Transgender thread

Transgender thread.

[NO debates]-> Do you have more pictures like this ?

[Debate] -> First I met a transgender (born male), she explained me what is to be transgender.

>Assumed to be absolute new about this
>Apologize in advance if make language mistake
>Use she/her
>She call me fascist because I don't fully understand the purpose and don't want to follow the (non)universal rules of " you have to ask pronuns and gender agreements before meet someone"

>Now I can't trust any transgender
>I told them they can change their chromosomes

>but open to talk with "smart" transgender to understand real society problem about genders and not fucking idiot teen mind.

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I think both are fine. More meat. More kids to grow up in to more aesthetic looking twinks to fuck.

Real shit

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I'll bite.

Transgender people are nothing more than people born one gender with the brain chemistry of the opposite one. They pursue HRT and surgery so that their body matches what their brain perceives them to be. The person you interacted with is just a shitty person who got brainwashed into the "every straight white male is a Nazi" meme.

Gender bastards are fad that will pass

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ok, my problem is I have no probleme with men wearing dresses , skirt or do/act as anything assigned female, my point is sexes equality, so it's hard to me to say " NOPE I'm a women in Men body, I have to change to be myself "

this seems to be bullshit because you don't need this vocabulary "women" or "men" to be what you want.

Ok in our generation , in this world, stereotypes are still leading ... maybe I'm too positive too early about equality ..

gender is decided at the moment of conception, before any bodily organ is made.

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You need a claw hammer to the skull.

I was dating a trans girl for a while, everyone once in a while I had to stop talking to her, because it bothered me the size of her wrists. Like totally looked like a dude, she was hot though, but her voice almost gave her away, plus she wouldn't sleep with me right away so that was a warning sign right off the bat

Fucking abominations go fucking kys

Cont 2/2 but this chick was totally a girl, no if and butts about it, she did her make up everyday, wore a girdle, and acted smelled and kissed like a bitch

oh dude

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Lol, you're a pussy

I have no doubt anyone can find pleasure with any other person male or female.

something like "pansexual" ( don't like to use this word ,I really disagree with put a fucking word on every attraction, sexual or not.)

Sure you do. Society is built off of labels and aesthetics. What if you looked in the mirror and saw someone you felt was an impostor? Wouldn't you want to pursue any avenue to become the person you felt you should be?

You're being tricked.
What impostor? Just face your problems like everybody else.

Only superior genes persist, and being a transgender is not persisting at all.

First, I'm not trans. Second, the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" methodology doesn't apply to mental disorders. Third, uneducated trailer trash reproduces at nearly double the rate of educated working couples so fuck your theory. Percistsce of genes has more to do with free time than biological superiority.

I disagree " the person you felt you should be"
you can't choose , you can be redhead , black , white , asian , male with lot of hair or female with large hip, you can't change that.

>be me caucasian , large jaw
>my gf is korean girl
>once she told me she like cute asian boy (as it's my ideal, to be).

I just physically can't by like this, can loose weight , can shave , but not possible to be "cute male" ok never mind I just can just improve the way I am actually.

this is what I think since I'm kid so maybe now (31yo) it's too late to change. In some years , transgenders will be accepted and things will go on as usual, I just don't accept things like " If a trans boy came in gay bar and be rejected, it's intolerent" as Sophie Labelle say in her comics

EDIT : "being rejected in trying to date non-trans men " , not rejected from the bar/club

Most of people are mid to lower class, so it's obvious that the numbers are larger.

You seem to value intellect or 'education' above all. Your genes can be superior at a primal level, and that'd be just as good if not better.

Do you consider transgenderism a mental disorder?

please no , this is cancer.

8years old want's to play not to use real makeup , being political figure or anything.

I mean, that's not true though. Straight, non-trans people get plastic surgery all the time. Jawline narrowing, breast enlargement, hip/ass implants. Guys get HRT because they don't feel manly enough, even if they have no health issues and hormone levels well within what would be considered normal. All in the name of aesthetic, all with the purpose of looking in the mirror and molding themselves to who they think they should be.

Intellect is important, but once again, reproduction has more to do with how much time you have to fuck. Uneducated people have significantly more than educated people, but that doesn't mean that their genes are superior. And yes, by default transgenderism is a mental disorder. It's the treatment that most people would disagree on, imo.

ok you made a point about surgery

Do I need to make a point about something else? They're like an insecurity cocktail, only truly satisfied by surgery and hormones to fit their mental bill. Thus why the suicide rate is so high. Only a small amount are able to "pass" enough to be accepted by society as who they think they should be.

using kids in an shape way or form is just wrong, those words aren't his own. How can that kid express a context he knows nothing about? When that poor fucker hits puberty.. i don't even want to imagine that clusterfuck.

Did you leave, OP?

you really think being shot in the vagina wouldn't cause the exact same reaction?

False equivalency meme based on false assumptions. That's cute.

You don't change gender with hormones you fucking retard.