How does German sound to non-German speakers?

How does German sound to non-German speakers?

Attached: x.jpg (526x365, 33K)

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Like they are about to commit a hate crime

a lot of annunciations. like the opposite of nigger-speak.

Zeekin nihman Heiman geistafson odoooooken 9

Sharp and precise. Sometimes needlessly so. But I speak German as a second language. Spanish is much nicer but I picked it up a lot later in life.

Like Norwegian, but more brutish, with lots of "ings" and "dees" and "oontz" and rolling r's.

>Spanish is much nicer but I picked it up a lot later in life.

Native German speaker here.

I hate Spanish. It sounds like an extremely faggy language to me. Like over the top homosexual.

I actually like the sound of French though. Maybe I'm weird.

Similar to russian maybe?

I can't take Spanish seriously. Every word sounds funny and good only for comedies.


like if you keep constantly adding well-done steak in a running blender

Yeah it just doesn’t serious kek

Spanish speaker here, I cant hear German without hearing this guy..

Theres a influx of krauts to our islands over summer and your language sounds horrible. It is harsh, brutal almost metallic sounding, I've never heard a German laughing, it's almost like your language forbids it.

Attached: adolf.jpg (640x480, 70K)

like dwarvish

Really ugly. Not anywhere near as grass as spic talk though


wie eine bald ausgestorbene sprache

Like this;

Ootsinburgin butzcreegan un van derkinsburgen.

have you heard normal german or do you know german only from nazis in movies or from rammstein?

sounds like you look a lot of hitler movies?!


And also sexy
I live in israel btw

hAvE yOu HeArD nOrmAL gERmAn

doesn't sound so bad to me (a german)



oshkin eshkin habla berg-al

you know what i mean..

sounds horrible
I'd rather speak arabic and I hate those towelheads

It sounds like you're either getting arrested or getting laid. Maybe a little bit of both.


French is faggier than spanish IMO

I think spanish is the most beautifull language i know, and its not even my native language.

like kraftwerk

German actually sounds really powerful and direct, compared to romantic languages.

german sounds like hittler and BMWs

so its swings and roundabouts

exactly. doesn't sound friendly at all

Like Klingon

Literally can’t tell the difference between German and Klingon.

Attached: D2A761F9-BDCC-41BF-9A40-208561441017.jpg (380x567, 25K)

>exactly. doesn't sound friendly at all

Although i must say. Most germans I have met where nice and polite enough.

Spanish from spain is pretty gay.

You prefer mestizo Spanish? Thats pretty fucking vile.

Sounds like you guy got the cap locks on everytime you talk

Like you got something stuck in your throat. Not as bad as the Dutch tho.

angry german sounds fuckin wild, very intense.

normal speaking german sounds almost.. feminine?

it has this slight "lisp" to it, and I hear almost all german speakers speak this way. It's like a fancy way of talking, i have no idea how to explain it but it sounds slightly feminine.

Spanish from spain is pretty much like all other spanish, except for the lisp.

Attached: alles-klar.jpg (488x585, 127K)

Angery german sounds like you finna do the holocaust again

It sounds guttural, harsh and shouty. Sounds cool when spoken by movie villians.

this is a good example of what I mean, around the 4 minute mark when the guy is speaking you can hear this manner of speaking. I guess it's just the way of speaking german, but the S sound is so annunciated it sounds almost feminine.

aggressive and i love it
t. English and Spanish speaker

Sounds like dogs trying to speak French.

Rough, angry and demanding, pretty much all the time. Like you took one look at French and Portuguese, decided you hate beauty in the world and spoke your language the complete opposite of that.

I fucking love everything about the German language(s) except the way they’re spoken today. Just awful pronunciation. 500 years from now there will have developed a prettier way of speaking Deutsch or it will be a dead language. Have a look at what the Swiss did to it, and don’t necessarily copy that, but, seriously, sort yourselves out, Germans.

>sort yourselves out
found the britfag

cartoon dogs

can you elaborate a little more?

like is there a video or some type of audio where i can hear the difference?

You can pretend those are machines for making pens, but we all know those are machines for making booolets

sounds angry , uninviting , aggressive


shit, he's on to us..

Like they're gargling at the bottom of their throats.

Pretty fucking based. I prefer a Bavarian accent tbh

Lol I actually speak German non natively but still hearing someone else speak it feels like they are mad at everything
Lol not going to happen

That to me looks more like dutch or some low german

almost like Yiddish

Attached: index1.png (208x243, 7K)

Gruff and in your face, bitter, abrupt and it feels angry or frsutrated.
Obviously this is Japanese, but showing you German wouldn't help... it reminds me of this:

Yiddish is nothing but a kike bastardisation of German. Germans can actually understand quite a bit of it. Which is good if they hopefully one day resurrect the greatest event in human history again. Which is almost ridding the world of the jew plague.


Lol imagine what english sounds to germans. Like you have a speech impairment, can't roll your r and can't say any vowel properly

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

Like someone gargling marbles. I kind of like it tho.

Der Suisse mooshed a little French and Italian influences together with their German, then decided it was its own thing, like a work-in-progress, and should just be a spoken not written language, so every day there are new changes in the language and it’s like slang, where words and promouciations just come and go, and vary a lot from city to city. The people speaking German with more French influence and sounds, helps smooth the German language out a bit, and not sound like a bunch of metal caught in a machine.

Realize that pronoun citation is entirely separate from a written language. So if you wanted to read French and apply the German cultures chosen pronunciations, it would make french sound like German. What makes German sound like it does is not the language, it’s the result of what that the people in that culture want to sound like, and teach their kids to speak it. So the Swiss are into change and continually trying things out in order to find better ways, but I don’t know how it would ever change in a place like Germany.

German is a cartoon language


>So if you wanted to read French and apply the German cultures chosen pronunciations, it would make french sound like German.
Umm, no. Letter combinations exist in french that do not in german. Even if you said it with a heavy accent to boot, it would sound nothing alike.

yall some smart mf's, im too dumb for this shit lol

>dis nigga
>with his vintage 1930s worldview
You haven’t been paying attention. The world has much bigger problems now, and we use the Jews and their banks, computers, and perverted Jewish science to attack them.

Aggressive, but not as bad as Russian

German stand-up comedy

Holy shit russian. Fun fact, two guys could hold a full conversation in russian using nothing but swear words and a few prefixes, and it would make total sense in a non vulgar way.

And yet, I can ask Jean Paul, who only reads and speaks French, to read Mein Kampf aloud, and those letter combos will still come out of his mouth.

that's exactly what we're going for

Humble brag fag

It's probably the funniest language to listen to a pissed off guy speak really loud and fast.

Whenever I hear a German speak all I can think of is "German. Hmmm, if a nazi was listening to this man he could understand everything he is saying."

yoooo this is exactly what i meant.

do you hear how slightly soft yet sharp his accent is? sounds like a lisp. all german dudes sound like this to me.

not to sound ignorant, it almost sounds like the way gay people speak.

live in a tourist place and jerries come here a lot too during summer,
couldn't agree more,

also what's up with the sox and sandals?

>also what's up with the sox and sandals?
An european man 45 or over from any country will undoubtedly wear socks and sandals in a tourist place

very angry

german here.

I have no idea. It looks retarded and doesn't feel comfortable

What’s with you not wearing socks and sandals? They’re perfect together.

What’s with wearing running shoes when you’re not exercising? And sweat pants/shirts??? Is the world your locker room? What is this?

Gay people don’t speak with a lisp.
Poofy fag caricatures Hollywood shows you on tv do, and idiot children who emulate that. In the real world whites aren’t all fat unshaven unshowered trailer park rednecks either. Some are, but most are normal people indistinguishable from anyone else.

Source, all the gay dudes that hang out in my gym.

I dont know but every time I hear about gluten-free food it makes think of a German person, Klaus Gluten, Hans Gluten, Elke Gluten, Fraulien Gluten.

German sounds like a grease gun looks. No aesthetic, ugly as fuck, but to the point it's kind of appealing anyway.

thats true, I'm saying it more in the sense that the german dude speaking sounds like the type of gay dude that changes his regular accent.

not that the german guy himself is gay or anything, just that the german accent and the gay accent have a slightly similar ring to it, if that makes sense.

Isch höb hoit mit sönem Össi öus Erfört deleföniert. Die glingön gönz öndörs ols wör..

Attached: ossi meine erste banane titanic.jpg (371x521, 18K)

bruh I had a bet with my friend on wether that's true, when we were 14, he was like, why do they always wear that shit, and I said it can't be only germans

We went around asking tourists with sox and sandals like autistsic kids, "where are you from?" a simple question any semi-educated person could understand in english.
At the end of the day we had asked about 50ish people and out of those that replied, everyone said he was german, a couple said were dutch, one austrian and one from israel I think

Like the third reich is coming

Like throat cancer

>all the gay dudes that hang out in my gym.

Attached: Meanwhile ITT faggots.jpg (1135x775, 362K)

How does this sound to ya all?

It is German btw.

My German girlfriend was on the phone as I type this.

Honestly it sounds meh, but then again i'm a Slav.

native german here. what you describe is like i talk according to germans. also im mad most of the time.

Imagine a german with throat cancer

Don't mind me. Just posting more Annett Louisan.