Win7 users what OS are you moving to?

Win7 users what OS are you moving to?

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Windows 10 is fine

It's not though

Haven't decided yet, i keep testing 10 in VMs and various other machines, but it's still meh

It's the best OS from Microsoft to date. Sure, you have to opt-out on some privacy settings and disable automatic updates, but so what? It takes like 2 minutes and then you've got a great OS.

None, win7 is fine for my piece of shit pc

install gentoo, you fools

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The UI and inconsistency of the menus is still grotesque.
They just won't accept that you shouldn't try to merge mobile and workstation UI into some kind of half baked universal interface.

>It's the best OS from Microsoft to date.
pretending 95 isn't a thing.
i know Yea Forums is filled with larpers-- but goddamn

Idc. Will keep using win7 4ever.

Try running Windows 95 and let me know how that works out for you.

Can you give us an example or, better yet, a list?

Ubuntu Mate


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horrible mix of new control panel, old control panel, MSCs, compartmentalized options outside of the control panel, worthless tray icons / sidebar, etc.
Just try it in a VM. Installing it requires no key, only activating it.
The only thing that was improved in the UI, that i came across yet, is the ability to run the native VPN Client via 1 click in the sidebar.

Just because it was great doesn't mean it hasn't aged poorly.

95 was horrific. 98 SE or ME.... both passable.

do you also lick public toilet seats?

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ME for me, SE had issues with flash drives (for me) for some reason.

Mint Xfce and Debian LXDE

I'm staying with win7

i don't like the coincidences either, but i mean, how often do you actually use the settings menu? as for the tray icons, you can customize them. to each his own, but to me, it just seems silly to dismiss an OS based on UI alone.

I feel like this answer is disingenuous. We should be recommending comfortable OSes for them to switch to, then let them work their way up to Gentoo or Arch.

I'm not dismissing it, that's why i keep trying it constantly in VMs after updates. They improved a lot of stuff under the hood compared to 7, can't be denied.
But while i still have the choice, the inconsistent UI, forced telemetry (yes, can be contained via HW-FW, but still) and 10-incompatibility of some games keeps me on 7 for now.
Also don't like the way they started bundling Updates now. It's only Rollup-Packages now, even for 7. No more removing single Updates, you will take the OS exactly in the way we intend you to.
They are pushing more and more towards OS-as-a-service that you have to pay for monthly or yearly.

Forgot to add my personal recommendation world be the most Windows-like of the bunch, Kubuntu (with Ubuntu Cinnamon or Linux Mint Cinnamon editions being close seconds)

Windows 10 and Mac OS X Mojave

solus 4

Linux Mint Cinnamon

Windows nt

This guy gets it.

What the hell is your fucking problem? It's 18+ so GTFO.

Me too. As long as I can. Then...... Linux.

Can you disable updates now or do you need some kinda "hack"?

NOBODY got 95 to completely run.

lol, like there is any change between windows 95 and 10, other than the gui

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UI inconsistency is also because of compatibility.

And I honestly love that they still keep old control panel, the new UI is too focused on normie users

Win 8.1 with a start menu alternative (start8) until 2023 then hopefully linux mint (or lubuntu if the mint devs call it quits)

Hopefully in 4 years linux gaming should have just about reached parity with windows but at the moment it's just not good enough for me to switch to. Going from a game running 60 fps at max settings to getting 'playable' frame rates at mostly medium-low on linux just isn't acceptable to me at the moment (GW2 for example).

I'm not moving, who gives a shit.


you are my fucking problem. using a os that doesn't get updates also endangers others.

explain yourself

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The more Linux machines appear in statistics about running games, the more pressure it will put on developers and publisher to support it properly. At least you could install a Linux distribution in parallel and run those games already working well.

Maybe in the days of DDoS being effective but thanks to cloudflare and the like it's far less effective than it was.
And these days the majority of attacks are against IoT shit and routers (which is why using open or dd wrt is more important than an up to date OS)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies


your system is vulnerable, because it doesn't get updates. once is infected it can be used to attack/infect others.

it can still be part of a bot net and do other things than ddos-ing others. it can infect other systems with 0-days.

I moved to arch GNU/Linux with cinnamon as DE last year, I can recommend that to anyone looking to escape m$ cancer. If you want a fancy installer just use *buntu and try the different desktop environments to see what's best for you. Once you learn that there's more than just windows you'll love it

I'm open for questions by the way of anyone wants to go for it right now

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I have Windows7 still and had that 10 update icon but it went away.
Where do I get the 10 dl?

Just don't, 10 is horrible

What do I do then, M8?

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this tbh

If you're going to disable automatic updates, then who gives a fuck if it's still supported by Microsoft? That's literally the ONLY reason why Microsoft supporting it is relevant. You won't receive any further updates to ensure the OS is stable and secure (as secure as Windows is, anyway).

What a fucking retard.

What, is it 1999 again?

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>They are pushing more and more towards OS-as-a-service that you have to pay for monthly or yearly.

This. Before long you will get Windows and Office bundled and will pay annual for cloud service only.

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good post

your friendly goy from /g/ here
Windows 7 is fine and will be fine for the next couple of years considering it's marketshare. the only time when you should consider switching from it is when software that you use will no longer receive new updates (things like Chrome etc.). Viruses are bullshit as long as you don't run random exe's you find.

Windows 10 is a pile of shit. It doesn't give a single fuck about privacy, its filled with ads and bloatware. The only acceptable versions of Windows 10 are Windows 10 LTSC and LTSB.

If you want to set yourself free then Linux is a good option but not everything is there yet™. It's free and it'll run on almost anything. I'm pretty sure that most of the things you use daily are already there and will just work.

Then there is macOS. As you probably don't have a Mac laying around Hackintosh is a way to go as long as your hardware is compatible It will be a bit of work to get it to run but most people say that it's worth the effort. There are communities online which will help you.

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Doesn’t matter if you use Linux, OS X, or windows. If you’ve got an intel processor, Management Engine is giving all your info away to the highest bidder

thanks bruh

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i'll keep trucking on 7, using 10 for muh gaems if dx12 is a requirement

I gave up on Windows after they phased out xp.

>If you’ve got an intel processor,
AMD has had the same thing, AMD Platform Security Processor

Move to TempleOS

Chrome book

Hey, I still use XP

I skipped it, straight from Vista to Win 8.1

SP3 ftw

Wow, you're a faggot.

thats like slipping on a turd and landing ass first onto a dildo

Don't insult my beloved Win 8.1!
And Vista was still better than XP, when it came out and your computer wasn't crap

new or used?

>Vista was still better than XP

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i will keep using win 7
everything else is nigger aids

10/10 troll

used prbably

I think you can, but you're supposed to get the Windows Enterprise LTS edition, or something close to that name.

Hey, what's your problem with Win 8.1 and Vista? Or is it just because you read somewhere, that it is bad?

God, 8.1 was awful, user. Vista was OK after a ton of patches but initially it was trash.

I'm on 10 which is good, not great. Enough things to annoy me but it gets the job done well enough and I'm used enough to it that going back to 7 is weird.

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As an engineer, just shut up.

People refusing to upgrade to Windows 10 gives me at least 25% of the new wrinkles on my ball sack that work stresses me with.

Also fuck Mac forever. Blah I'm too tired to go into it more

>8.1 was awful
The missing start menu isn't a problem anymore after a bit of using it, because you just use other methotes that are simillary fast to access your stuff. It's just a matter of habituation


MS-DOS or GTFO plebs

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TempleOS dickhead

No more annoying updates busting my balls.

Dont see the problem mate, nope.

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you are a cuck.
the best os, basicly the only good os, microsoft ever made was windows 2000. it had everything needed without all the fancy shit by xp, uae, firewall and defender trash and all the privacy garbage we have now.

No, i've had plenty of opportunity to test all of them.
Vista was a travesty, the Windows 8 Metro UI was an assault common sense.
Only ME was worse than those.

the only true choice remaining!

this guy gets it

Fucks sake, don't you know anything dumbass?

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>the Windows 8 Metro UI was an assault common sense.
Yeah, but you don't need to use it

Vista was fucking nigger tier garbage

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>tree C:\

>you don't need to use it
Exactly, you can skip the entire OS

Motherfuckin' BeOS bitches

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Sticking with 7.

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i loved vista, mainly because it made me so much money from repairs and reinstalls back when i used to do tech stuff

>moving to?

Vista?!? Are you kidding me. Vista almost turned me into a Luddite. I hated that worthless, bug ridden, consta-crash piece of crap of an OS so fucking much

I'm going to delete sys32

might roll back to WinME

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The new version of windows after 10 is Windows Nigger. They just give up on the pretense and admit all it does is steals your resources.

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>They just give up on the pretense and admit all it does is steals your resources.

I think he means data and telemetry, not actual resources.

Yeah, but how he recognices, it's worse than before?

Well, the nigger breaks the window, then hands your shit over to another nigger called "Tremetrius" and then they sell it for crack and jordans.

I'm generalizing a bit, but I think you get the general gist of it.

Moved to Linux ~ 8 years ago, never looked back.

I hear that, pretty much did the same only more recent, only keep windoze for a few games, everthing else is command line