't be going and why did he not make it more robotic? "Due to the current personal situation I am in, I will not be attending Descent" but the way he did it was as you said, just like lol sorry guys, have fun!

How bad are the nudes, did anyone save them?

Can someone explain this 18+ Snapchat group I keep reading about he ran?

I almost believed you

Even Inside Edition has covered it

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Yeah I suppose, but it's way too early to make any solid conclusions about any of this. I'm by no means a sympathizer to ProJared, however I'm almost wishing for him to make a comeback just to stick it to all of these people going after him, ya know? Especially all of the equally toxic Youtubers rushing to make content just to jump on the drama bandwagon for views/cash.

It's something along the lines of he spoke to fans and traded nudes with them under the guise of a "body positivity" guise and there was also a Tumblr page he ran (Whether he was open that he was Projared no idea) where they were also posted. Theres been a few people who've come forward though saying the convos got quite sexual and in certain cases some of the fans were as young as 16

>My sources

My sources tell me this whole thing is made up.

How could Holly resist such a handsom boy?

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Thanks! So this was going on for some time then. The tumblr ban was a while ago...

>filming scat cp

First they said he was killing a cat.
Now it's evolved into filming scat.

Seriously, are most of you people retarded?

You are a god

Disprespect also cheated on his wife with a nobody, just a shitty cheating situation and that's it.

Jared on the other hand banged ANOTHER eceleb who was married to ANOTHER eceleb who was part of Game Grumps who are pretty big in the gaming youtube land so while only Dr Disprect fans knew about his situation, its not like his wife of the mistress had a platform or any scandal to make it huge. Jareds got his wife, Holly to deal with and be extension Ross, Arin, Danny, JonTron, PBG and a whole plethora of other youtubers whose fans are going to hear of this story and how its blown up into such a shit show

This isnt even talking about the snapchat nudes underage shit

I seen it

I doubt he will, but would be funny to see imo

He gon commit seppuku.

Extremely bad and fucking disgusting. He and Holly recorded themselves shitting on underage fans

There's some people saying it's not confirmed and theres no actual proof, and all the posts claiming to be are just lies, but with all the dodgy pics of him suddenly flying out such as and the people coming forward it does seem legit

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Well humans are vindictive pieces of shit that will put eachother down for our own benefit. Projared did the same thing by shitting on Jontron after his "redpill tourette's" with Destiny. Like it or not, that's how the world operates unfortunately.

Just wait.

hey man I just saw the vid with my own eyes so it's real

He'll claim to be trans first, then kill himself later.

don't think so, I'm putting my money on vanishing from public eye or ''''failed suicide attempt''''

Because he solicited(and got) pics from minors. Which is a crime. If you are trying to be funny by using the word "fuck" alot, you have failed miserably at it, as well as failing to string together a cohesive thought.

Drink bleach.

You gotta go back

he either becomes immune to it or ends himself.
He was living in mild depression, letting every little thing bother him.
"oh no i only got 20k views my channel is dead" lol
this is like the whole internet slapping him in the face and asking if he's a pussy or what

if he comes back from it he'll be a man, not this tumblr softboi he has pretended to be

He cute

>Just wait.
For what? The public release of a child porn vid?

The level of retardation in this thread is sad

I saw a poster that said if he just comes out as gay and was 'very confused at the time and didn't know what he wanted and wants help' the tumblr storm will come to his defense, regardless of what he's done. Knowing tumblr, possibly could work, not enough to save his channel, but enough to give him some sorta spotlight still

Don’t forget the thread theme, OP.


Because I can see Jared singing this at karaoke

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So I'm to believe some stupid internet rumour?

Go fuck yourself.

If that person comes forward, turns over the evidence of it to the police, and files a case against him.

Then I'll give a shit.

But some hearsay bs told by you, why in the fuck should I care what you say you read on the internet?

The internet also says the earth is flat, vaccines give you autism, and donald trump is a genius business man.

Go fuck yourself.

And Right now LivestreamFail is shitting on Destiny for DM'ing GoT spoilers to people who shit on his reaction to them.

Woah man they can't post it because it's got kids in

and for some reason no one at all has edited it so we can't see the kids or posted any shred of evidence of its existance, but just beleive it because strangers on the internet said it's real.

I don't know whats worse. People saying its real and they've seen it, or people believing them

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>if he comes back from it he'll be a man, not this tumblr softboi he has pretended to be
So Punished Jared? I'd love to see that shit. That'd be way better than a suicide live stream.

I see him pulling a Shmorky and 100% bailing to god knows where.

This didn't work for Kevin Spacey, so it definitely won't work for a C-Tier e-celeb either.

This is what he gets for posting gay DnD shit no one cares about and shitting on children on video.

>Projared did the same thing by shitting on Jontron after his "redpill tourette's" with Destiny
Wasn't that peanutnigger?

Logic is gay zoomer shit bruh.

People who have seen it posted multiple times the past couple days are laughing at you right now

nah, that was Jon

That's unironically based.

I think the difference is the audience though, I can't see Tumblr giving a shit about Spacey because he's an older man who just seemed to blurt it out in natural defence, while Projared caters to younger audiences who go on Tumblr and if he played it well, I reckon he could get some people on his side

for all the wrong reasons

I had absolutely no idea who projared was 4 days ago.
I’m also 40

>Dr. Disrespect
People did the math
His wife was pregnant when his cheating scandal came out, although she must have been really early in the pregnancy she might not have had any signs.

Right. And yeah we all know most of us are backstabbing sacks of shit. I'm just making a point that every time something sensational happens to a celebrity (of any status) people rush and make so many claims and do nothing but feed the rumor train. Then. Nothing. Happens. If anything criminal comes from all of it maybe I'd agree to some sort of career ender. Give it time. I'm sure he'll make an appearance in the future and continue to make his own content again in some capacity.

>Yet still no censored screenshots of this fabled desolation of Jared video

Golly I wonder why

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I mean didn't peanutnigger shit on safari not jared?

It's all over the news

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Didn't he call Jon out for whatever reason and PBJ got involved sucking Jared dick because he's a little bitch?

Hi jared

>continue to make his own content again in some capacity.
That's the thing. He hasnt even uploaded an actual video on his main channel for a year. I cant imagine how long of a haitus he'll have to take when this drama dies and if anyone would give a shit when he tries to make a comeback.

I'm gonna copy paste this stuff some user posted earlier

>Literally everyone hates Projared now. His antics piss off so many people because there is also the element of deception and betrayal. His viewers hate him because he is a liar and a cheat, feminists hate him because of his conduct towards women, and the antifeminists also hate him because he was accusing them of that which he was guilty. The drama from Pewdiepie, Jontron, etc only pisses off particular demographics, most of whom were generally opposed to them to begin with, which is why they're still going strong. Projared is fucked because he hasn't only pissed off the people who liked him, but he has also unified them with people they used to hate

It's all over my dudes

all the normal boots guys did iirc
everyone jumped on him cause they virtue signal

Just waiting for that apology video

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I legit was going to be like "who is jared", then realized that's dude mans name.


Both of them did.

There have been some posted actually.

Where are all the nudes of his female fans?!?!

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It's a lot of fun. I was interested in his content as he had some good stuff, but I'm not really that bothered it's gone to shit as it's not a massive loss. Everyone loves a good witch hunt and it's fun to actually understand wtf is going on with a youtuber I'm aware of unlike every other time it's some douchetuber cunt

Jon will never die

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oh come on now, don't you think that's a little too easy?

Saw this too and its absolutely correct. Jon had his defenders on /pol/ and anti-SJW communities. Jared has literraly no one unless you count the b8ing autists of Yea Forums, which isn't saying much.

That's a good point. I'm stil lwondering WHERE all his nudes have come from all of a sudden. If they were around before they deffo would've come online a long time ago, but why now? Why suddenly his dick is everywhere and these other odd nudes but not much else? I think the tumblr snapchat thing has some credibility with even Heidi saying she was aware of it but there's nothing definitive yet

There's nothing to defend though, he didn't do anything special

That's why I want him to try as it will be an absolute bloodbath. I haven't seen a man get pariahed this hard in YEARS

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Jon had people who shared ideologies with him, OR perceived ideologies, supporting him.

Jared is fucked not because he pissed the wrong people off. But because he doesn't have a distinct enough niche ideology for anyone to commune with him on.

Because all you faggots only give a shit about stupid view points of the world and protecting them with one another via loyalty.

Why you people give a fuck is beyond me.

Heidi was aware and encouraged the soliciting of nudes from minors. She is going to jail.

Got anyone who comes to mind? Spoony maybe, but his descent took years to unfold. Jared's downward spiral happened after a single tweet.

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Sounds like someone is mad, if you don't care why are you posting?

Doubt it. Probably gonna take a break from youtube to focus on his cuck fetish fantasy, get aids, and then die of that instead.

dawww. that's kind of cute

too ugly fucks found each other

we should be happy for them!

if he does an apology video crying on camera I'll fucking disown him

I kinda liked him for not yelling at my face at every opportunity like most youtubers. Also liked that he played some retro rpgs instead of going the easy route of "4 episodes of whatever new release and moving on". As if he had some integrity and was not doing it just for the views.
Even now I'm still kind of alright and would probably watch his stuff if he came back after a while.
He doing one of those fake ass #youtubedrama template apology videos is the one thing that would push me over the edge

what about anything I said seems "mad"?

The hiatus has been really disappointing. I never watched any of his letsplay stuff. Do you think the livestreaming would ever work out for him in the future compared to his old review content? I've always felt that there's just something about live (Twitch/Youtube/Dlive/etc) where you can filter out the toxic people coming to troll with decent moderation. Fans will be loyal.

I heard he was wearing a hat

Although Ross says he's not concerning himself with all this and he shouldn't its nothing to do with him.

I just hope he's happy

God I really can't, literally the only thing I can think of is the Logan Paul in Japan incident but not like it detracted his core fanbase, just everyone else.

I was counting on him to do all the FF games so I didn't have to play them

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It’s about a caller threatening to kill himself to the hotline. Insert ProJared into that song and it makes total sense

Logical endgame is Ross ending up with Heidi, it’s only fair

Havent got a clue. Considering his mods on r/Projared have shat on him I dont think his Twitch mods will be any kinder. If the bitch boys who work for you for free hate you, I cant imagine he'd have a loyal following after the fact. Him abandoning his channel for a year, under the guise of mental illness, seems to have had serious repercussions for Jared as fans seemed to have dropped him faster than I would have expected.

the kind of people he would get as mods though. Such a high extreme on the feminist tumblrina stereotype that you'd think it's a parody. He literally did this to himself

I'm not saying he should be /pol/ incarnate but jesus fuck. Just chilling with the tumblr pandering while cheating on his wife would at least not drive away the kind of person who would defend him from this.

Picture the type of person who wouldn't hate him for this "scandal". I guarantee they would be instabanned on jared's streams

I haven't watch ProJared in a few years and this is like finding out an old friend of yours you got seperated from during your youth went to prison for beating his girlfriend. It's just sad because I loved his content

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there's some twitch streamer who cheated on his fiance and finally broke up with her weeks before their wedding. He just made a formal post saying "respect our privacy" and shit. Was back on track within days, and even got a bunch of donation money out of sympathy.
Jared's situation could have been exactly the same if he didn't pander to witch hunting freaks

Never knew about the subreddit. Interesting. Regardless, I'm eager to see how it all plays out like anyone else. Not to make a huge comparison, I'm just thinking of all the shit Tiger Woods went through years ago. Social media went insane with burning his merchandise and companies dropping their sponsorships left and right. Only recently are people buying his shit again and praising the man despite reminding them of what they previously thought about the entire situation. People are just surprisingly forgetful and retarded and I can't shake that feeling is all.


God just imagine what happened after this video was filmed, Jared slamming his scrawny mushroom twink cock deep into Holly's cloaca in the backseat of the car. Holly moaning and squawking while Jared pulls on her pink hair and grunts with every thrust. Sweat drips down his smooth hairless chest while his eyes bulge out of his head in pure thrill and ecstasy. Them looking deep into each other's eyes, knowing full well just how wrong this is but how right it feels, before Holly wraps her legs around Jared's waist and he finishes with one mighty push. Now imagine Holly dropping Jared off back home, making small talk with Heidi at the door while the two of them exchange little glances, silently laughing with each other about how unaware Heidi is, and knowing full well they'll be exchanging nudes with each other much later tonight.

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>I dont think his Twitch mods will be any kinder.
When it first started out several people in his offline chat where shitting on him.
I checked overrustlelogs.net but they don't seem to have any records on him, I guess he didn't stream/was not popular enough.
His twitch channel bio is also outdated.

Attached: ProJared Twitch bio.png (1053x899, 136K)

the solicitation rumors would have still dogged him.

Tiger Woods and even Mel Gibson were A-list celeberties so it kinda makes sense that they bounced back eventually. Jared on the other hand is a C-tier e-celeb in a niche community whose drama has affected, and pissed off, other communities, i.e Game Grumps. Safe to say that Projared won't be getting the same leway as a Hollywood celeb. Hell, even Kevin Spacey is still in film roles after his drama. This simply isn't an even playing field for Jared.

if not, he's going to disappear from the internet, he'll have to be god to possibly save his youtube channels

Unironically this

I heard that he only streamed once a month as of late. Seemed like a side thing for his career as someone who used to watch his Nuzlocke streams.

It's very likely.

>Because he solicited(and got) pics from minors
This. Cheating is a Chad/Stacy's way of breaking up with a loser anyway. Trying to diddle your underage fans, however, is crooked as fuck.

I honestly can't believe the virtue signaling has gotten bad enough that "HE CHEEEEEEEEEEADEEEEEED :(((((((" is more prominent and offensive to these brainlets than "Hey guys, ProJared sent his pelvis pluteus to some children"


Let’s hope so

this lynch mob is always around hunting around for controversy so they can discharge their pile up hatred they can't let go anywhere else (because muh feeeeelings)
jared's downfall was to profit from this kind of people, attracting them and constantly validating their opinions, and shooing away anyone who disagreed.

It's literally just a bad business plan.
People less famous than jared bounced back from stuff like this, and obviously more famous ones did too. The problem is not with numbers, is what his fame was built on

Was there any proof to back it up or is it more #metoo bs?

>If you're mentally ill you probably shouldn't cuck your husband with bird-man with a mushroom dick.
i need to write that down. thanks, dude.

here's the thing - he's ugly as an ostrich. He's also a boring ass who hasn't made a video in a while. Based on what he did to his fans, it's very plausible that he manipulated Holly just like his fans.

who cares? is this because he bought a webcam and talked about Hydlide as a 2nd wave angry reviewer?

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt

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I keep shitting on him but I liked him and his channel is actually the first I ever subscribed to, like 10+ years ago

Yeah, fucking same, dude.

I know that feel bro. I loved his Drake of the 99 Dragons review as a kid

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Proof for what? The abuse, or the kiddie photos?

Nah, Jared is in that terrible sweet spot, not unpopular enough to hide away from all the criticism (especially since media wrote pieces on him), not famous enough to have fans defend him no matter what he does.


Dislike my shit

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Losing 18% of your subs in 3 days. That has to be a record.

God I love this drama so much, is this one of the biggest shitstorms on youtube in terms of fucking up a career?

the only time I'm not feeling bad about what happened to jared is when I'm making fun of him online

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or what about the time he showed up on some Disney show as a "safe" cameo and instead if saying nothing/little about it, he kinda flamed the show's content potentially burning bridges for other content creators?

I think that scene/episode was headed by Dan Schnider as well to boot. It's all fucking connected

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the funny thing is that when he signed up for that show one of the more recent videos was his the TOP TEN DICKS IN GAMING video

Litterally anything, because if there isn't I'm calling bull on the whole charade

Spoony maybe, but his descent into madness hapoened over multiple years. Jared got his career ruined from a single tweet.

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honestly hope holly fucking kills herself

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>now under 850k subs

i don't know whether to respect the guy or be skeeved out he was banging fangirls at conventions in hotel rooms



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the goddess can never die

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Suicide by cop?

If this guy can get pussy, then I can too.

hark! i implore thee to, perchance, address this passage, so thine female progenitor shalt not perish following the sun's setting!

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how is them posting this NOT "revenge porn"?

I'm very ashamed to have been a fan of hers. I used to have a fanboy crush, but now I just hope she ends up broken.

Suicide? I don't wish that on anyone. But frankly, I can't find a fuck to give for her anymore.

Jesus fuck.
So fucking glad 99% you fags here aren't internet famous, or there'd be far more instances of shit like this.

I've posted my dick here, but never attached to my identity or with my fucking face in frame. What is wrong with him?

What about James Charles?

The Rabbi felt that one

I hope she comes out of this okay. She was pretty much doing only switch and merch, so her career might be slow to restart, so hopefully she saved her income. The right thing for her to do at this point would be to do a statement-picture on twitter and air every single detail, good and bad, and apoligize to Hiedi. The only thing that could fuck that up is if she actually loves Jared... in witch case I'm out of ideas.

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What's sad is all the fucking lurkers who don't even post

Yeah just his? sub count and he's set to lose well over 20% in a few days. Jared couldn't keep his his sub loss record. Can he even be more JUST-ed?

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That was to a bunch of anonymous adults, not to an underaged girl in direct messages with your name attached. Apples to pears IMO

pretty much this.

from the left he's basically been #metoo'd

from the right his whole sailor moon cosplay and twink scrawny body pics are just too fucking gay to bear


would that not be the highest tier of 4 dimensional chess to get themselves out of the shit they're in?

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Dont forget his virtue signaling feminism on Twitter. Anti-SJW channels have gone buck wild with that shit.

I was disappointed to hear that she was involved in this whole fiasco as the mistress, I would have never imagined that Holly would be capable of doing something let alone actually go through with it.

>Jon had people who shared ideologies with him, OR perceived ideologies, supporting him.
Or you have people like myself who, like Jon himself has done already, denounce everything he said in that debate stream, but still support him as a content creator and person. In fact, I'm convinced Jon was drunk enough during the stream to not know what he was saying but not so drunk he was slurring his speech.

jared was really openly feminist on his gameplay channel and twitch, which apparently most people didn’t know existed... he had a clear political stance. it’s by acting directly against it that he pissed off everybody

Show me when he actually denounced or retracted his opinions.

I'll wait.

She seemed to have divorced Ross because he refused to move to Seattle where Jared lived. That tells me that Holly divorced Ross, who genuinely loved her, so she could continue her affair with Jared. That alone seems indicative of her true personality. For her her to just toss away Ross like that his awful. He's unionically better looking than Holly too.

Attached: Ross.jpg (500x500, 90K)

Jesus Christ that watermark is horrible.

So I interviewed Holly for a blog thing at SDCC like 12 yrs ago, completely forgot she existed, then all of a sudden she's popping up on Yea Forums and Reddit.

So that's kinda weird.

H3H3 podcast. There's a clip of the exact moment on Youtube somewhere.

Inherently sexual people express themselves sexually through images, jealous people upset and end marriages over it. More stupid at 11 Jim

>it’s by acting directly against it that he pissed off everybody
Wouldn't be the first time a vocal male feminist has done shit like this before, sadly. Sargon of Akkad has a video documenting a startling number of these cases

Did anything strike you as off about her? Heard from fans that she's a bit spazzy.

That's accurate. She was the typical "goofy nerdy girl". She was doing her Commander Shepard cosplay thing and seemed nice but pretty spazy.

Jared allegedly posted a girls nudes on his Tumblr blog but the entire blog got deleted.
fun fact, even if the blog is deleted sometimes the pics are saved on someone else page if they share it.

>Jon himself has done already, denounce everything he said in that debate stream
Not really
he still believes in the /pol/ memes but thinks he did a poor job phrasing and arguing.

he complains that people cant talk about these things.

Oh, that video! How could I forget that video! This one, right? youtube.com/watch?v=GTNjzd7YC3s

Funny, I also found a transcript of it!

>“I was going into something I needed a lot more time to prep for. I went in, guns blazing because, you know, you get a little arrogant sometimes.”
>”Obviously I understand why people had the reaction that they did.”
>“I look back at some of that and think ‘why the fuck did I say that? No matter what, right or wrong, this is a fucking bad look there.’ I’m aware of that. ”
>“The main questions on everyones minds is, ‘is he a racist, is he a nazi’—simple answer: No, I treat every single person with the same respect they’ve shown me.”
>“I felt bad about the incident, in a sense, but, like, I just feel bad that we can’t talk about these things without witch-hunting each other.”
>“That’s basically my full statement.”
>**Ethan: do you feel you said some things you regret?**
>“Yeah, I could have phrased a lot of that better. To put it in perspective, the second o went into that stream it was an instant [curb your enthusiasm] moment...” (excluding the jokes here)
>**Ethan: did you have a lot of self-aware moments during that stream?**
>“Of course, the whole time! I was like, ‘I should not be here, I’m not the person to fight this battle.’”
>“I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the current social climate is insane. The only way to get past it is to talk about stuff.”
>“I treat people with the same respect they give me. The end.”

Show me where he says anything about not believing what he said, or apologizing for it.

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big dick jared in the house

that time he hit up fans for hentai to jack off to

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lol, I want there to be a movement where feminists on Twitter begin to question their male counterparts' legitimacy after this Projared drama blows over. That shit would be fun to watch.

Can we really argue with 4s that are quads? I think not.

Ross might have somewhat of an abrasive personality, but I love the guy.
He's too pure of a soul for someone like Holly. I hope he is well.

Are you disabled? Jared's situation involves kids retard, that instantly makes it 10x worse than Tiger Wood's wood situation

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Bruh, Makintsu Happening is some normie tier shit.

Women can be fucking awful.

My favorite part of the Destiny debate is when Jon complains about globalists despite making the majority of his money from Jewtube.

>believing all the rumors
>social media brigades are not credible proof
Come back at me when there's a criminal case against him carried out in a court of law.
Nothing. Will. Happen. Guaranteed.

Bruh, Jared wasnt much better man. His ex-wife, who he treated like shit ,still defended his dick on Twitter.

>Holly exposed as a whore
every eceleb waifu is a shit. Prove me wrong.

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That was funny to me too. Even Destiny called him out saying Jon was a millionare.

What a strange way to drive traffic to a dying channel.

Jared, if you've been lurking the internet hate machine for the past... what, 60+ hours now?

please know you still have some loyal fans

it's you vs. the world buddy, you can still win this thing.

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imagine taking holly on a date to taco bell,only to have her taco bell shit all over you later that night

I had this whole thing typed out kinda defending Jon here but it got deleted, so I'll just gonna say you're right cause I can't argue with Satan trips.

Men are always portrayed as pigs. Women get a pass at any of the blame when things don't work out in a relationship. Especially in media when there is more pressure on the man.

should have made him shirtless

I don't understand where he's being hypocritical.

"I don't approve of a system without borders or boundaries, and I think the people that support such a system are oppressing the middle class."
"But some of those people give you lots of money!"

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probably should post this on twitter or youtube, doubt he would check this board of all places

fuck yeah perfect trips for the queen

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It just seems a bit unprincipled. Like a vegan making money off some meat factory.

I would equate it more to being a vegan, working in a factory that doesn't sell or process meat, but then new ownership comes in and they start selling and processing meat, and it's a case of get the fuck out as a futile statement against the meat industry at the cost of a job you're actually quite good at, or continue working that job and simply telling everyone you know and everyone you work with what a piece of shit the factory has become.

Jon was complaining about cultures clashing and not doing a good job of mixing, claimed people are too "tribal" over and over again, yet his retarded vids reach a global audience and gives him fans all over the world.

>inb4 it comes out that Barry's been sexting with Suzy behind Arin's back for years

Hope this bird brain eats a bullet

Would make my year

His videos are strictly apolitical, yet his "people are too tribal" complaint was explicitly and exclusively political

So because people can agree on some things (like Jon making decent content on youtube), that means that they automatically agree on all things (like when the death penalty is appropriate)?

Oh fuck yeah.

My end-all-be-all is:

No, I won't separate the art and the artist. Because when the artist is a horrible person, consuming their art is directly supporting their life.

Same reason I won't support Kevin Spacey or Louis CK anymore, despite having been very fond of their previous work.

Seems you haven't seen the scat video

Why Americans are such retards with the age thing? Thats why you have so much feminists and incels, you fatsos start fucking at 20

Dude, it's not real.

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I kinda get Kevin Spacey, but why wouldn't you support Louis? Because he jerked off in front of women with their consent, but they found it kinda weird?

You're an idiot.

uhhh policeeeeeeeeeeeeee…!

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Cant smoke till your 18, cant drink till your 21
So if they have an older bf it is more likely they will be provided tobacco and alcohol.

You can join the military and kill people/die in some shithole at 17(with parents permission)

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I think the thing about louis is hard for dudes to understand. When a imposing dude asks you to do something like that its kinda hard to say no because,, well.. its hard to explain it just kinda scares you and you feel like you can't say no. Its like those movies where the girl doesn't want to have sex in the red corvette parked on the cliff overlooking los angeles but she can't say no because the dude is so imposing,

tbf most millitary killing is about to be handled exclusively by drones so

He was completely unapologetic for sexually harassing and assaulting his co-stars and subordinates, and rather than learn a lesson from his vilification, became an even bigger douchebag and lost touch with reality and his former audience. Have you seen his current comedy? It's all bitching and moaning about young people not getting him anymore.

Joke's not funny.

reminder that this ugly piece of shit has banged at least 2 more girls than you.

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His game is over. I don't care what he thinks, there is a fearsome force rolling in from the rear waiting to pounce. Get ready, set, hike!

3. He's been divorced once before.

and nothing off value would be lost

Nah, we still need the bitches wins.

>Cheats on his wife and trends #1 on twitter but goes ahead and tells everyone he won't make it to the DND event acting like nothing happened.

>The absolute mad lad

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then stop playing into it idiot

There's a big difference between cheating on your wife and filming scat cp.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies

KEKKK banned for cp youtube.com/watch?v=3GeD95KwwkQ for no reason

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He filmed scat cp with Holly, too.

There's video proof of him shitting on his underage groomed fans

Post the link then faggot.

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He likes shitting on children.

like James Woods bitching about the current generation on twitter, ironically his generation has seen the largest interest in trannies.

>Interest in ‘trans’ (aka transgender) porn saw significant gains in 2018, in particular with a 167% increase in searches by men and more than 200% with visitors over the age of 45 (becoming the fifth most searched terms by those aged 45 to 64).

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>he's going to be paying alimony to TWO women
>after losing all his subs

holy shit

Did you know all of his wifes found him because of his youtube channel. Why are people surprised that a man who is below average but has influence on hundreds of thousands of potential nerdy girls is fucking them. Women are dumb as fuck, They will go after anything with a shred of status and money as long as they don't look like butt ugly. Besides holly and heidi are not even above 6/10 so they are evenly matched.

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I have absolutely no idea why all of you care so much about this. My only guess is that you've never had attention from a female before in your life and you're insulted

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Any holly nudes yet orrrr?

Still waiting, my friend.

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We are trying to see this ugly bitches hairy butthole and snatch.

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Alimony varies by state
most of the time it depends on how long you have been married too.

fuck you its not just women I'm a dude and i would have let jared fuck me before all of this you sexist faggot

I think the word “cheating” is fitting, it’s funny that we use it however.

Cheating is somewhat of a positive word. It typically means doing something unethical or against the rules for the sake of a better outcome.

Like cheat codes give you unlimited ammo in a game where the rules are you get limited amounts. You cheat on a test by copying someone’s answers, where the rules are everyone must answer it themselves, and you get a better grade in the end.

In Jared’s “cheating” situation, where the rules are you’re stuck for life with some ugly rank-ass psycho bitch who won’t put out, he instead subverted the rules and fucked a fun chick who would and spiced things up with nudes from other girls who were interested. He got his better outcome. Right now, it sucks. But in the end, he got exactly what he wanted and won. I doubt you can say the same for yourself.

Chew on that for a while.

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did you know there's a scat video of herself and jared shitting on his child groomed fans?

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>Cheating is somewhat of a positive word
Found the Chinaman.

as big of a sleaze as he is I bet he made them sign off on no alimony

>ProJared's favorite band.

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One day.

yeah and in the background you can see Jontron fucking PBG over the corpse of a black person jon killed as a hate crime

What makes you think nothing will happen? So you think people just break laws and nothing ever happens? People get busted for this all the time and they aren't even cases where tons of communities on the internet are talking about it. There's even video proof of him shitting on underage fans.

No u cant

If you're gonna play the virgin card then go ahead but you're the guy trying to buy premium snapchats cause that's as close you'll ever get to a woman so keep going guy. Make your disappointed parents loath your existence just that bit more.

Proves my point. I've never been a projared fan or have even watched his videos. But if you have 1M subs you make like at least 40K a year in ad revenue. Judging by the number of views his channel has earned he should at least have earned 500K-1M$ from youtube.

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It's not a joke. That was some angry faggot that hasn't seen the video.

He's not gonna get his better outcome when he lands in jail for showing his dick to teenage girls

who bajina is this?

I'm not posting cp. Go make a thread asking for cp and see how they turns out for ya.

Bruv, it's just a meme.

Yeah that joke is old.

There's a fucked up scat video of him covered in shit that involves his brainwashed groomed child brides.

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Not the same guy but its an obvious Yea Forums psyop. You can tell from the way everyone is acting. Nobody outside of Yea Forums is even talking about it.

>projecting this hard

WOW 40k a year LOL soooooo much /sarcasm

Because it was posted on Yea Forums and newfags keep saying it's fake because they missed the mega link that was posted for 2 days.

Sounds unlikely, because if she was involved too then she wouldn't have said anything because it puts her at risk of being v& too.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

The part where he jizzed on a picture of Will Smith taken from that scene in Fresh Prince where he cries about his father, then shouted, "It's rewind time!" was weird, though.

Especially since they didn't edit in a rewind or nothing.

just drop it, everyone knows its fake as shit

Spoken like a true social sheep who does what he’s told

Like that’s gonna happen. There’s no real proof and someone would have to press charges and come forward with evidence that they don’t actually have. The people “speaking up” are just people who want their 15 minutes of fame and to be noticed by their senpais. Even if Jared goes to jail he’ll be away from that slimy fucking bitch so he’s still in a better place.

Guess who, nitwit.

But the difference is he doesn't have a job. It's one thing to work your ass off for 40k, and it's another to make youtube videos and sit back in your home playing video games all day. I would also bet he has tons of free time so he has time to hangout with holly or whatever nerdy slut he chooses and they find that attractive along with his status of owning a big successful youtube channel.

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He can be cellmates with Austin Jones.

dont forget twitch donations and Amazon prime subs
merch and referral links too.

Okay, man. Just post holly nudes for all i care. Thats my take on the situation but apparently theres no proof either way. Itll just remain up in the air. I cant be bothered either way unless i get to see some titties.

he's already away from "that slimy bitch" because he divorced her retard.

not him but i seen it posted here

thanks for adding another holly to the collection

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It will be posted again I'm pretty sure. But yeah, the only holly nudes I've seen were from the video and she was coated in poop.

Have another

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You never get away from a psycho like that. She won’t let any shit go now that she has a pedestal, that bitch is eating up the power she has.

In this situation, Jared’s probably better off chilling out in prison for like a year or two and coming back a “changed man” and getting his fan base back while also getting back to fucking other spergy youtubers’ wives like a true alpha. The come back will be glorious, just you wait.

Sure, man. Deliver nudes or stop replying. That is literally all that im here for.

I told myself “I’m sure she looks better in makeup”

Then I realized she IS wearing makeup

She looks like an ugly, less athletic, Ali Spagnola.

>You never get away from a psycho like that.
People said he had a small dick and she came out and defended it as big.
that only threw fuel on the fire because why would you divorce a chick that would still publicly call your dick big.

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Yes he severely downgraded. If he wasn't a pedo and didn't marry he could have fucked his ginger slut gf and this emo ogre. The worst thing a woman can do if you tell her you're not ready for marriage is leave you or yell at you.

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>jon face when

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She looks like she could be his sister.

You should ask yourself this: who WOULDN’T crave that dick. It transcends anything else; it’s undeniable

Jared’s been hiding his power level this whole time. Huge dick, cucking other youtubers, fucking bitches and getting mad money.

That’s the only reason any man is firing back at him- pure beta jealousy.

Peace out fags, see you after the can if that even happens.

Yea I bet she has a cute ginger pussy.

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Also a note to authorites- everything on this website should be regarded as fiction and nothing more. No statements being made here. Fuck off