>shoot wooden barrels
>they explode
Shoot wooden barrels
Bakaretsu bakaretsu!
>put dick inside Megaumin
>cock explodes
>barrel has TNT written on it.
>doesn't explode
I wonder what scent they give off?
>game has magic
>casting spells arouses the player character
Aqua > Megumin
>shoot OP
>still makes the same thread
You know what pisses me off? When vidya environments have shit like that, exploding barrels and whatnot, but the enemies dont get near them. Really fucking dumb.
Also, reminder that Darkness took Megumin's best shot, and she tanked it. Therefore, Darkness is superior.
My sister has the same type of underwear.
So this is just a thinly veiled thread to love megumin? Not Yea Forums
I'm alright with that
I want to explode inside of Megumin after marrying her.
>shoot red barrel
>it doesnt explode
>Yea Forums
>come to Yea Forums
>get cute megu
I have never seen a single picture or .gif of her that has convinced me she isn't shit-tier
Lurk more.
If I haven't lurked anough yet after all these years than I'll have never lurked enough on this shit board.
>shoot green barrels
>they leak acid
>thief class has a fire spell
>shoot barrel
>nothing happens
>shoot barrel
>nothing happens
>touch barrel
>it explodes
I love my wife Yunyun!
>jump on barrel
>throws you upwards
>shoot barrel
>megu inside
>shoot megu
>barrel inside
>shoot enemy
>they explode
>shoot anything
>it explodes
>shoot a folding table
>it explodes and kills a scientist
>shoot baby inside megu
Dumb isekaiposter.
>newfag does something retarded
>gets called out
Or, just don't be such an insecure faggot.
Yummy chuuni cunny! Fill it full of cummy! Jam it in her bummy! Finish on her tummy!
>shoot an ammo box
>it turns into two ammo boxes
>shoot semen inside megumin
>womb explodes
>tfw this was my first fps and I just accepted this as normal
rare guys are funny
Unironically this
>wasting it on her stomach
Based mods
>moved to Yea Forums
Imagine etc etc
reverse image search