Fellow Yea Forumstards what is your opinion on niggers and should they be second class citizens again?

fellow Yea Forumstards what is your opinion on niggers and should they be second class citizens again?

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When did they stop?

im a UK fag so niggers are treated like god's gift by the government

But don’t they still love in shitty neighborhoods and have trouble getting real jobs?

I know it's wrong to hate them but they're just so stupid. Honestly wouldn't feel bad if someone decided to treat them like animals again.

There has never been a more ingenious plan to subjugate the nigger than the welfare state

They already are. Through government handouts they are given a place to live and told where to live, told what to eat and ate given food to eat, and they don’t have to work or get an education. My dog lives the same life.

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Plus if they get too loud they get shot by the police. Just like my dog.

bullets are too quick of a death for the animals we call niggers

I literally am cool with black people growing up but the recent rise within the last 5-10 years of “racial justice” and fucking whining/blaming, media attention, and literally re-defining/creating of thoughts such as “black people literally cannot be racist” has made me secretly hate niggers

This. They want to be immune to consequences of their actions so they just call everyone else racist.

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Yeah this.

I could give a shit what color your skin is but this constant chimping out has really set shit back for them.

i don't hate niggers
i do hate jews tho

bigotry is stupid

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Racism group kik mojobum "race"

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I bet a "nigger" would rip your stupid faggot head off your body if you ever said that to their face.

The niggers should have never been freed in the first place.

found the incel

Say "the n word" you fucking racist.

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