I just shat blood ama

i just shat blood ama

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What is your opinion on sweetcorn?

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Hate getting it stuck in my teeth and ass

You shat blood?

Fuck yeah drone strike.

You know who you should thank, right?

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Can we see the blood?

it's probably just hemhorroids op. stop reading webmd and thinkign you have fatal ass cancer.

You know, what a dronestrike is, right?

When are you going into the doctor to get your asshole checked out? Probably a hemorrhoid issue but better safe than Stage 4 colon cancer.
Eat more fibre, drink more water, get more exercise.

If you get it again, get a c scope. Just got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis

Feels bad

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its probably just lupus.

Meh it's not the end of the world, once you get your meds sorted
t. have Crohn's

Like a lot?

Are you sure it’s not just an anal fissure? If you had a particularly hard, large shit and sit so it stretched you asshole you can accidentally rip your ass and bleed. Lots of blood vessels there too, so it can be pretty alarming. My suggestion is try fiber and don’t wipe too hard for a week or so.

i shat blood

i like corn but i never had sweetcorn

flushed, also phone's camera is busted. thinking of getting a chink phone

That's what i thought, i literally just googled "shitting blood" none of that webmd bullshit

Nothing planned yet but i wanna go as soon as possible. Also
>get more exercise
fat lard 4 life

It's my second time

yeah, got some on my hand

I don't know, i dont think it was that hard

Was the shit solid? Or more like liquid.
Either way see a doctor man. Once is a fluke, twice is something.

You talk about dronestrikes they give you shadowban.

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Do you think communist spies are trying to spread propoganda using the power of your butthole?

naw it was pretty solid
that's why i decided to make this thread, if it had only happened once i wouldn't even think about the shit

Could just be hemorrhages popping inside your anus. Isn't pleasant, but it is better than the numerous other alternatives out there.

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OP are you, Jeff?

Go to a doctor. You've either got hemorrhoids, possibly a tear, or it could be colon cancer.
Do you smoke? Drink? How fat are you?

i was forced to go to a concert yesterday by my family.
>anarchism theme, since it's that time of the year
>femenism themes, because of course they did
>rap music, beacuse we wuz rebels n shieet
>parents finnally got sick of waiting, leave
>almost reach the exit
>the russian fucking anthem starts playing
tl;dr i think the commies made me shit blood with soundwaves

That's what i'm leaning on as well

Who's Jeff

Don't smoke, have only started to drink lately.
95kg, so about 209 pounds

>fat lard 4 life
Fix that along with your diet unless you want to explain why you're stocking maxipads under your sink.

will you gloriously an hero now? or wait to die like a cuck on a sick bed?

I don't eat like shit but i think i do eat too much, i've been making an effort to eat less and even skip some less important meals, but i dont think that's enough

>shit blood
I'll just keep shitposting here untill i die, after all, we're here forever

Was the blood in your shit or on it? If it's just on your shit, you're fine but if it's in your shit you may have intestine issues.

Report: Every fart feels wet
I feel like i'm bleeding but i am not

on it. kept wiping my ass and more blood kept appearing