Remember when Katy Perry was attractive?

Remember when Katy Perry was attractive?

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pepperidge farm does

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Liberalism, not even once

No I don't

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she was always average looking at best with a decent body.


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Wrong, she came from a Conservative Christian background. She dumped religion when ahe learned Christian rock would not make her wealthy.

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How does that make him wrong? She dumped being conservative for liberal degeneracy.

>Remember when Katy Perry was attractive?

no, only the weak-minded found her attractive ever

she's an IDF deep cover operative

You dense mother fucker...

>liberal degeneracy
>president mushroom dick pays money to fuck a washed up porn star after his lesbian wife gives birth

You're not even trying, Ivan.

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Remember when OP had twenty-three chromosomes? Cause I don't.

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Wrong. Her parents were devout Muslims.

Whats this got to do with the president?
He is literally living in ur head rent free.... TDS right here.

We are talking about she changed her political views and thus became extremely unattractive.

Fuckin hell son... you really need help!

I wanna fuck a cute Russian woman. Help me out, Ivan.

0 collusion.
Prove me wrong
>protip, you can't.

>hurr durr,she changed her political views

only in america would people give a shit about some dumbass celebrity's political views

also,trump's attitude towards gun rights isnt helping real republicans.maybe if cadet bone spurs respected the constitution you trumptards wouldnt of lost the house majority

rita or is my current big titty singer favorite. katy perry looks terribile now

Because it changed their outlook on life thus they change their appearance and health etc...
A political view is a good indicator on attractiveness.
This is coming from someone who isnt American so... whos the real dumbass?

Needs more tits

go back to pol faglords

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No, because that was never a thing. Bitch wears 80lbs of makeup now like she did before.

Yeah, it's not like you'd blow your load if she even looked at you is it?

No, I don't

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