This is the future of Western civilization. All white Western women will be defiled by the horde of migrants and they will become brown baby factories.
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May 12, 2019 - 01:17
True that, thanks to liberals snowflakes.
May 12, 2019 - 01:21
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May 12, 2019 - 01:30
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May 12, 2019 - 01:33
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May 12, 2019 - 01:39
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May 12, 2019 - 01:47
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May 12, 2019 - 01:49
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May 12, 2019 - 01:54
The end of the white race
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May 12, 2019 - 01:58
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May 12, 2019 - 02:05
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May 12, 2019 - 02:06
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May 12, 2019 - 02:09
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May 12, 2019 - 02:11
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May 12, 2019 - 02:16
Then we will take their women in return.
May 12, 2019 - 02:18
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May 12, 2019 - 02:21
Hot, as long as they record the breedings we're good
May 12, 2019 - 02:23
White women want alimony and child support, not sure how your plan will work but good luck. They’ll take half your food stamps and crack?
May 12, 2019 - 02:28
True, white women want cash and stability more than anything
May 12, 2019 - 02:28
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May 12, 2019 - 02:31
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May 12, 2019 - 02:33
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May 12, 2019 - 02:34
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May 12, 2019 - 02:35
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May 12, 2019 - 02:40
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May 12, 2019 - 02:42
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May 12, 2019 - 02:43
>White women want alimony and child support, Only from white boys who can't satisfy them sexually
May 12, 2019 - 02:44
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May 12, 2019 - 02:52
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May 12, 2019 - 02:54
American white women are basic and dumb. Get you a sexy azn or latina
May 12, 2019 - 02:59
giving up asians for it too
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May 12, 2019 - 03:00
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May 12, 2019 - 03:13
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May 12, 2019 - 03:15
Aren't most migrants Arab muslims? Why are you posting BBC?
May 12, 2019 - 03:20
You cucks are so fucking weird...
May 12, 2019 - 03:28
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May 12, 2019 - 03:29
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May 12, 2019 - 03:34
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May 12, 2019 - 03:36
I think you fucks who care need to get bigger dicks or something, or better at sex, or be better men, or better people, or offer anything of value to society other than crying in a forum you waste of precious water.
May 12, 2019 - 03:38
Not even close to the same girl. Is this a joke, nigger?
May 12, 2019 - 03:46
sounds good to me its time for the white trash to get took the fuck out. One day we'll all look Maroi, and be truly one world wide master race. And beautiful too.
May 12, 2019 - 03:49
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May 12, 2019 - 03:58
Because white men are so weak and pathetic. You can't dominate your women so they defy you and look for stronger mates. Honestly sad how you blame Brownies for your own disgusting inadequacies. Just lay down and die. Their rise is only inevitable. Dread it, run from it, it will arrive all the same.
May 12, 2019 - 04:09
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May 12, 2019 - 04:14
Oh shit user, as a fellow lightskin brownboy, I applaud this message.
May 12, 2019 - 04:17
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May 12, 2019 - 04:24
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May 12, 2019 - 04:45
i want to kill cucks so bad, this cuckolds giving female rights, i want to kill every single one of theses useless pieces of shit.
May 12, 2019 - 04:50
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May 12, 2019 - 04:52
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May 12, 2019 - 04:59
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May 12, 2019 - 05:12
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May 12, 2019 - 05:22
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May 12, 2019 - 05:24
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May 12, 2019 - 05:25
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May 12, 2019 - 05:25
>hoop earrings >fake breasts >white
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May 12, 2019 - 05:26
We should stop giving single mothers money. They will stop having sex with black men real fast. Black men don't stick around
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May 12, 2019 - 05:28
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May 12, 2019 - 05:30
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May 12, 2019 - 05:32
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May 12, 2019 - 05:33
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May 12, 2019 - 05:34
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May 12, 2019 - 05:35
A good 2/3rds of these women aren’t even attractive.
May 12, 2019 - 05:35
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May 12, 2019 - 05:35
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May 12, 2019 - 05:35
>19 >kid is at least 18 months/2 years old
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May 12, 2019 - 05:36
Fathers is a strong word for a sperm donor.
May 12, 2019 - 05:37
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May 12, 2019 - 05:38
this is your future present and past
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May 12, 2019 - 05:40
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May 12, 2019 - 05:40
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May 12, 2019 - 05:40
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies GO GO GO
AntiAntiSpam-i9i KEKKK banned for cp /watch?v=3GeD95KwwkQ for no reason
May 12, 2019 - 05:41
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May 12, 2019 - 05:43
Who’s that porn actress tho... I need to know this for scientific reasons
May 12, 2019 - 05:47
mixing isn't genocide dumbass. It's the opposite of genocide, it's homogenization.
Genocide is preventing the genes from surviving. Homogenization ensures that the genes survive.
May 12, 2019 - 05:57
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May 12, 2019 - 06:11
No. It's really not, nigger.
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May 12, 2019 - 06:12
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May 12, 2019 - 06:13
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May 12, 2019 - 06:19
You can tell he's black because he's complaining about water.
May 12, 2019 - 06:27
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May 12, 2019 - 06:37
I think its called alien breeders or something like that
May 12, 2019 - 06:46