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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah lol

nah it was probably under 1 mil.

Only 500,000 died but why does the number matter.

If the number doesn't matter, why lie and say it's 6 million??


no, it was closer to seven and a half million.

op should be reminded that they killed retards, too, so he should consider which side of the barbed wire that puts him on

It was closer to 0 cause Adolf did nothing wrong

It matters to them. Doesn’t matter to me man.

this thread again Goldstein?

Can you please fuck off.

Or leave more than a 6 hour gap before you repost your retarded shit - noone cares about kikes.

>why lie
Hundreds of billions of Deutschmarks given to over 3,000,000 "survivors"

lol fag

From the last thread:
>>What do you think?
>that the dixie faggot on /pol/ was right, you are a bunch of stormweenies in a discord that keep making those threads and while a bunch got you occupied in your thread on /pol/ for half a day, we had no stupid holocaust denial crap threads on Yea Forums at all
>coincident? i think not

>fuck off from our Yea Forums with your /polack/ shill crap on constant repeat





Fuck off, polniggers.

No, total dead was closer to something like 10 or 12 million. Far too many people forget the non Jews that were halocausted too. The whole thing happened pretty much exactly as the overwhelming majority of historians claim. Literally none of the "evidence" the deniers have shat out is even remotely compelling. Holocaust denier is just an extra long way to say "barely functional retard".

>closer to something like 10 or 12 million

Why is questioning something a retarded act? It probably wasn't 6 mil due to the logistics of actually killing 6 mil in the time the death camps were going. Doesn't make the crime any less abhorrent just be honest. Ask questions dude. Taking everything for granted when it's told to you is how the world gets dumber


come on kid

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Because pretending to just ask questions has been an exuse for holocaust deniers to spread their shit for decades. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at them, they pretend to be you. They are misusing and ruining your reputation so they can continue with their bullshit.

Jet fuel cant smelt steel beams, am i right bro?

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Oh look another tolerant leftist is making this thread again.

thanx 4 reply

Well not in that camp but yes overall

Was fun to watch em sperg out in the thread on/pol/ when the dixie meme flag spontanously mentioned it in a new thread that wasnt going three of them managed to make a response in a time window of under a minute to each other to that post, totaly not organized or been send there to counter that post or anything. No, no. Just the random occurances you can watch in those threads happen all the time.

As if they would ever get mad at them like anyone else would when someone would false flag as them. Another one of those constantly appearing coincidences of those threads, they cant even say that they dont like holocaust deniers. They act exactly like holocaust deniers in disguise would. Anyone can make their own conclusions to that.

It is pretty unreal how when this is posted in those threads, they seem to be total different, like the usual suspects are forced to shut up.

How they tried to false flag as annoying commies in one of the last threads was also pretty unreal.



Around 11 did,

I fucking hope so


Jews? Yes. Including everyone else murdered though, it's more like 11 million.

go outside, stop lurking so much, don't you have a life? it's been over 6 hours, I remember this tread also.

It was closer to 7 hours actually.

Smelt-extract (metal) from its ore by a process involving heating and melting.
No eurofag, jet fuel can't smelt ore.


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oh fuck

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get a(n ore) load of this guy

what a fagala you are.

I think they've already known about us for a few years

>there are people in this thread right now who fell for the holohoax meme
>there are people int his thread right now who still believe in the holohoax meme

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new fag from Reddick being edgy.

Al Gore created the Holocaust


>t. scared getting poltard

Are you fucking retarded??