What is Donald Trump scared of, /b?

What is Donald Trump scared of, /b?

lets see

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Facts, critical thinking, truth, reason, anything not blowing sunshine up his ass.

POC people, LGBT people, Trans people, Autistic people, and Mentally ill people.

Getting elected for a 2nd term

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I can’t wait until the whities and cishets rage over this thread. I’m thristy for tears.

He is not scared of you


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Go to Hell, racist.

Yea Forums is the satan spawn of Reddit and Tumblr.

Trump is afraid of AOC

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Trump is afraid of the BBC!

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Putin never giving him the peen to the rear again if Trump disappoints him too much.

time fo dat ben aflac shiiieeet

being exposed as the fraud he is

Sadly that's one of the things he doesn't fear. He's exposed as a fraud on at least a weekly basis, but his diehards are so far up his anus with their ass kissing that they believe the entirety of nationwide media is fake news over the possibility that Trump isn't a fine upstanding christian man.

Sad but true.

The only truth.

True, but he's still better than Hillary.

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2016 was truly a race where the only winning move was being Canadian.

What goes on in your head if you think a smart, capable, experienced candidate in Hillary is somehow worse than the dumb, incompetent, politically green Trump.

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Becoming less & less of a ridiculous notion...

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