I'm an oldfag who used to beat on women when it was O.K...

I'm an oldfag who used to beat on women when it was O.K., but since they decriminalized weed in my state and now legalized it, domestic assault is how they're making up for all those empty jail cells. You cant even yell at someone anymore without getting arrested for domestic assault if ANYONE calls the cops. Yes, even what used to be considered a noise complaint, is now domestic assault.

So, I've been alone for 2 years now.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I'll start with the obvious questions;

>how hard did you ever beat a woman
Unconscious, multiple times, Broken bones in face, forced to heal because I wouldn't let her go to the hospital. She eventually got corrective surgery, tried to sue me for it, won but didn't get shit cause they cant force you to pay and I don't have or use credit anyway

>how many women have you beaten?
5 but multiple times each

>do you hate women?
Yes, but to be fair, I hate everyone.

I also beat dogs, and kick them and kill them with my bare hands if they piss me off. I swung a german shepherd around by it's legs and bashed it's head repeatedly into a load bearing stud in my garage for shitting on the floor. It felt good.

why do you think youre that way?

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Because I'm a miserable alcoholic.

What do you put in their asses?

you sound like a real prince among men faggot

pic is fake

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Do you think youll ever change?

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So if you can rationalize it like that then why keep doing it when it brings you nothing but misery?

If you had replaced alcohol with a psychiatrist you might have had a chance.

No, of course not. People don't change, that's a myth. I don't want to change anyway, I miss beating on women. I miss it a lot.

All a psychiatrist would do is try to zonk me out on neuroleptic drugs, then I'd have to beat her/him and go to prison where they'd lock me in solitary and dope me up on neuroleptic drugs. No thanks.

Dunno what's going on ITT but I feel the pain of the person in the OP's pic

How old were you the first time you felt the urge to beat or hurt someone?

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Interesting. I guess when you do shitty things you get shitty psychiatrists.

How much do you bench?

4 or so
All psychiatrists are drug pushers, unless you're in hollywood or something
All time? 335lbs 1RM. Recently? 225 for 5 reps.

do you want to change or you're ok with what you've become?

>4 or so
against who and why?
What did it feel like immediately after the first time you acted on it?

Have you ever taken psychedelics or more specifically shrooms?

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Psychiatrists are only as useful as the information you give them and the results they see. You don't sound like someone that would want to help yourself.

Stop putting it on them.



Ok then, read that book.

Also I have to go now, abandoned thread.


I was 7 when I purposefully shot someone in a third party defense situation. They lived, barely. I was no-billed essentially in a juvenile court, wasn't even arrested, just an order to appear after questions. The person I shot got multiple prison sentences.