What it the maximum number of sexual partners you would be ok with your future wife having?
What it the maximum number of sexual partners you would be ok with your future wife having?
Me : +100
Her : 0
only your dad
> having a wife
> worrying about previous partners
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Found the cuck doomer
So do you enjoy sucking the sperm from your wifes bull?
If the number you think of is less than yours then that really says something
Once it hits double digits I'm out
7.53 billion. Any more than that and I'd know she was fucking animals or aliens.
3 including me and the other two have to be long term relationships
if she's my future wife then my future self obviously was ok with the number of sexual partners she had. who am i to argue with my future self? he has more knowledge.
Any but only if all her previous partners had smaller dicks
Otherwise she would be comparing them subconsciously
So in theory if you had the largest penis on Earth you'd be OK with her having fucked billions of men?
Before or after the wedding?
I am ok with 5 or under. Depending on age. The older the lady the more dick I will except. But let say me new love is like 22. If she comes at me with 20+ . Well that's a slut boys...
Y if she protected herself from std and somehow managed to retain healthy looks
It would be a problem with public shame so mb not this many on 2nd thought X)
One but only if it was her dad when she was a little kid.
That's disgusting. I'm interested.
Haha yeah. Talk about maximizing daddy issues.
1 is acceptable if he is dead otherwise 0 is preferable.
So your okay with a pedo?
Also nice dubs
Well, I can't help but find ten year old girls sexy as all hell so being upset at her for the same would be rather hypocritical of me.
Creepy, but honest. Props