Should i be worried about this spot? or the color of my gums? gimme advice Yea Forums

should i be worried about this spot? or the color of my gums? gimme advice Yea Forums

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it’s been hurting like hell for a day or 2 now

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

The last dick you sucked got your mouth pregnant, better kill yourself.

you need to go to a hospital right now

canker sore. sucks. lots of things can cause it, possibly some kind of allergy, just too much acidic foods, etc. very common and not a huge deal, just gonna hurt for a while.

It's a canker, rinse with salt water and it will go away in a few days.

Its a canker sore. rinse with salt water. but the plaque build up will lead to gingivitis

Nope. It will go away just brush teeth twice a day.

that's just a mouth ulcer. it is very painful, but it will heal in about a week or two. used to get those a lot and they were sooo annoying.

It’s a mouth sore it’ll go away stop doing rough shit with your mouth or so stop biting your lip

Yes OP, that doesn't look good at all. A lot of my friends chew Copenhagen and their mouths don't look that bad.

Add a decent amount of salt to warm water, stir it until the salt is dissolved then do some rinses with it. Don't swallow the water but gently swish it around on the affected area. DO this 2-3 times a day until it's gone

That's just a canker sore you idiot. Press salt into it. It will sting, that means it's working. Keep going regardless of how much it stings, just apply pressure with the salt. Once you're numb to it stop, it'll go away in like a day.

Nah fuck that diluted weak shit, press a pinch of salt to it applying pressure

Buy some Zilactin B and follow the directions

it looks like a simple ulcer. I would be much more worried about that tartar on your gumline. you can remove it at home if money's an issue, but your need a dental scaler. also, consider getting a high flouride toothpaste and/or flouridated rinse.

ps - don't go to Yea Forums for medical advice.

Stop drinking so much soda

Hello stranger, I heard if you hold vitamin C pills on the spot for a while it will make it go away.

Looks like a canker sore. Swirl some salt water around your mouth and stop eating so much candy.

Its just a canker sore. Don't touch it and it will be gone in like a week. It cant spread. But it will get bigger if you fuck with it too much. Google it fucker cmon.

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It's an ulser you fucking retard. Never had an ulcer before? Brush your teeth more you dirty cunt. Stop putting things in your mouth that don't belong in your mouth.

fuckign faggot drinkign too muche moutning dwew

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You dumb nigger that's a canker sore.

Stop eating so much sugar.

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Ask your dentist to cauterize them. It's the best way to deal with cankers m8.

Like everyone else here it's just a sore, but probably popped up because you're not brushing enough



Mucocele, look it up

Its a Canker Sore. Don't use oragel like this idiot told you to get. I have some weird fucked up shit where I get them all the time and oragel only helps for about 5 minutes and ends up making it worse because you are irritating it and just adding more bacteria to it...

When it goes to hurting, rinse your mouth out with mouth wash. It burns like FUCK for a split second, then goes numb, then stops hurting for a couple hours. Its not going to hurt you for mouth washing it every couple hours, its literally bad bacteria and killing it is the best thing you can do.

Rinse your mouth out with mouthwash, and do it daily.

I get these things from orange juice, but I love orange juice especially with some tequila. I've had one so bad that it made my lymph nodes swolen and given me a fever. It goes away though if you just rinse with mouthwash and leave it alone.

canker sore. get ammonium alum powder. put in on. hurts like hell until you rinse it out. this is an old school remedy to remove that white stuff. feels better once you do this.

just a canker sore,nothing to worry about.

Yeah, they also can be caused by acidic beverages and fruits. If I drink orange juice, I have to legit instantly rinse my mouth out with water after or I'll get them every damn time.

Here's a trick that'll not only make it stop hurting, but heal faster: use a hydrogen peroxide soaked qtip and scrub out the sore*. The reason why it's hurting and not going away is because a layer of biofilm is growing over it and allowing your mouth bacteria to fester. Break that away with the qtip and then rinse with mouthwash. Stops hurting after a day and gone in another.

*will likely hurt like hell when you do this

You are iron depleted, OP

Why can't you properly brush your teeth?

2xTablespoons of hydroperoxides
with 3x ounces water. It will be gone in a few today's it a mouth sores. Stop drinking soda or other acidic drinks and candy.