Femanons, what's your opinion on sex? Do you enjoy it? Do you seek it out?

Femanons, what's your opinion on sex? Do you enjoy it? Do you seek it out?

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I see bigger tits than those everyday in my mirror. And I'm a dude

Have you considered diet and exercise?

I have. But even being slightly chubby cause I was much more fat a couple months ago, my left over tits are bigger than those.

Nothing wrong with small tits.

This is upsetting, it's like you're not aware how normal people function.

How do normal people function?

People want sex. You asking this question implies you don't know that

I have no clue what normal people think about sex. That's why I'm posting this thread. For science.

I like it a lot. I'll have sex or seek it out almost daily for weeks, then sort of lose my drive for a week or two then it ramps right back up again.

Are you sure about that?

Interesting. Does that level of drive sync up with your cycle, or is it unrelated?

Pretty sure. Tits are great in all shapes and sizes.

The vast majority of women want sex unless they are asexual/had a traumatic experience. The difference is we don't want it every minute of every day like some men have the urge to do. I use a wand for like 5 minutes and I'm good to go for like 2 weeks before I get horny again. I know some women that want sex every other day, and some that want it every other month. As for the actual sex part: you NEED foreplay, kissing, cuddling, caressing and pay attention to the clit!

Literally flat looks pretty weird

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It seems that way sometimes, not always though.

Sex is good but only with people you love. A woman’s ability to orgasm is directly connected to her feelings for the man. I guess you can cum once or twice on a hook up but if you want to hit the 10+ orgasm per sex range then you have to be dating a nice man

Nothing I've done so far has come close to the feel of a nice tight pussy, especially when you are mentally, physically, and socially healthy. Ofc I'll choose my friends over some pussy because I'm not dependant on sex, which is being mentally healthy. But that doesn't change the fact I'd have more fun with some nice hole than hiking with my bros.

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Do women generally believe that men want sex every minute of every day? The whole "every 7 seconds" myth? I can't speak for all men, but I get horny maybe once a day. It would be impossible to function if you're thinking about sex constantly.

10+ orgasm per sex? Wow... And here I've heard that women often have trouble reaching orgasm from sex. Does it all just come down to how much you like the guy?

Ew dude

Hiking with bros is pretty nice, but I haven't experienced the alternative so I have nothing to compare it to.


Yeah, of course I enjoy it. The "problem" is that people (both guys and girls) base a lot of their sexual moves on porn and don't really understand erogenous zones and all that stuff. I want to seek it out but I'm always worried about creeps which is probably a bit unfair to be so worried lol (sorry for bad english)

How do you recommend people learn so that they don't appear creepy? Porn is the only real "tutorial" we have for sex in the modern era.

Yeah, totally understand. I based my first blowjobs on porn. I think the best way is to ask if it feels good and ask what the person likes. It really gives the impression that you care about your partner as well. (at least according to me haha). I super appreciate it when my parter asks!

You ask and tell what you want.

It's so stupid how people just expect to read each other's minds. Tell what you want and get each other off.

Having sex is like synchronized swimming, if you don't know your partner it's bound to go poorly. But if you practice together every day, it'll end up becoming a glorious spectacle of minds and bodies being in tune with each other.

yes, it's important you yourself say what you like. I used to be a bit afraid of it but mostly the guys are really nice and listens.
I've also stopped faking orgasms lol
It's quite important to not fake that kind of stuff otherwise guy gets the wrong impression of what works for you. I'm quite lucky tho, I often get orgasms just from penetration.

My wife and I have sex every single day at least once. Usually 2 or 3 times. We've been married for 13 years.

So there's that.

You're just bad in bed. My wife orgasms like that pretty often. Never just once.

Sounds like you're some of the lucky ones. I hear so many horror stories about sexless marriages.

I'm a virgin. Which means I'm almost definitely bad in bed, but I'm just basing this on what I've heard.

Buy the Kama Sutra and read all of it. My cousin got me a copy when I was 12 and after some practice girls I'm pretty great in bed.

Also sex is way better with a strong emotional connection.

Sex is nice. I had it with somebody once. Then we broke up. So now I just masturbate. I will have sex again once somebody I love loves me back.

Yeah she's really a unicorn. She didn't like sex and didn't have it very often before me, but I turned her into a proper submissive freak.

Are you actively looking for love? How do you intend to find someone?

I am not actively looking for love I guess. I had an online dating profile before but I hated it. Now I like a guy that I text regularly but he lives far away and I haven't met him irl.

yeah... male and female breast are identical which is why they both lactate. Oh, wait.

Fun fact: Men actually can induce lactation.

Given the correct hormones, a trans woman does lactate. Even producing enough milk to breastfeed a baby.

That's because people marry others they dknt actually love and or arent right for them. There's no definitive outcome for marriages or relationships. Most people marry in under a year. Which is ridiculous imo. That's why most marriages fail. That and people ignore shitty aspects of their partners out of the love excuse. So it comes down to people making shit decisions.

yes, yes

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I love sex, now that I’ve quit birth control my sex drive is through the roof. It sucks cause I’m single and not into casual hookups, so I don’t exactly seek it out. If my ex was into it I’d fuck him every day but that wouldn’t be good for my mental health. I also feel guilty cause when we were together we had sex like once or twice a week but now I want it every day lol

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lol fucking faggs

Yo, that's some bullshit. I know you weren't trying to fuck with your ex, and that hormones ebb and flow, but that's some SERIOUS shit to put on him, and it'll cause a lot of frustration and resentment if you flaunt it.

I’m just a regular dude and not super chad but I’ve had girlfriends get all drunk and horned up literally dragging me to the bedroom (currently single due to moving away). I assume they like it.

nobody knows my sex drive is wack and I’m not acting like a hoe, it’s just unfortunate that when we were together and I was on birth control sex was just meh but now I crave it like crazy, mainly from him tho

If you love and respect a girl, you form a deep trusting bond that lets her cum once every couple minutes. My wife usually passes out after 20 or so orgasms so there is an upper limit somewhere

Some people of both sexes don't enjoy sex..
Most do, do you live under a fucking rock?

I sure as hell enjoy it, and almost all of my friends do as well