Why do "Americans" gets so upset when you remind them they purged an entire continent to make room for themselves?

Why do "Americans" gets so upset when you remind them they purged an entire continent to make room for themselves?

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Other urls found in this thread:


becasue they know muslims are doing it too

because it happened like 400 years ago and natives have gotten back billions.
its like you being a nagging beta who constantly asks the girls why dont they want to be your girlfriend

I, as an American, am not "upset" in the slightest that a Native American may choose to bring up a known historical fact. However, I *do* get upset if they look to me as if I, personally, am responsible. To which I must intone: I was born in the 20th century. I had nothing to do with the attempted genocide of previous generations. If you can blame me for previous generations' actions, therefore under that logic, I can do the same to you. At what point will you admit to the unprecedented levels of murder your tribe enacted upon other Native Americans for literally 12000 years before the Europeans showed up? Which group is more "guilty"?

Surprise, fool: it's you.

Shit flows both ways, faggot.


We dont get upset. We don't care. We didn't care then. We don't care now

Everyone gets conquered eventually.

Because accidentally infecting a bunch of people with diseases you don’t even understand Is a far cry from intentionally murdering people.

Also taking the blame for shit that happened while your ancestors were practically slaves back in Europe is kind of asinine.

It doesn't bother me.

educate yourself, whitey

Ameri-fag here.

I don't get upset. I'll respond, however, by asking you to name me one modern day power where this has not happened.

"but mommy, they're doing it too!"

Not what I'm saying.

I am saying that it's part of human nature. You're not getting away from it. It's our version of natural selection. There will come a day where America falls too. Powers rise and powers falls. We just keep the cycle on repeat.

Whites command and conquer...
It’s only thirst for fossil fuel that keeps a few shit skins in the game...
When the oil runs out, and global temperatures have risen 5 degrees, they’ll be fucked too.
We are the kings of the northern hemisphere

>using wikipedia as a source

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>/threading your own post
Yea disregard anything this fag posted.

china would like to have a word with you

guilt at their genocidal roots, that's established a trend for slaughter globally.

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what? are they controlled by muh joos, too?
wikipedia uses sources that seem credible to me, where is your counterclaim?

If we didn't do it, eventually someone else would have.

>>Why wont you damn whites submit to genocide?
>>Dont you know we cant do anything about it unless you give up every advantage you have?
>>Dont you feel guilty and want to commit suicide so my punk ass can inherit a world of stone age ungah bunga tribes thats left?

Hmm seems not

that's really not a good excuse, and you know it.

They look like Eskimos wearing feathers. Who gives a flying fuck?

>speaking for all Americans, one voice cannot speak for all

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the millions slaughtered so some british losers don't have to pay taxes to the queen?

Anyone who actually knows any Native Americans know that even they don't fucking care. SJW asshats get offended for them on their behalf on some guilt trip fuckery. There's a lot of exemptions/benefits that come from sovereign territory status and the vast majority aren't addicts who blow their stipend on drugs. The most I've seen my local tribal friends get pissed at is the Washington Redskins thing. And it wasn't even for the name; rather they hated the memorabilia that is seen as mockery of tribal traditions but even then it wasn't a big deal.

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can't debate the points so you fag you way out....figures

Native Americans are easily the most fucked ethnicity in the states. If anyone actually cared about them, they'd stop pandering to niggers and do something about it.

>”The spread of disease from European contact was not always accidental.”

So after they accidentally started the diseases, someone figured it out and kept going.
Yes that’s a valid reason to blame everyone born since then.

How about you blame the natives for abandoning the rest of humanity and isolating themselves thereby ensuring their susceptibility to disease.

Facts ^^^

You think China is going to march in here and run us out?
Not likely.
They don’t have the resources to run a war machine

"you see, it's actually their fault for not inventing vaccinations 300 years before we did"
let's see how you do against tropical diseases without them.

Silly illiterate autistic soyboi faggot

except they do, and they have a population of over a billion, and they're getting into gene modification and other fancy science shit now
the chink space marines are coming, just you wait

There is nothing wrong with genocide. If you can do it without anyone stopping you, you have the right to. We took what our power gave us the right to take. They fought nobly, but lost.

We act like morals actually matter and we should feel bad for killing them all, but they don't and we shouldn't. The world could do with a hell of a lot more genocide in fact. We have far too many weak parasites in the human race and could do with a good culling.

Look under 95% of anything you own at the "made in" label......KYS for being a faggot

calm down with the edge, kid

Completely agree. I chuckled audibly when I heard some progressive types talking about arming up for a civil war.

We don’t lol

It's not edgy, it's a fact that we are growing our population at an unsustainable rate. We are destroying our planet because we're too cowardly to do what needs to be done. Going to another planet isn't a solution, buying a hybrid car and building some windmills isn't a solution. There's only one real one.

I seriously doubt your entire hose and its contents or anything you own to say the least, say made in america

>chuckled audibly when I heard some progressive types talking

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Most of the reservations in the country are far poorer than the surrounding communities. To assert that everything is just fine for them now is flat out untrue.

Thanos had the right idea.

So you'll be just fine when you get conquered and exterminated?

I'm not understanding the reference here user. I'm an oldfag.

how is expanding our reach so we can get more resources to make food not a solution you brainlet?
sure, let's just murder each other instead, we'll start with retards like you

If it is my time to go in defense of my family and my country, then it's my time. I'm not afraid of it.

Also, natives have not been exterminated. They were relocated. Learn location and history.

sure you are

>Anyone who actually knows any Native Americans know that even they don't fucking care.
Yes we do stupid. We care because whites aren't done fucking with us. Its been a constant fight for our rights for the entire time this country has existed. Even today all the tribes are involved in some sort of legal contest for their sovereignty and their land. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>There is nothing wrong with murder.
>If you can get away with it was your right to do so.

The ones that aren't killed get all sense of family destroyed when the church decided to assimilate them by abducting all the children and putting them in residential schools where many an abuse of all strides took place; physical, sexual, psychological. Some cases a nail would be put through the tongue if they spoke their native language. It was a whole campaign of "kill the Indian, save the man," and there's a ton of literature on residential schools documenting most of it all.

Legit. In my mid 30's and haven't been on Yea Forums in years.

Earth is a vicious place. Are you not aware of that?

No you idiot. There's never just one solution. The real solution controling our birth rates through education and fucking birth control. If everyone only ever had One child then the population would decline to sustainable levels. Even only having Two would lead to a decline in population. Your solution of murder is short sighted and stupid.

Tribes. Haw.

Well for one, we'll never settle another astronomical body. Ever. We might have a permanent moon/mars base for astronauts and scientists, but we'll never have a society there. This isn't science fiction.

We should respect our resources. Taking earth for granted like we have by allowing population to grow out of control is shameful and we have to pay for it. Our entire species is doomed if we don't make a monumental change in how we live.

The first line of the guidestones in the pic is key. If we can't get our population down to that number plus or minus a few million, we are fucked.

If I have to die knowing that it is part of a global movement to save the world, then I would consider it a great honor.

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Just because extermination attemps were not successful didn't mean they didn't happen. I do know my history about the tribes. I know that the US army would specifically target women and children. The tribes have not forgotten what the US has done and they never will.

and you're just now coming back to hide behind muh oldfag? believable

>give indians money and land
>they spend it all on booze and casinos

really makes you think

a century ago, having a computer was so absurd noone even thought about it
you don't know the future, so stop advocating genocide

>If I have to die knowing that it is part of a global movement to save the world, then I would consider it a great honor.
Great, so go shoot yourself out in the woods. Every little bit helps.

much too slow. It might work in the USA, but the more primitive races aren't going to listen. People in India and Africa will continue to pump out kids because they are controlled by their animal instincts. They are impossible to educate, so unless we sterilize them they will always counter every step forward civilized society takes.

>give indians their own land
The only thing you ever gave us was smallpox.

he's an idiot. of course its user generated content and you can't use it in an scientific context, but that doesn't mean its wrong. it only means it can be wrong. but the same thing goes for a printed lexicon.

what source of information can you use without someone complaining? NONE!

I'm not saying there weren't genocides. We can agree there. But extermination is a strong word. They were offered peace and territories. Some took the offer because they knew they weren't going to win, and some went out in a blaze of glory. Such is life user.

nah i think i'm just gonna keep doing it

Just because theoretically in like 1000 years we might be able to make another planet habitable or travel to one that already is doesn't mean we can just sit around and wait and continue to rape and pillage our planet like we are. It will be too late if drastic action isn't taken very soon.

hey look guys, its a neet who's never visited a reservation or native ground in his entire life.

Then again, if Captain Price taught me anything it's the history is written by the victor. I could be off base.

>primitive races
Countries like India are moving ahead of the US in terms of environmental control. They seem to understand the danger to our collective ecosystem better than the US does. They're taking active steps to prevent potential ecological collapse while the US is pick up snowballs and saying "gee doesn't look like global warming to me". Get off your own dick.

yeah same with jewish people and any other group who has the audacity to complain about being a waste of life and space.

iirc the "indians" shot first, at the pilgrim settlers- i cant say the same for the French.
the point is, its like some jew going to Egypt and blaming Egyptians for jewish people being in slavery and demanding money- like who gives a fuck with that guilt trip shit

i mean literally everything on earth is actually a jewish plot to control the white man, right?

What's there to get upset about? The natives didnt have any issues with conquering, and they would've done the same if the roles were reversed. That was simply how it was back then

nigger those indians were purging entire tribes of each other long before white people got there.

i don't think you've read my post

"the holocaust wasn't that bad, it was just wahat people did in the 30s, jews would've done the same"

Oh, Oh, Oh!

Tell the one where they conquered neighboring tribes and sometimes exercised cannibalism!

If you're implying it was intentional than that's a myth

India has increased their CO2 emissions over 400% since 1990. The United states has only increased by 100%. Still not good, but get your facts straight.

>But extermination is a strong word.
So is fucking Genocide. That's a literal war crime. Natives were treated like animals. You don't commit war crimes on animals you exterminate them. Natives were not offered peace, they were treated like cattle to be driven to different pastures. You're arguing in bad faith, because you don't give a shit, you just want to change the language for a fucking PR campaign.

Jesus Christ.

You're a Progressive, aren't you?

>iirc the "indians" shot first, at the pilgrim settlers
Well surprise surprise stupid you don't remember correctly. The native tribes around Plymouth helped the pilgrims to survive since they were like fucking children. Relations with that community were actually pretty good, it was when all the other whites showed up who had no connection to the tribes that the real murder started.

yeah well they did that shit. they are no more noble than anyone, just as quick to subjugate and kill.

"mommy mommy his words are making me angry!"
"don't worry adolf, just call him a triggered libcuck"

Those place suck bc of poor indiant govt

>implying the native tribes were a monolithic group
The cultural diversity in the US pre-white was immense. Sure you had some warlike tribes, others weren't. Out in the midwest there were cities with millions of people that were all wiped out by small pox before the whites even got there. You can't just take a single brush and paint all the tribes one color.

Just like the holocaust right?

>be me, proud american
>disgusting illegals from europe arrive
>rape and murder rates skyrocket, who would've thought
>filthy foreigners spread diseases
>my masterrace gets bread and murdered out of existence
>can't speak up because of a tyrannical state suppressing my freedoms
>get children taken away and put in "reeducation"
>glorious culture and heritage destroyed
>this is red genocide

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Yeah. For sure a leftist.

I was willing to have a conversation about this to get to the bottom of the data and form an opinion.

Word of the wise from an oldfag, outrage like you've shown here won't gain you much of anything in life user. Either online or in person, most people will avoid you or tell you to fuck off.

Try the Joe Rogan route. He's left leaning but he can also have a conversation and respect other view points.

Or keep being a cunt. All is good.

How about you try finding an actual flaw in my argument weakling.

Maybe they should have built a wall...

because they didn't do anything. the indians lost though.

I did. Then you "REEEEEEEEEEEE" 'd and the conversation stopped.

The strong survive, the weak don't. It's the natural order.

>Jesus Christ. You're a Progressive, aren't you?
>you gotta respect other peoples view points!
Try it yourself first faggot.

exactly, whiteboi

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We aren't exactly the first people to do something like that. The natives were fucking murdering each other before we showed up, we were just better at it.

What calling me a progressive? That's my flaw in the argument?

>left leaning
>platforms molyneux etc
something's not adding up

I'm a native american and what I hate is when other natives constantly bring this up and treat natives like me who are just trying to get by like we're responsible. They always complain about white man wearing headdress when we dress up like white man 24/7.

And rampant addiction to firewater.

>my masterrace gets bread

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>I'm a native american

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Give me a break. Like you can get a job walking around in a fucking loincloth and buckskin breeches. Dressing like the white man does is a necessity, nobody is gonna hire you if you look like you're fucking Squanto.

>well you see your honor, murder is a time honored tradition. I am hardly the first murderer, so how can I be responsible for the consequences of my actions?

the classic "i can ignore your argument because you made a spelling error"

Natives are fucking cunts. They treated me like shit just cause I wasn't brown enough for them. Wasn't allowed to stay with one as a foster family just because "hurr durr rain dance no outsiders" and when I told them I was native they told me I was lying. Fucking dickheads.

You miss took my point. I hate (Natives) who complain to me a (Native) for not getting offended when I see whites wearing headdresses or that Maga cap wearing kid who stood if front of that native. I hate those pricks. Especially when they act superior to me cause they went to protests. Meanwhile our own people have been fucking ourselves over years. Hell the Navajo President is more corrupt than Trump. He was caught talking millions and caught cheating on election votes. I hate my own people's hypocrisy

at least the natives fighted the europeans back for a couple hundred years, meanwhile eurocucks are spreading their butcheeks for arabs

Yeah I have a brother who is full blooded native but has a condition where he has pale white skin. Our own people don't treat as equal.

Calling someone a Progressive is not disrespecting their viewpoints. It's naive to think that. I'm simply trying to identify the average tendencies this person is going to have plus my approach to deal with them. I didn't disrespect their viewpoints, I disagreed. There's a difference.

No. The flaw was calling it an extermination user. If something is exterminated, that means it doesn't exist anymore. Natives still exist and are doing decent. By all means I envy them sometimes. Our history books reflect they were offered peace and relocation. That's the primary data I have to go off of. If you have other references then I'm willing to listen.

relocation is not peace.

That's a fair thing to hate, but acting like there isn't a problem, like everything is just fine and dandy is sticking your head in the sand. Native rights is a constant legal fight. The people who do fight for those rights don't have the right to shit on you for not fighting for them, but you benefit from those guys fighting for Your fucking rights. The whole reason you can try to work hard and get by is because of the actions of countless ancestors who struggled through every means necessary to survive and try to achieve some measure of equality. Pretending like there is no conflict and the protesters are all just out there to wank themselves off is just as false as the assertion that we're all alcoholic losers.

Yea it's bullshit, just cause I'm part Mexican and white. I'm more native than both of those yet I'm treated like shit. Not even eligible to be like one of those fancy verified natives because my great grandfather was just straight up taken from the res and given to a Mexican family with no paperwork. Natives just wanna get fat and drunk and preach their culture and blame the world for their problems and say the reason they can't get a job is because couple hundred years ago some white dudes came up and killed their ancestors.

you forgot to add that the white man then created a system of oppression that lasts even to this day.

It's not extermination either.

>that means it doesn't exist anymore
The natives are not gone, but do you know how many tribes are? In California alone there were unique tribes in every valley and on every river. With a wholly different culture and language from the guys one valley over. Almost all of those tribes are gone. What remains is a bare handful. Yes they were exterminated. The natives weren't exterminated from the whole continent but individual tribes were exterminated from their individual homes.
>Calling someone a Progressive is not disrespecting their viewpoints
Give me a break, that's just obfuscating bullshit. Nobody is going to go "Jesus Christ {REDDIT SPACING} You're a Progressive aren't you?" Out of respect. You're naive if you think i'm gonna fall for that shit.

that's correct, but it is really bad even if it's not the worst it could possibly be
i'n not the same user as the extermination guy by the way

I'd love to go around town in just a loin cloth /native americaness

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Indians sold their land for fire water. Now that land is private property. Why do commies and bleeding heart faggots not understand this?

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>Be me
>Ultimate Chad of early 1600s
>Discover land accompanied by reds
>They offer woman and gold
>Return rape more woman, kill millions, give diesases, new slavery trade found, new land, and etc
>Year 1960s
>Niggers rise up
>Reds also rise
>Year is 2019
>Chad race is now virgin cucks
>FB/Ig/Snap Threads
>Tribute threads
>Loli threads

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Well sure, knock yourself out dude. Nobody is stopping you.

you're right, we should always remember the humans they displaced, for example
oh right, fucking none

I'd love to smack you in the back of your head.

ancaps get the bullet first.

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it just sounds like you dont know european history and so of course youre a retard who might bring up native americans.
the shit you posted sounds like jew shillery, since europe is literally a giant fucking forest and of course people know how to survive.

your third grade education doesnt hold up in the real world. I wouldnt be surprised if you said Columbus discovered America.

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I do agree but getting offended by a hat wearing kid and whites dressing up on Halloween or concerts is a weak thing. They do more about those than the rape rates, cops beating up homeless natives, and heinous hate crimes. Than they have the balls to make me feel bad for not getting offended by Adam Sandler calling a girl a name.

Yeah I seen some natives hate Mexicans but I'm like Mexicans are native Americans. It's just dumb.

Welcome to the bitch fest user. Lol.
I agree it's not good. Totally on board. I also believe that Natives have been shafted, hard. Worse than any other "ethnicity" in the United States.

5.2 Million, user. That's how many natives are (ballparked) living in the United States. (Census from 2010) Far cry from extermination. You need to work on your wording. Please look up the definition of the word.

Also, the native population grew by 39% from 2000 to 2010. They are doing decent in the areas they are in.
I'm not even going to respond to your reddit bullshit. I don't even know how to navigate that site.


>since europe is literally a giant fucking forest and of course people know how to survive.
The Pilgrims were English stupid. English puritans. England is NOT a giant forest and hasn't been for a really long fucking time. The trees were cut down and the farmers lived in houses made of SOD. The pilgrims came to a land completely alien to them. They had no idea how to survive in the new environment, because they had never had to before.
>jew shillery
Yeah you say that about everything that contradicts you.

What do you expect a bunch of native protesters to do about corrupt police who don't give a shit about natives? What about the dudes out at Standing Rock? Literally facing fire hoses in freezing temperature? Don't those guys deserve your respect?

If you aren't full native and fucking brown as shit then you are scum. Natives are pretty fucking racist. When I lived in NM they were everywhere and treated everyone like shit, and the worst part is that everyone kept building them up. In school, we were taught nonstop about how great they were. They had so many like "Native Only" shit in town.

in the context of the european colonies, he basically did
Leif Eriksson technically got there first but never created any settlements or influenced the decision to set up spanish and later english colonies

You're missing my point, intentionally. The tribes who are currently still in existence are a bare fraction of what once was. Because each one of those tribes was killed. By disease or by intentional violence. You don't want to call it extermination because some tribes managed to survive. You're arguing semantics, you could exterminate the Germans without exterminating the Europeans, or the French or the Belgians or any other cultural group that exists out there. Because these groups are constantly subdivided into smaller groups. You can exterminate the bugs in a house without destroying the species. Get the fuck out of here with your white washing bullshit.

False. I'm pale and my tribe treats me fine.

I do care what happen in standing Rock cause that was a big problem. I'm just saying Fucking blacks got cops beatings down to a miracle if it happens while we suffer from it like the blacks did in the 1960s

Lucky you then, cause all the Natives I've been around look down on me with shame for being light-skinned and mixed. I've seen more hatred for race mixing from natives than whites.

I'm not missing your point at all. I am agreeing with you that there was a genocide. We are on the same page there.

You said, very plainly, that the Natives were exterminated. You are wrong. "Natives" covers a very large group of people and different tribes.

If you feel so strongly about it, especially in California which is where I'm assuming you're from, why not start petitioning local Government to give the land back to the Native Tribes that once lived there?

It was not an extermination, you illiterate. It was genocide, it was horrible, it would have been an extermination had the fuckers not taken peace treaties and relocation offers. Is that so hard to comprehend?

The North American Indian population was low as fuck. Maybe like 2 million spread over the entire continent north of the Rio Grande. Everyone lived in Mesoamerica or the Andes. Why did they get to hog a resource rich continent just because they stumbled on it a couple thousand years back? Who was there before them?

why do you get to kill them off if they weren't even that many?

We didn't "purge" them
We brought civilization. Sometimes they were not compatible with civilization, and things that it brings. Like you know, agriculture, medicine, education. Things we take for granted to this day.

Disease is what killed them. They weren't advanced enough to be as healthy as the Europeans. More of them died to exposure than we did when we landed. Europeans died as well, lots of them. Life expectancy wasn't great for settlers either due to the exposure of foreign illnesses on the native land. We only survived and thrived due to advances in food and medicine.

If you really think Natives would have been better off, then travel up north to the Canadian wilderness and start a tribe. There you can role play with nature all you like. See how that turns out.


They don't.

They acknowledge as much counter to what this troll thread would have you believe.

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Why do you care about a practically extinct people? They assimilated into the American DNA. Most "tribes" consist of white people larping because muh 2% native DNA

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Nah I live in a reservation, we have literally all of the shit we need given to us. We get land, we're entitled to casino money. I get roughly $2700 a month of that casino money. Almost everyone who gets anything for free abuses it. They want to treat the days like they're living "the old ways" and peace pipes aren't the only pipes their smoking, and I ain't talkin about dick. They abuse drugs and alcohol every god damn day. As the elders die off we have no guidance from them. Normally I'd say we don't need guidance, but these people do. We aren't all shit heads about it, but a huge portion make us all look like total wigwams.

Most East coast Indians can pass as white people. The west coast ones look more like chinks.

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we'll talk again when it happens to whites and you start screeching white genocide
hell, people are doing it now already

Why would anyone ever bother visiting one of those shitholes willingly?
If i wanted to get robbed by a drunk brown man, i would just go downtown, i dont need to drive 3 hours to be reminded about why natives are inept and prone to alcoholism

truth hurts. no one likes being the bad guy.

I'm not upset at all.

Drug and alcohol use is what's ruining reservations. The council members on the rez I used to live are corrupt too and take money that should be going back to the community.

Looks like it's high time for some scalping...

There wasn't a full genocide because they still exist on reservations and small pockets throughout the country. Most would look like a swarthy white if they didn't tell you they were injun.

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Your mom is a Jew too loser.

Literally every society ever has done this. At least we treat them as equals now and didn't completely wipe them out.

>the holocaust was not a genocide because there are still jews left

You're definition needs to be looked at user. See the threads above. What happened to natives was a genocide. Not an extermination, but a genocide.


Goddammit had to grammar nazi mahself!

There are more native Americans now than there was in 1600 though. Most just have Euro blood now. Ask them about the red headed giant race they tried to wipe out. Yeah, they were the only ones here. They are full of shit.

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It was not planned. Virus did the job. They found prepared land. It was no planned genocide. It was by chance as the survivors of plague in Europe. And everyone wants to be a hero....

I prefer the old feather Indians to the new dot ones. Nonetheless I laugh at libs likening settlement of the Americas by white people to forced immigration and displacement. Apples and oranges. There were not 150 million natives on this land when the Mayflower arrived.

Because the Serbians that you think are the Americans did it before hand and that's what you get.

we're talking about Indians not Archduke Franz Ferdinand, right?

They made room for themselves since Europe was exhausted for farming. Yeah they went a little overboard but I'm sure China would have done it once they started venturing outwards. North America would be full on China. At least white people let them keep their culture.

Russian communists probably made this shit up about native Americans to take away the attention from their own displacement of Siberians living in Siberia. Most don't realize that Russia didn't always span all of Asia.

Should be pointed out to people who say that the tribes should just get over ancient history, this was officially government policy until the 1970s. And after it became officially illegal under Nixon of all fucking people, it still continues to today, just at a reduced rate.
My grandparents has brothers and sisters stolen from them, and were forced to learn white ways. My parents were raised under threat of be whiter, or they will come and take you.

Neo Nazis hate it because they don't like the idea of getting a taste of their own medicine like they are now.

As for the other Americans, only time ive seen them get upset is when they're a liberal who's proud to be "1/16 Cherokee" or some stupid shit like that.

Why do Euros get so upset when they caused the purging of America by not staying across the pond?

It's called a war retard

>give indians money
Back in the 90s a nickle out of every dollar "given" to the tribes got to the tribes. The rest of it went to white people in no bid contracts to provide services to the tribes that they simply didn't in most cases. Usually friend of the state governor or national corporations that would try to lease those already paid services to the tribes.

Tell that to the legislation in the upper states where only Indiana can operate casinos (wisconsin I think). Yeah, it might not bring back the dead Indians but your tribe profiting off their sacrifices isn't helping either.

Indian culture is shit tier anyway. Literally eskimo niggers.

*citation needed*

I don't feel bad. Those fuckers were at constant war with each other. They can't blame anyone more than themselves

What is the Roman or British empires?

>Maybe like 2 million
There were individual cities with larger populations than that.

But because white people were so fucking filthy they could wipe themselves without breeding a new disease, we got apocalyptic death plagues we never had a chance to adapt to.

>agriculture, medicine, education. Things we take for granted to this day.
We had better both, and taught it to you integrates.
>Disease is what killed them. They weren't advanced enough to be as healthy as the Europeans.
diseases you made by living in your own shit and fucking livestock.

Because that was the Spaniards. Spain conquested in North and South America. Spain lost that land to Napoleon Bonaparte - perhaps you've heard of him? Napoleon sold a large chunk of the land he won to a young nation.
>B-b-but... Columbus!
Didn't land north of Havana in any of his voyages. He was flying the flag of Spain anyway... not England.

>the US did not genocide indians when moving westward

Sounds like a Shakopee native to me, I'm from an SD rez and we don't get shit but free medical. And even that's limited

>SD rez
Ouch. Ive been to some of those. Im sorry, user. Those and the nd ones are the worst. White guys coming in and raping girls, bringing in tons of fucking drugs, and dumping their wastes in the water.

No wonder white people are so scared of immigration, they're a fucking scourge that needs to be dealt with and even they fucking know it.