Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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>open borders

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I don't get it

Why does China suck asshole except when it comes to their stance on faggots?



So they can get all the illegal immigrants to vote democrat, it’s just a power grab. Just like wanting to end the electoral college, do that and nyc, la, Chicago and Miami control all elections basically. It’s a scam shameless powergrab

are you saying you liberal faggots suddenly are against other faggots? interesting

Cheap servants to exploit...

They don't. Let me correct that for you: "Why don't democrats want to waste tens of billions on building and maintaining a wall sitting for the most part in the middle of nowhere that won't stop illegal immigration or drugs?" The answer is because they aren't idiots.

Keks ok kid

Maybe the land under ur feet is not yours? Borders not exist...

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But thoes same democrats will send hundreds of billions to other countries for "aid"

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Why do republicans think democrats want open borders?

because they are slightly less retarded than republicans, you can either cut taxes for big business, or waste tons of money on a border wall, not both

How about learning some fucking English before you waste my time? Thanks Paco

>illegal immigrants
do burgers even know how their own state works?

I find it interesting that all of a sudden, democrats care about wasting tax dollars. But when it comes to gibs for niggers and spics, half of whom are fucking here illegal, suddenly you open the flood gates for that.

>thinking that the voting system isn’t super broken in the country
You’re dumber than fuckstain if you think it is totally possible for an illegal immigrant to vote. Like my god ya cunt discharge commie

>You’re dumber than fuckstain if you think it is totally possible for an illegal immigrant to vote. Like my god ya cunt discharge commie
Did you just out-stupid yourself?

>be me, proud american
>disgusting illegals from europe arrive
>rape and murder rates skyrocket, who would've thought
>filthy foreigners spread diseases
>my masterrace gets bread and murdered out of existence
>can't speak up because of a tyrannical state suppressing my freedoms
>get children taken away and put in "reeducation"
>glorious culture and heritage destroyed
>this is red genocide

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Of course english is not my mother language, but you well understand what i mean.... We are not in a classroom here

Because they aren't doing shit to fix the problem. Or better yet thry fail to even see a issue

>rape and murder rates skyrocket, who would've thought
Right, because natives were peaceful and NEVER killed or raped each other EVER. Any other fake news BULLSHIT you'd like to drop while we're at it.

>walls don't work
This is the most retarded leftist talking point in a long time.

why do republicans think a big dumb wall is the solution to all problems in america?

>Of course english is not my mother language
Oh good you admit you need to learn more English, now fuck out of my thread

More democratic voters.

>he doesnt know about the measures being taken in each state to ensure they can vote.

Sucks to be the inferior race

If an illegal can get a photo ID they can commit voter fraud. Hell you don't need ID to vote in most states. You can register online for free or at the dmv when the beaner gets his license

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They were literally cannibals. They could have easily killed off the Europeans but they couldn't stop scalping and eating each other. All that "smokum peace pipe" shit is a lie. Brutal savages.

So they can dump all the corpses hidden by the FBI after 9/11


despite having made up only 13% of the population of North American when the first colonies were founded, whites commited 50% of the crime
facts don't care about your feelings

Congratulations on being the reason the world didn't take the American right seriously anymore

For teh lulz

Funny how dems are also against voter IDs, registration, and a bunch of other voter fraud prevention programs.
Because they’re racist!


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And your source for that is where? Don't worry if you don't have it, I know it's hard to find sources for fake news.

American here. Literally anybody can vote in our elections. This is because Democrats have been stripping away voter laws and restrictions and security measures for decades. When you go to the voting office, some fat nigger government employee (literally always a fat black woman) checks your ID and then shows you the voting booth. She doesn't care about her job. If you tell her you "lost" your ID, or show her a temporary ID, or a fake ID, she doesn't care enough about her job to verify that it's real. She'll let you bite anyways. Look up videos of this on YouTube. Lots of people have recorded themselves voting illegally to show how broken our system is.
Anybody can vote in a US election.

>>believing illegal aliens are politically motivated enough to risk capture or detection for a chance to cast one vote out of hundreds of millions

Because it reduces the stability of the nation. That's the whole story. You could claim it's also in their best interests, it's free votes, more poor people equals more people dependent on the government, but those are just gravy.

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Average 2k USA kids

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Future european pictured in the middle.
They become our interracial pets and slaves.

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Jews/communists benefit from ethnic and cultural plurality. So while they're always screaming for open borders and against white privilege they are maintaining their homogeneity.

Because Every Fucking Time somebody proposes fixing the problem they have a chimp-out.
Because they shamelessly run 'Sanctuary Cities' that actively defy and obstruct immigration enforcement, even for Felons.
Because it makes ballot fraud cheaper.
Because it speeds up the destruction of the middle class.

this is literally taught in every school, not my fault you are an uneducated fuckwit, Tommy.

Not really. I just think it's funny to watch you get upset.

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this makes no fucking sense

you forget to mention they're against asking people if they're citizens on the census, which determines how much representation each state gets

Because a truckload of fentanyl, enough to OD almost 28 million people, almost made it into the country, Houston is a world hub for human trafficking with the majority of the percentage coming from Mexico, and we’ve already seen the Democratic Party encourage illegal immigrants to illegally vote in presidential elections.

Fucking Wetbacks are actively recruited by the Dem machine.

he's trolling by parroting the fact that blacks, 13% of the american population, commit over 50% of all violent crime

By who, liberal faggots like yourself? What else do they teach you in we waz kangz and beaner language class?

keep crying whiteboi

PER 100,000 HEADS

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Mate, they bus these people across the border and literally train them on how to vote without a proper ID.
I'm not making this shit up either. I'm not trying to be rude to you or anything, because you're clearly not American, but our system is incredibly broken and corrupt from the top down. Democrats have been cought multiple times, a few times on camera, talking about bussing people from city to city, telling people how to avoid security checks, training people to vote illegally, training teenagers how to riot and obstruct, etc.
If you don't believe me, you can look this shit up. A fucking judge was arrested recently for sneaking immigrants out the back door of her courtroom to avoid ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) when they raided her, or something like that. We're experiencing all out mutiny and treason right now. Certain factions of our government are going against and obstructing other parts of our government right now.

When u are american kid, you know the rule of life

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I know that, but I'm bored so I'm playing along

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Win all elections from now on. Full control also.


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Optimist, Dem Elite are working hard to obstruct fixing the problem.
Brown vote-farms living on taxpayer provided handouts are their plan to keep power forever...

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that's a really weird way of trying to repackage a white genocide conspiracy theory
get out nazi

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>Democrats decrease voter fraud security measures and make it so that anybody can vote
>Democrats oppose ICE and want to bring in immigrants
>Democrats paint anybody who is against ICE and in favor of voter ID laws as a racist
>bring in millions of immigrants
>let them vote
>"But remember to vote for us, and not those evil nazi Republicans! They didn't even want you here. WE let you in and have you the right to vote!"
>millions of new voters vote Democrat
That's all there is to it. It's about power.

Op you loose...do u continue? 10...9...8...7...

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Why are all arguments reps can come up with "haha aoc made a funni face xD"

Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!

Mexicans vote for them. Mexicans make money from south Americans traveling cryonics healthcare route through borders to arctic circle.

i think i just had a stroke

Combined with legislation allowing illegal immigrants to vote - It's an endless voter base for the Democrats.

Lose an election? Just bring in more votes! Promise them free things, promise to bend the laws and rules. Same reasons they want felons to vote - because felons know where their bread is buttered and will vote for people who want to disarm the public, make laxer laws and punishments, and give them freebies to boot.

Have you been reading the thread? I think AOC is really hot. I don't care what faces she makes. Everybody ITT is arguing that bringing in immigrants is a power grab, since they invariably vote democrat. Do you want to address any of the actual arguments ITT or just put up another strawman?

Why are all arguments dems can come up with "omfg dood lez dem in booderz huz mi feeings :("

Why do all Americans have literal subhuman intelligence?


>be you
>don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
>get triggered by this thread

You need a safe space?

Because people from your country keep pouring into ours and lowering the collective IQ.

Same reason dumbasses want a wall to be shitbags. We are living in fucking medieval times when a wall kept people out. Flip side of that you can’t let everyone in. So in short both sides come up with the most extreme ways of fixing the issues like it’s a show of who can be the dumbest fuck.

>hurr durr you need a safe space snowflake???
>no mister teacher man don't tell me about my shitty history it's triggering me!!!

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>we’ve already seen the Democratic Party encourage illegal immigrants to illegally vote in presidential elections.

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Someone get this faggot a safe space. He's crying too hard.

>Combined with legislation allowing illegal immigrants to vote - It's an endless voter base for the Democrats.
Oh bullshit. After a few generations the Republicans will start treating their kids like whites, same as they did for the cabbageniggers and the potatoniggers.

Just reading that headline makes me smile.

Typical. Lose an argument, go straight to namecalling. That'll make it ALL better!

Everyone who's arguing about how many illegals are voting is missing the point. Democrats want illegals to come into the country, squirt out a dozen kids who will be given citizenship, who will then vote Dem just so their parents don't get deported back to Beanerville. All of which is perfectly within in the system, so long as you don't enforce immigration law, which is considered to make you Hitler incarnate for even suggesting it.

yes it does

>because you're clearly not American

So in your view, building a wall is "extremist"? How does that work, chief?

>I'm not making this shit up either

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"liberal faggots like yourself"
what a manbaby

>wasting billions to build something that won't ever ever work is not an extreme solution

And why won't it work? How do you think all those spics come to this country, on top of the fact we have thousands of spics crossing the border every month?

>forced to perform surgery on themselves?
>what kind of heinous shit are the dog-eaters up to now
>oh it's just fucking clickbait garbage, the trannies aren't being forced to do jack, doing it to themselves voluntarily

meh, sucks to be them, but they're getting off light for China

He seen it on facebook.

just go out of your filter bubble for once and look at the facts
don't worry, it's not jews tricking you, just reality

>How do you think all those spics come to this country
Visa overstay


Whoa buddy... what did you do? Look shit up?

Any real argument or are you just gonna spit out more horse shit gibberish?
Okay? Still doesn't change anything I said

>Why do the democrats want open borders?
why is obvious b8 obvious?

>Okay? Still doesn't change anything I said
No it doesn't change anything you said. It merely addresses why a wall is mostly useless and cost extremely ineffective.

>Hey lets ignore all those spics crossing the border because some random faggot overstayed their vista hur dur
This is basically what you're saying

the majority of illegal immigrants enter the country via visas, then overstay them
you are a drooling fucking retard

>This is basically what you're saying
Except you have the proportions completely reversed. You want to ignore all these random faggots overstaying their visa so you can piss away money on a wall (in the places where there isn't already a wall, i. e. where crossings are most likely to happen) to stop the few people who might come where there isn't a wall already.

Okay, provide voter ID cards for free and make sure to target poor black neighborhoods and areas with high homeless populations, and you can have voter ID. But you don't want to do that, so we won't go there.

Fucking rednecks man... you realize Trump is just playing to your fears right? At this point, with his daily tirade of lies and bullshit... how can you not see that he's nothing more than a snake oil con-man? You fucking idiots are how people as stupid as Trump can get ahead in life.

>the majority of illegal immigrants enter the country via visas
Sure they do. Whatever you say, Juan, I'll believe it. Any other fake news?
The "few" people huh? You do realize we have thousands crossing the border every single month, and none of these people have visas right? And FYI, you do understand we can address visas overstays at the same time right? I know for liberals, it's hard to do two things at a time, but come on now.

>You do realize we have thousands crossing the border every single month, and none of these people have visas right?
We have millions. You're deliberately confusing "crossing the border" with "sneaking across where there's no border crossing station"

>anything i don't like is fake news

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More poor people to vote for them

Nice imagine, as if niggers like you can do grade school level math, let alone understand anything in pic related
I said every month, not the total number. The point is that the idea of "we don't need a wall because people overstay their visa" is ridiculous and laughable.

>lol ur dumb

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If dem want to raise taxes, why not build a wall. You can do bith

>The point is that the idea of "we don't need a wall because people overstay their visa" is ridiculous and laughable.
That's your strawman you're killing. We have walls. We have a lot of them. Where there are people and likely crossing routes. We could put up more, we could maintain what we have, we could hire more personnel with higher standards to man them. Or we could just piss away money building the kind of wall you want because you love an idiot who promised a useless wall through nowhere, and anybody who disagrees with this is just a baad bad mean old liburl who wants to get votes from illegal Messikins and white jinosides.

>If dem want to raise taxes, why not build a wall.
Because they want to raise taxes to pay for useful things and not bullshit.

>implying dems aren't also slaves to big business/fucking part of it

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You mean like gibs for niggers and spics? Because that's the only thing I hear from the left

if you only hear that from "the left" you need to put your ideological protection earbuds off for once

Well obviously the "walls" we have don't work, so what exactly is wrong with building a better one? And yes the only reason the left is against this is because they want their spics friends to keep coming illegally, so they can spit out their disgusting spiclets and vote democrat. Notice they're also against voter ID laws for reasons that don't even make sense. You need to wake up.

Let me guess, republicans want to hand out "gibs" to the rich? That's what you were going to say isn't it?

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no, that would be oversimplifying, too
can't deny there is a massive incentive to rep donors to get them to cut taxes though, that would be absurd

>Well obviously the "walls" we have don't work, so what exactly is wrong with building a better one?
Either walls work or they don't. I'm not having your internal argument with you.

>And yes the only reason the left is against this is because they want their spics friends to keep coming illegally, so they can spit out their disgusting spiclets and vote democrat.
Maybe if Republicans treated them like whites, they'd vote Republican. Hell, it worked with the post-Castro Cubans. It used to work with a pretty big share of Texas Chicanos. But no, you want a pure white man's Party and you're not willing to see the fact that they live in a European derived civilization, so you get what you deserve from them at the polls.

>implying democrats are left

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>Obama did it live

>Let me guess, republicans want to hand out "gibs" to the rich?
Is there some other reason you faggots whine constantly about the border, and you party had all of Washington for two years, but the only thing that happened was a tax cut for the rich?

What are they going to treat spics as "white"? THEY have to prove themselves not the other way around. The opportunity is there for any of them to go to school, get a job and generally not act like subhuman trash. Yet they come here, shit all over ours laws and culture and demand we learn and speak their gibberish language. And faggots like you bend over backwards and tolerate it. Give me a fucking break.

inb4 "but muh obstructionist democrats"

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just don't fuck them over, noone should have to "prove themselves to be equal to whites"
racist piece of shit

Can you explain how a wall wouldn’t work?


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>Maybe I can avoid arguments if I post muh le maymay pictures

How about you ACT like you're "white" first, then we'll talk you fucking beaner. I'm sick of entitled spics like you that think everyone else needs to bend over backwards for you.

>implying there were any arguments to address

>equality is bending over to someone


>THEY have to prove themselves not the other way around. The opportunity is there for any of them to go to school, get a job and generally not act like subhuman trash.
"They're on welfare! Dey tuk r jerrrrbs!"

I am a republican and I want better immigration policies. Countries who don’t allow any immigration slowly fall in population and suffer economically.

Yuan Dynasty

You spics don't want equality, you want to turn the USA into the exact same shit hole you crawled out of.

i'm not even a spic you collosal retard,
i'm a german living in germany.
the projection in this one is amazing

OP is a disinformation intern on the trump 2020 campaign.

>You spics don't want equality, you want to turn the USA into the exact same shit hole you crawled out of.
Do you think that the people coming here have had much influence on the politics in the countries they've left? Because Central America is basically a white supremacist paradise. There's a vast underclass of racially mixed people who do all the work and a small European elite who benefit. Basically *You* should be moving *there*. I'll take the mixed working people and we'll hash out a way to make society work without your pure white ass, and you can sip pina coladas on the beach with the criollos and Eurotrash and escaped nazis. Everybody wins.

good to know they're that stupid, since cortez can't even be nominated yet

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So why are you even wasting what little brain cells you have left on America? You don't even fucking live here. My god you Europeans are fucking pathetic, obsessing over the USA every single day of your lives.

i'd argue screeching about hispanics not wanting to be fucked over is way sadder, you sad fuck

What makes you think I give a single shit what happens in beaner land? The bottom line is you spics need to stop your bitching and stop being subhuman low life trash, and then MAYBE we can talk about "treating you as white", whatever the fuck that even means.

Jews want open borders not democrats

>The bottom line is you spics need to stop your bitching and stop being subhuman low life trash, and then MAYBE we can talk about "treating you as white", whatever the fuck that even means.
It means tolerating them the same way people like me pretend you continental Yuros are equal to British Americans.

They want to paint all Democrats as far left socialists and she is a good lightning rod. It’s to dissuade more moderate Republicans from voting against trump even though polls show most dislike him.

>Jews want open borders not democrats
Jews are Republicans.

Why would I tolerate people that drag down the quality of life for everyone, everywhere they go? Every place they infest is a dump, and why is that Juan? Please explain that to me, why is every place they live in the USA a complete shit hole?

>muh jews

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>Comparing something from the 1200s to mordern day technology, weaponry, awareness, and knowledge

So basically you’ve got nothing.


white guilt.

But i dont feel guilty

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AOC's brother just retweeted some trolls fart tweet and tried to turn it political. They aint bright

>A 13th century wall is medieval but a 21st century wall is modern technology
It's like you're making the argument for your opponent

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You Yea Forumstards are hilarious.

>Imagine there's no countries

>Why would I tolerate people that drag down the quality of life for everyone, everywhere they go?
Because I do that favor for you. You're welcome.
>Every place they infest is a dump, and why is that Juan? Please explain that to me, why is every place they live in the USA a complete shit hole?
You start with your own conclusion and ask me why your conclusion is true. Surely even you pathetic mitteleuro cerebrum understands this is not linear logic.

>everything concerning US-migration is the same as 800 years ago in china

shot in the back very sad

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>Building a wall to keep stupid barbarians out
O I C it's completely different now.

this retarded

My grandparents came here illegally and i have a college degree and fuck white women bc you white dudes cant do anything right with those little pale dicks

Sure thing Juan, now hurry up and finish cutting my lawn. I don't have all fucking day for your bullshit.

Thats pretty mean juan will be helping you right to the end

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Yeah you're right, but I can't help it. They're low IQ, monkey behavior makes it hard to be nice to them.

Why do republicans want to throw away the USA and install a dictator?

Racism is usually tied to having a low IQ not banging white girls and having a college degree

And easier to get them out into the fields and factories

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Ive actually been arguing with myself this entire time

They don’t lmao. Your radical ideals are showing.

We don't.

Where did you get that, CNN?

No, and clearly neither does Yea Forums. Because poverty

I'm right-leaning and I'm OK with that. Do you really think most wouldn't be OK with that to prevent voter fraud?

it is because the guy who does these comics is a fucking retard pandering the bottom denominator of brainlets in the us.

The democrats will never agree to that though because their arguments against it are complete nonsense. The real reason they don't want voter ID laws is because it would make it a lot harder to commit fraud.

Because they are pawns for the global elite that want a lower class of brown mindless beholden “consumers” to serve their Uber elite class

Middle class white countries in North America and Western Europe prevent that

Power, it’s always about power

Democrats do not want "open borders". Why do Republicans lie?

Honest question: what's the mental or physical disorder AOC is suffering from? What makes her make all those faces like in the oppic and picrelated?

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tells us more about being inferior I'm curious to know as its currently happening to white people.

could be some kind of food poisoning ?

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That is clearly not her, are you fucking stupid?

Poverty my fucking ass. The truth is that spics are fucking dumb and make life miserable for normal, well-behaved humans. And they're too fucking dumb to understand the concept of laws and the use of condoms.

sure it is

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That's their business though.

Bernie doesn't

unlimited new voters

I would give you $100,000 each time they got an answer right. Your give me $1 every time they get it wrong. Pretty sure I would retire by the time I am 45

Only because she cant shut up

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cuz I want to go to alaska without a boat or a plane

great job in instantly discrediting this retard with just one image macro

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it doesn't and any academic who preaches this dumb shit should be ashamed of themselves
also, please define "western" culture, mr black conservative man

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literally who cares

no one and thats why humanity is doomed

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don't be so overdramatic
aren't you the same types that claim muh snowflakes always whine about irrelevant shit?
>less than 0.5% of the population