I hate women

I hate women

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>virgin detected

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I'm sure they're not fans of you either.

Which one are you?
a virgin or a faggot?
pick one

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Tehe classic

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Understandable but its better to just hate most women
Also think about them being the way they are because over generations women that are cool got killed by envious small dicked males

also fuck niggers.

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Me too man, but I'm gay because of it now

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I also hate faggots.

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That's because you're an obese uncle virgin faggot.
Everybody hates you. Even your own mother.

fuck you white knight, I bet you still believe in the holocaust. Grow up the Tooth Fairy isn't real and women are only good for breeding.

Reeking of projection.

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Grr the straight man grr

You hate a dumb warped veiw of a group of individuals that you've gotten from the Internet, or from shitty experiences you've gotten from equally shitty people.

It's ok Capt. Incel. Stay in your Edgelord Fortress Of Solitude. The only one of those nasty nasty wimmenz who will EVER bother you will be mommy when she brings dem tendies and Mountain Dew.

sound like you're gay, user. it's 2019 so it's not a big deal anymore.

I think everyone is still pretty cool. Most people hate particular actions or stereotypes but when you get to know people most, if not all, are fine.

Sounds like you don't like most people. Who hurt you user?

Pretty sure you missed the joke


1/10 clean your diaper

At least in some places. Youd be surprised how much violence still gets thrown on the gay community. Oh well. Hopefully OP will get over his rage issues when he gets out of high school

Hey man as long as its consensual


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Being a white knight doesn't make you any less of a nigger. Stop projecting onto others.

Yeah piss em off so they stop pitying you!!! Rage is better than pity! 2/10 troll harder

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>Heathen shield
>Battle axe
>Dying in undead burg
>Hates women
Jesus fucking christ, user!

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