Lmao faggots u can never get on my level

Lmao faggots u can never get on my level

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Nah, I feel fine having all my five fingers

>wearing a watch in 2019
I do not aspire to your high level of stupidity.

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Youre actually retarded. Get a job jealous rats

Is that the free watch Elon Musk is always talking about?

>flexing on Yea Forums
>thinks he is better than everyone else

Where the fuck are your knuckles?

Feels bad to know where my wrist is

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Would you like some wrist with that arm fat body?

Nice watch op...

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That watch looks rediculous with your tiny hands.

If it were a Rolex I'd be impressed. Why you flexing that?


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Your hands are so fucken ugly and fat lmao you shoulda spent all that watch money on a gym membership you fat pig oink oink

look you fucking blimp no one fucking cares about your knock offs man ....

yall niggas new to the team

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You're taking the bait user.. Mr.FatFist just wants to upset you. Come here bud, I'll give you a hug and protect you from the bait.

try that again

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Niggers are genetically and visually superior to white Caucasian males. True fact.

first thing ALL white boys notice

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Hell's yea my brother all dem white Bois be foaming for that BBC. Can I get an amen?