YouTube Gamer ProJared Falsely Accused of Pedophilia by his Ex-Wife!

YouTube Gamer ProJared Falsely Accused of Pedophilia by his Ex-Wife!

American women will now falsely accuse you of being a pedophile once she decides to divorce you.

60% of marriages end in divorce in America, with women initiating the divorce 90% of the time.

So now, American women won't just try to financially destroy you in divorce. They will outright lie and accuse you of being a pedophile, with the goal of getting you put in prison.

Never, ever marry an American woman. American women, especially WHITE American women, are completely evil people.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does that woman have Zika?

That bias though.


I had a girl one tell me she was a virgin, then tell me she was raped, then tell me she was pregnant, all lies. So it wouldn't surprise me if this was true.


He is a pedo though, in addition to being a retarded faggot.

women are full of shit, and men KNOW this now. She is fucked and is going to prison for ENABLING the crime of pedophilia, and she ADMITTED it

>cheating a person whose face is melting for another person with gender pronouns in their twitter bio

she is going to jail

>Defending that Ichabod looking ass and linking to a totally unbiased site called “women are stupid”


i aint defending him, i am exposing his wife as a criminal

>One person did something bad

For fuck's sake, grow up.


wow there's no way this site isn't gonna be biased in any way

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when will you women stop making false accusations?

that is the gayest "meme" i've ever seen, faggot

Gonna need some proof. Post scat video


I didn't save that shit

is he the leader of PizzaGate?

I've seen it and its so fucking disgusting.

his wife is going to jail for that too

wow, you're an old faggot and you're edgy?

i feel bad for u

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wow, you're a fucking faggot

wow, jared fucked kids

It was something like that...I hope that bastard rots in prison

and his wife admitted publicly that she enabled his crimes. She will go to jail

I heard about that. I hope she goes to jail today!

Well they got divorced because he was cheating on her. Also it was someone named Chie that claimed he was getting and sending underaged people pics.
No she doesn't have zika, she's just funny lookin.

she will go to jail once his lawyers get ahold of her

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Projared not only fucks kids, but he also has a serious scat fetish, this shit was confirmed. Get your facts right user


and his wife admitted she knew and enabled it

Did you see the pics of him and holly? it was fucking disgusting

This shit just keeps getting more fucked up! I couldn't believe it when I saw it!

Hey sorry buddy pol is two blocks down, this ain't the right place to shill.

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What if Im an actual pedophile

no i didn't but she admitted she is guilty

t. PBG

Honestly worst video I've seen in a long time, glad Ross got out when he did, who knows what other fucked up shit she did

Anyone got holly nudes?

I can confirm it as real user, it got posted in another thread like an hour ago

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No wonder he doesn't give a.....


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It’s Carlos you newfag

his wife will give a shit once she goes to jail for her role in his crimes

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Is Holly nude in them? I honestly just wanna see if Holly looks good naked or not.

She only filmed in the sex acts with the underaged fans, she didn’t participate in them
She’s said that on her Twitter


Plus OP is a shitty troll.

Got proof?

dude, that is a serious crime. She is definitely going to jail

>Doesn't like what a poster is doing
>Mentally links their posts to a website you don't like

Got the tweet?

ask the other poster

this fucking thread again
I'll go grab some popcorn

>she has said that on her twitter
She has not. Shes said she knew about the body positivity tumblr where he exchanged nudes and that she also saw his nudes from there.

she knew and covered up for his crimes. She is a criminal too

She wasn't aware they were underaged and she only saw his nudes. She also hasn't covered anything up. You made it sound like she was filming child porn.

He’s just subway Jared..... but pro. Lock up your kids

OP is in fact Pro Jared

WRONG. She knew.

I dunno, does being coated in layers of shit count as nude?

She said it's not illegal so I think she's gonna be ok.

SHE KNEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source? You've only said that she admitted to filming child porn on her twitter which is obviously not true so you seem kinda deranged.

Is this what the sticky on Yea Forums is about?

>doesn’t know how to greentext

bullshit, she knew it was illegal

Yes. Turns out youtuber ProJared was the head of a pedophile ring and it's been confirmed that he was fucking multiple little kids who were fans of his youtube channel. He also has a scat fetish and a horrific, disgusting video of them masturbating with shit with shit everywhere was posted.

Where are you getting this from?

even if you don't know things are illegal you still can't do them, anyway.

Actually she did, I’m following her and can still see her tweets
She did admit to filming more than one fan “interacting” with Jared.
Trust me, you will see in the coming days how deep this shit really goes

>fobget how etoe spreka

Breaking news!!
Some people suck. This is if course only a thing as of 2016. No one ever sucked before this time.
Apply massive blanket judgements over anyone you can loosely tie to any individual who sucks.
This has been a PSA

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she will go to jail

she is completely fucked

See bro! Told you

based kiwifarms nigger trying to stir the pot
keep up the samefagging, it's really funny seeing you try.

That's gonna be a yikesola from me famola.

>I can still see her tweets
Literally everyone can. She has a public twitter. Where is this mythical tweet where she admits to filming jared having sex with an underage fan?

I swear you people are retarded.




Why is there such a big outrage over this?
Everyone cheats on their wives. Fuck lmao, every business does shady shit loool

God, I wish

because she decided to falsely accuse her husband AFTER divorce

This shit is so obvious

It’s not a public tweet you dolt
I’ll find it and screenshot it, some dude hacked their accounts and found all sorts of fucked up dm’s

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Did you not see the scat video involving Jared, Holly, and underage children?

There isn't any proof that Jared ever had sex with any of the girls and Heidi said in her original thread that she knew about the body positivity blog, and not any others, and regrets allowing it now.


Who tf is Holly

>hacked their accounts and found DMs
Anyone who believes that is more of a dumbass than I'd originally assumed.

>scat man
thread theme. Despite only reading a post with no proof I fully believe it exists.

she is his ex-wife who is now falsely accusing him of being a pedophile

Oh look! Random guy cheated on random girl!?!?
Did you know that yesterday I had to go down to the store to buy milk because the one carton I had at home had expired, so this morning I could enjoy my coffee!! Interesting huh? FUCKING NO!!! Get a grip anons...

No shes not. Shes still calling him the love of her life and blames Holly entirely for being a sexually aggressive slut and ruining their marriage.

post his anus. I demand his anus.

who are you referring to?

Except it's been confirmed Jared was the leader of a pedophile ring and an ungodly scat video was posted.

but there's no proof or source to any of your claims lmao

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>Still being talked about
>Still no Holly nudes
What the fuck is this shit, bros? I have seen Jared's dick too many times and Holly's coochie not enough!

Milk with coffee

such a gay lame "meme"

i think women can lie about a lot of things but this is way too good to be fake, holly is so dense that she posted her condolences on his divorce announcement right away

I wanna see holly's cloaca

I can use inspect edit too.

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I did it with paint.NET though :^)

such a gay lame response

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I agree. For to sake of our souls someone needs to steal her phone or rape her and take pictures.

>you know me
She used one of the easiest "I'm lying" tells in the fucking world. Its so embarrassing.

>Jon revealed to be a closet /pol/fag
>Holly turned out her whole "pure" thing was an act
>Everyone hates his girlfriend
I wonder what's going through Arin's mind now that he lost half his team to controversy.

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Wish this was real

It's not a meme you retard it's real

"hey suzy look, another dumb faggot got exposed lol"

holy shit, anyone on her instagram account? Please post her pics here, i think Holly Conrad is hot!

>"Well fuck... oh well, at least Dan's a jew so I can play it safe with the nerdcore shit we do."
Financially secure for starters

If he's smart he'll investigate suzy. If she goes back to being hot that's it for Arin.

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I'm not arguing about the post, I dont even give a fuck about this person but seriously.

American, Canadian and European women are disgusting vile creatures.

Are you a black incel? Lol.
Wtf, pay a hooker and get laid. All this salt is destroying you inside :D
Anyway, saged, coz you're a faggot.

isn't his wife a racist or some shit?

I wish I could IRL photoshop Holly's eyes so they're a bit farther apart.
Like with that Liquify thing

his wife is super trashy

Holly is hot though, he cheated on his wife with Holly Conrad, apparently

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Somewhat like this?

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does Holly have a penis?

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>arin lost half his team to controversy? what controversy did arin do this time? I thought it was just projared and holly

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>Grand Champion!

Oh god not this again. Link's already dead move on

But there's proof already that he did

Holly looks hot and i bet she has a big penis too

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bread is actually good for ducks, it being bad is just a myth feminists started cause they think all ducks are rapists...

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link is dead faggot

no, that evidence was faked

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>Never, ever marry an American woman. American women, especially WHITE American women, are completely evil people.
That's why I'm gay lol

I'd suck her tits.
But the tattoos, the hand, the eyes, the eyes the eyes the eyes.

fuck off, bread is bad for humans too

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Who are you quoting?

Holly's orgasm face when her penis ejaculates

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How do i go about getting a date with Hedie?

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The video wasn't remotely as bad as has been claimed on here.
Jared is only visible for 1 frame and the rest is just him jerking off to a muff with a shitty hand. I've seen much worse at a breakfast table.

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Imagine what kind of person you'd have to be that some random pedo cheating gaymer is the hill you choose to die on.

finally i got to see his anus. I needed to for years. Now I can finally kill myself.

fuck heidi, Holly is better

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she looks like that one girl who would wear glasses all her life, and then when she finally takes them out for a moment in front of you, it looks super weird
But she just looks like that by default

Pretty sure she is female but somehow she looks like a tranny.

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does anyone have his uncensored dick pics? i haven't seen the uncensored ones an apparently they're hilarious

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This could never be anything other than underrated. Brilliant work user.

>goes back to being hot
She's been ugly since day one

This is a far better conspiracy idea than the stupid pedo ring shit, you guys should go with this.

i want Holly's dick picks

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god speed.

Not mine, someone posted it earlier today in another thread and thought it was relevant.

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holly should cosplay 2b.
Hiding her eyes by itself takes her from a 3/10 to a solid 6.5

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this is a holly thread now

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yes goyim, hate your women! they are all whores! let jamal have her instead.

Pro Jared violent pedophile confirmed.
There is actual footage of him putting his left fist in one toddler's ass and his right fist in another toddler's ass then using them as boxing gloves to give his wife a stomach punch abortion

Someone must have that video. I'm not looking to masturbate to it (though it's a strong possibility), I just want it because it's a piece of history now.

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pls no Im embarassed

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Thanks for sharing the greatness.

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The fact that the real life Nigel Thornberry actually have gotten laid.

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found it

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Holly's amazing orgasm face when HER penis ejaculates

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I have it and I haven't jerked off to it once. Trust me user, it's not worth the hype.

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just smack it onto mega wtf u doin

was wondering where the rest of the body went, thing i figured it out

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imagine risking your entire career to fuck an autistic bird freak with an annoying voice

"Don't look, Ross."

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Netflix animated series coming soon lol

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I think this was the first thing I ever saw her in and I immediately hated her ass. She was just a fucking downer the whole time.

You mean Heidi? Please spread correct false info

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You faggots didn't even watch it. It was clearly Jontron

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37 hours in mspaint

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that looks like a dude XDDD

holly is a stumpy little gnome

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Another video game internet personality that cheated on his wife

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in doing this I realized it's not just the distance between them, one of her eyes is just fucked up beyond all repair

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I'll upload the entire 10:13 when other anons share screenshots, a shit tonne of you guys have the video too. If nobody else wants to risk getting jail from captain Nintendo and his lawyers; I'll come through and upload it on June the 1st.
I must reiterate though, profag is only visible in 1 frame, the rest is of a shit covered hand jerking off to bird woman (only identifiable though tats) who turns at the 6min mark to show her shit smeared ass.

It'll come out eventually, I just don't want to be the first. Also the mega link is BS

My last two girlfriends both lied about being pregnant after I left them. The first one was a lot of floundering on my part. But the second one, I said, "Oh let's go to the doctor and make sure I don't trust those home tests." And she said, "Well I'm bleeding a lot so it might be a miscarriage" IMMEDIATELY.

Protect ya neck

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demand a paternity test

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Give me the video I need the poop

Non American detected. Someone tweet trump

The more I hear about this video the less I believe it exists.

fuck you

how can this unfuckable guy get laid with passable women.. you might wonder? until you realize that he probably gets peg legged no lube and never get that dick wet.

Same user.

cause he's a bad ass


Nice try, Jared. The victims already came forward *with* proof. Rot in prison, faggot.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit at this point.

the same way every ugly fucker gets some puss
by pretending to be a feminst.
Also being famous helps

I couldn't believe it it existed either, but there he was, Jontron, rubbing his bird's shit on himself. Dude is gonna catch something.

Imagine Jared eating her out and having his humongous nose impaling her asshole

he sounds pretty alpha, tbh

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What? I thought it was Danny Sexbang pooping into a pound of weed and then smoking it with Suzy.

made me giggle, gg
hope that drawfag is still around

That sounds like a job for art user, wherever he is.

i don't understand the praise? does she look okey with make-up? sure but without it she's a horror show..

what a slut

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See, it's obvious you haven't seen the video, the shit is exclusively on his jerking hand. It's probably her shit although the video doesn't show exactly whose shit it was, only that her buttocks is smeared with it.
If you haven't seen it, stop making it up. It'll come out eventually, just wait.

Holly is a shemale

Stop posting that nasty whore and post pure Heidi instead.

if that's true it sure explains it!

I'm okay with those thighs

Heidi is just Zuck in drag bro, thought you knew

show her benis pls

That has to be true, nothing screams male chastity device more then jared baumbaum

tbh I really liked jared and I just spent the day making fun of him to cope with the news

this tbqhwy

Heidi is ugly as hell, she is also a very nasty person

i thought he was just as famous as me (no youtube channel at all) before this scandal?

He had 1.03 million subs before this. He's down to around 880k.

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I'm glad the internet is taking down social vampires. They probably having nothing to do with gaming at all.

so i've heared but 1 million subs ain't anything now days, i never heard of him before but i unfortunately know who pewdiepie and the paul brothers are..

anyone got Holly Conrad's dick pics?

Can someone make a video edit containing all the badly timed jokes alluding to the scandal (e.g. broken marriage out of ten)? It has to happen. Also include the Curb your Enthusiasm theme.

i just want Holly's benis pics

pick one

Well he was part of a larger sphere, if you've heard of NormalBoots, Game Grumps, JonTron, SuperMega, PeanutButterGamer, The Completionist... He was associated with a lot of other creators, I'm not sure how you haven't heard of him.

her benis?

the way you post screams that you know exactly who this is and are somehow too much of a faggot pussy to admit it anonymously in a thread about that person.

I've heard the name "JonTron" and "The Completionist" but I've only seen one or two videos of the latter.

If holly did her eyebrows well she'd be significantly better looking. Maybe not pretty but not ugly.

It might come of as that but I'm not joking at all, H3H3 Podcast made me aware of his existance.

show her benis

Holly! Holly! Holly! We adore thee!

Her eyes are too close together for that to matter to me, sadly.

A virus that spreads through mosquito bites. If a pregnant women gets zika it can cause birth defects in the fetus.

what about Holly's penis?

Too veiny for my taste

man, SHOW IT!!!!!!!!!!


man fuck you, post Holly's penis pics

>with women initiating the divorce 90% of the time.
Grow the fuck up you moronic incel autist faggot.

but it's true. 90% of divorces are initiated by the woman.

>citation required

uh, google it? It's a fact that everyone knows, except for retarded autistic cucks like you apparently

Go ask Jared for them


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Where’s the proof and the vid? People keep talking about this pedophile ring but it’s kinda hard to believe seriously without the vid.

70%, 90%, that's still a super high percent. God, you women are evil

she should have those sunglasses permanently glued to her face

that's a huge difference, incel.

>Jon leaves Grumps due to personal issues with Arin
>Jon is called out by PBG and Projared which starts a small mini feud with fans
>Jon says some contraversial statements regarding immigration online

Yet Jon is doing remarkably well considering all this. The guy just seems like Jon, unlike all the other other unlikable pricks in this situation, especially Arin, guy can't play games and says the games broken or blames the mechanics when he's just shit.

Oh and Ross and Danny, those 2 need to gtfo away from that lot before they get pulled into the toxicity of it all

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what about holly's penis?

oh how cute, roastie is butthurt cause no man wants to marry your ugly fat ass

Yeah but he cheated on his wife his a nobody, so no gave a fuck.
He cheated on his wife, who was vaguely popular on the internet, with some one else who was vaguely popular on the internet, who was the ex wife of a team member who are very popular on the internet.

Whole thing makes a shit storm

Holly has hot soles and hot cock too!

I need a link friends, please

I hope you die slowly in a fire

God, you're dumb.

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