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sounds like a good day. what're you up to now?
yea all of that, and the sun kinda sucks too. only problem with being awake during the night is that i'm kind of afraid of the dark..

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sorry for lurking
>tfw no Ritsu arm hold

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I'm good. Been losing motivation to play bass because I can't seem to play Cagayake Girls(also, can't seem to learn how to slap).
Also, been playing too much TES V I thonk
That's good to hear. Just meeting up with frens for the first time this summer to play some vidya, nothing special. hbu?

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i want to get Mio's bass
do you have one?

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She's gay as fuck though

no what?

im watching a youtube video and eating a late late dinner. might play a zachtronics game later.
yeah, i used to have a problem with a glare during the day, my computer desk is right in front of a window, and at certain times of the day the sun peeks right in through there, and the shades suck. so i hung up a blanket and now everything is fine
i suppose its the lesser of two evils then?
its ok, dont be sorry
oh that sounds pretty cool, despite what you say. i used to play stuff with frens but it got tiring getting together all the time. and also it stopped being fun
im eating a late dinner and watching a video about the final fantasy 7 remake trailer
sorry i dont like to post without an image
everyone is worth some common courtesy.

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the specific model for Mio's bass is too expensive for me(even if not left handed)
also, I've tried playing a left handed bass, I probably won't get used to it, it feels v uncomfy
my J bass is the same color as Mio's but mine only has 22 frets and a white pickguard. been thinking of replacing the pickguard but I'm also planning on buying a fender j bass in 3 tone sunburst
would be nice to have Mio's specific model tho(if I can learn to play lh comfortably)

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tbh my friends an I only play DotA anyways. it gets exhausting after a while but we haven't seen each other in weeks so it should be fun playing with them again. also, wasn't ff7 remake announced years ago? how come it's still not out? :V

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fuck kikes

i still want one
i'll learn left-handed if i have to

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everyone on pol thinks im mentally ill

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she's mine

i wasn't trying to steal her from you

well i hope its as fun as possible for as long as possible. playing with frens usually keeps things good long past what theyre worth anyway
because tetsuya nomura is in charge and he's way too busy coming up with new, increasingly convoluted plot contrivances for his brainchild, kingdom hearts.

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no you're gay as frick
sounds very comfy! as expected of my dear comfy companion. what're you watching and eating? what game are you going to play? i've never played any of those games
yea i have blackout curtains that work really really well at keeping most sunlight out, they're quite nice to have
i guess so, yea. still don't like the dark though.. i tend to keep most lights on though, so that helps. will turn on more lights if i'm feeling particularly tense

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it is pretty darn comfy, yes. no blanket this time though sorry to say
i am watching a video sort of analyzing the new ff7 remake trailer. i say sort of because it was made very quickly, and its pretty obviously biased. its more like "youtube personality talks about future game he hopes doesnt suck"
opus magnum. all those games are open-ended puzzle games, it gives you the tools and lets you figure it out. im gonna do some brain training... or something. infinifactory is probably the best
that sounds a lot nicer than my literally thumbtack'd to the wall blanket.
im sorry to hear that. i really like the dark. it immerses me in whatever im looking at better and i can forget that i exist a little bit.

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What is going on here? Is Akari around?

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this is not an Akari thread


What is this thread then?

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a waifu thread, where people post their waifus.
please don't confuse the two, it's a bit insulting.

this is a waifu thread where you post your waifu and chat.
about your waifu if you want, or anything else.
you can tell me about her if you want, i dont recognize her

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I don't understand, how is it insulting?

oh, so this is not a circlejerk? Aum, my waifu is Mizore Shirayuki, a snow woman from the rosario + vampire series

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>oh, so this is not a circlejerk?
thats probably going to depend on your definition of a circlejerk, i wouldnt call it one but maybe it is.
>my waifu is Mizore Shirayuki, a snow woman from the rosario + vampire series
a yuki-onna? interesting. she looks very modern.
i havent seen rosario + vampire, whats it like?

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I see. Yeah something like that, this is her "true" form
Rosario + vampire is just harem ecchi shit, a whole lot of folks don't like it for that reason and it strays far from the manga but I like it

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Shhhh my waifu is sleeping

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aaah, i kinda get it
oh. well i'm glad you like it, maybe i'll check it out some day

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too warm for a blanket? i have one
hmm, never really cared for final fantasy.. the music's really good though. i like this track
sounds interesting, hope you enjoy. i haven't played a whole lot of puzzle games myself, but i usually liked them when i did
i had a literally thumbtacked to the wall blanket too before, it didn't do a whole lot..
i guess i like it in that sense too, but other times it just scares me

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that's nice
I really want to learn lh too but it's very hard to get the hang of
I hope so too

I'll probably go now, goodbye/goodnight everyone

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sleep well

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i could probably put on a blanket, but its plenty comfy without.
final fantasy has been hit or miss for me. i liked 1,2,6,7,10,12, and 14, but 8, 13, and 15 just did not grip me whatsoever. which is probably unfair because i played 8 for about 20 minutes and 15 for even less
hmmm very ambient. i suppose it is vgm.
its been good so far but im in babby mode
also i just remembered a hat in time got new dlc and i should be playing that... but i probably wont. maybe on my next day off
its working for me. it covers basically all of the window. it doesnt make it dark, but it keeps the sun out of my eyes, anyway.
hmmm i dont think we're gonna see eye to eye on this one. im sorry that its scary for you

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sorry im rarted

no its ok we all make mistakes

fair enough. i hope this blanket isn't adding to my sleepiness..
i've really only actually tried 6, on multiple occasions, and never made it out of the tutorial on any of them. turn based combat just isn't my thing
nothing wrong with that
ah, i've been wanting to play a hat in time for a while now.. is it good?
well that's good enough i suppose
well we can think a bit similarily of it on some things. and it's not like i'm constantly scared of it or anything..

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good luck with that
ah. fair enough. i kinda like it, but i can understand why you might not
i didnt mean it disparagingly, sorry there wasnt much to latch onto, and i was pretty distracted as well. i actually like ambient, it can be extremely relaxing
its very cute and it oozes charm, and the controls are very solid. id definitely recommend it if you like 3d platformers at all
true. and sorry i didnt really know what to say.

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thanks, still got at least like 4-5 hours to go until i think it'll be a good time to sleep..
i like it in darkest dungeon and undertale and that's it. i'm not sure if the latter can even really count
the "nothing wrong with that" comment was meant for you saying you're on babby mode, it's fine
3d platformers are cool, and i like cute things. will try to check it out sooner rather than later
no that's alright, don't apologize. and thank you

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good luck. i think im actually gonna turn in pretty shortly.
darkest dungeon was alright. i didnt play much of it, but my opinion of it was pretty soured by joseph anderson's review. i probably wont ever give it another go. but i kind of see what you mean, turn based combat is supposed to be vaguely strategic, but in the big jrpgs its often not very interesting, and entirely devoid of strategy.
oh. well im poking my head out of babby mode and already hit a wall. maybe im just tired. i wanted to be good at games like this but maybe its too much to hope for. getting frustrated and finally finding a solution doesnt seem very satisfying to me. maybe these games just arent for me
ill take some screenshots or something. i dunno how much the game is with all the dlcs (im a kickstarter backer so i get all the dlc stuff for freesies) but the newest one added online play so thats wicked cool as heck
i apologize. its what i do. its all the guilt. sorry

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yea it is pretty late..
i haven't played too much of it either, only 8 hours, but i've liked it from what i've played. the atmosphere was really nice. never even heard of that guy..
hmm, maybe. just a straight up puzzle game with nothing else isn't really too enticing or anything
40 dollars with all dlc, expensive.. and online play is scary, no thanks
alright.. well i hope at some point you can not feel guilty. at least around me, i don't want you to feel like that

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i cant remember how long i played, it was probably less than that. he's pretty well-known, or so i thought.
i dunno. other people seem to really love those games. i like the idea of solving open-ended problems, but its been like 4 years since ive used my brain for real, i think all the useful parts are gone
oof. yeah thats a bit much. id say its probably worth it, but probably get it on sale. and the online thing is a toggle obviously, but how else would we play together?
ah. sorry. its a weird complex of mine. i dont feel guilty -because- of you, if that makes you feel any better.

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idk, i don't read/watch many video game reviews
yea i think i'm kinda dumb too..
yea i think i'll probably wait for a sale. p-play together? sounds really scary.. not because of you or anything, but because i'm dumb
well i get that, i guess i'd just like for you to forget about it at least while talking to me or something..

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fair enough i suppose.
m-maybe the smart parts just get rusty and all we need to do is get them started o-or something...
haha, its okay i understand. im not really good at those kinds of things either.
s-sorry. id like to be nice and collected all the time too, but it never seems to go that way
its really not even that interesting once you strip it all down... humans are pretty boring and predictable aren't they?...
sorry, im actually an extremely cynical person.

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y-yea that's hopefully it............
it just makes me really nervous and stuff, playing online.. especially with people i know
idk, i guess with humans it depends on how you look at it. you are pretty cynical though

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Just playing D2, you?

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you know rocking out with my cock out

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ah. yeah. sorry.
i think im gonna go to bed.
i hope im more cheerful the next time we chat


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it's fine, don't worry about that. it doesn't bother me
goodnight, sleep well

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sup lads

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hell yeah

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have a nice night and a nice tomorrow
sleep well, good friend

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