How does one remain a good person? Do we all have a little evil within ourselves...

How does one remain a good person? Do we all have a little evil within ourselves? How do we prevent doing bad things and try to do only good?

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Good and evil are just concepts just as well with morality we all have instincts to hurt and damage just like we also have empathy. If you lack empathy therefore you could say you are evil for you lack the nature to be good. But all of this is based off of what we all believe to be morally sound. If you do something bad on accident well we all do some of us even do something bad on purpose without feeling guilt but that won't make you evil. What will make you "evil" is commiting to certain actions and not recognizing the consequence of such or not feeling guilt about something that hurt someone with your intention.


You haven't even picked up the classics at the philosophy section to say that

You're spouting non-sense faster than you can read it.

This good and evil are just ignorant concepts created to control the masses like religion.

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> Read Bible and/or Book of Mormon at least 30 minutes per day
> Pray at least every morning upon waking and every night before bed

>This good and evil are just ignorant concepts created to control the masses like religion.
Yeesh... So, why hasn't anarchy produced anything of value then?

>read the book of bullshit written by a con artist 30 minutes per day
>and do the demonstrably pointless thing to ever help you
Yeah buddy, you got this all figured out.

God created the Angels and then the Universe.
Lucifer was created as the most perfect Angel.
Lucifer decided he wanted to be God and started a rebellion. A third of all the Angels followed him. Another third refused to choose sides. The remaining third stayed loyal to God but demanded that the other two be destroyed.

Was broke out in Heaven.

God not wanting to lose anymore souls in this War? Wiped clean the Earth in a great destruction that preceded mankind's existence.

He demanded that all the Angels be born into the flesh to live, learn, and die. He promised he would be born in the flesh as well and would do this thing too.

So mankind was seeded all about the Earth, and then God rested. Then he saw the Earth needed some one to work it and the line through which he would one day be born. So then we have the story of Adam and Eve. Not the first human but the first Hebrews. The Old Testament is the story of these people the promise and covenant. Which the New Testament finally fulfilled.

But know this.

Cain was Evil.
He committed murder.
God did not execute him he banished him and forbade any to harm him. That he might live a long life and learn to regret his murder of his brother. None of us are what could be called good. But some truly can be called evil. If you do things to others that you would never want done to yourself you are evil. Even if you do it as a soldier or a cop or a prosecutor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you was the whole of the law summarized. God gave us Ten commandment which we should struggle to follow though most of us do not.

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> Relies in Wikipedia to inform him of his own beliefs, ensuring he never figures out things for himself
Yeah, sounds like you have it all figured out...

Yeah, nice bullshit and incoherent rambling.

>Relies in Wikipedia to inform him of his own beliefs, ensuring he never figures out things for himself
Oh, you poor dumb motherfucker... Ever heard of citations genius? Of course you haven't, because that would require thinking and if you did a good amount of that you wouldn't be religious at all, forget Mormon. I'm not going to paste 30 links here.

Yeah sorry poor English and a bit drunk too.
Still true feel free to actually google a few of those points. Rebellion in Heaven, etc..

My point was that op asked and answered his own question.
Yes we are all a bit evil.
But I pointed out we are born into it.
That war in Heaven made it so we have to be born. We are not born innocent just oblivious.
Our nature still shows through.

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The easiest way is to try to care a little more about others and a little less about yourself.

>Yes we are all a bit evil
Fair enough.
>That war in Heaven made it so we have to be born
And now you've ruined it. The war in heaven...

Sorry the truth stands in and of itself.
Not much can be done about it.
Even if we stick our heads in the sand.

Oh good, the truth. So, where is this heaven? No one's seen it yet. Kinda helps the credibility you know? And it's not the only fantasy realm to have ever been made up either.

I dont know what u did and dont wanna know
But i suggest u to get a good lawyer

Why would you ask about its location?
You lived there.
When you die you will return there.
It is a place you sometimes enter through your dreams.

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