Lel was bored and reported a server without +18 on it as they were sharein nudes of someone else on their server and...

lel was bored and reported a server without +18 on it as they were sharein nudes of someone else on their server and makein fun of them, they pissed me off, so i saw an opening and took it. lelelelelele.

unending link if its gone rip.

Attached: O9L0e9Q.png (664x448, 55K)

they were being all like, communist saying we want all types of people here (mostly) trannys, straights, gays.

said they wanted nudes and stuff from the gays and trans (sorry if i said tranny, le Yea Forums and all)

buddy your gonna get sued, i am not joking, you started posting illegal pics after showing us what you looked like ( we have evidence archived thanks too discord cache, this is going in the police report). canadians dont take to kindly to this kind of online abusive and illegal behavior. not only will you be tried in canada but also in america

we also hav voice recording of your fagget ass nasally voice doing a joker impression which will freak out the jury more than enough to make sure all your brokerage account will be distributed evenly to the people affected by your antics

kind regards

cool winz bro.. u turned 88 peanuts in too 800 peanuts ,

Attached: fagget.png (259x473, 38K)


you broke rules

note this post was written by an actual tranny

Attached: f_01bff9.jpg (361x641, 32K)

epicccc gett by me... BTW heres what OP looks like (future rape victim in prison)

Attached: farrrrt (OP().png (260x464, 229K)

is taht really me


i think not

Attached: 539282934310502410.png (128x121, 28K)

we heard your gum dum voice bro, plus i saw your soc posts with the same pic so yea its you ... keep calm and eat dog


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proof lol this hob dob boy got reverse trolled sad

Attached: HhT3Mjk.png (1855x628, 61K)

you sure?

keep bumping your own demise mr joker.. dont forget to read

lol its not me kek im black

feel free to add this pozbag OP on discord (warning: hes got aids)



i know its you now cause you changed your ID as soon as i posted it

new one is BloodyKnives#1818

lets play a game, waht is my real face


Attached: owned.png (978x437, 45K)

hhaaa haaaa haaaa

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whys the inv deleted then idiot

Them holy quads

dudddee OP is fukken ugly ths is the guy who goes joker mode on people online

Attached: your ugly.png (748x900, 865K)

why wont OP post anymore... did i ddo something wrong

thank's brother

What even is this shit lmao, trans people and underage nudes? Man take your degenerate selves back to your backward hobbit discord

its fake news bro, this guy did a fail raid, all the selfie pics u see in this thread are of OP (the guy you are siding with)

the discord is for aristocrats only

Yooo, that dude was in my classs in college, he took dma with me on college. Lol kid was a looser, saddly he died in a drunk car crash. So op is still user. Weird huh. I never knew the kid went on Yea Forums. Who ever is useing his pictures tho thats fucked up bro. Still props to op who used a ded kid in college that i used to know.

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he didnt die mate hes posting on discord now

My fiancée drew him back i college, i took it out of her scrapbook. Fuck i dont want to remind her that chris died again online kek. This is some spooky shit.

Attached: 001.jpg (1700x2338, 343K)

No way, he couldn't be online...na dude my fiancée would freek out if i told her that. Plus i dont want him to be alive. She had a crush on him.

hes alive bro but dont worry hes a fagget now but yeah hes alive and posting illegal shit on discord

tranny and friends clogging thread with gibberish lies, ignore for truth

freaky numbers.. a sign? sorry OP but i think your goin to hell for being a fagget

What kind of illegal shit, dead or alive op did what he had to do to. To report the discord. Lol.

why are you samefagging retard, mentally ill much

I never posted anything illegal on your stupid tranny nude hot pot server. the discord was the one in trouble. lol. I heard it was recorded, go ahead splice it up. found his pics on okcupid, Hated the kid cause he was a tranny. posed as him since the beginning. and trolled everyone.

cant report me for doing something that had to be done. too easy.

kinda gay


server with no rules. Anything Goes!

loli, cp, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!