I need some help Yea Forums,
I am having problems with my local mafia. I'm not going to get into details but I'm basically being terrorized in my own home. Vandilizing, slashing tires, breaking windows etc. I live in a sub-urban neighbourhood in Canada. The police are no help, I have cameras set up everywhere, and my house is still being targeted. The people dress up in masks and do what they need to do, so regardless if they're caught on film I can't do anything about it. I live in Canada so it's not like I can buy a weapon to defend myself (fucking leaf laws). Anyway, I was thinking about setting up boobie traps at night time. Could anyone suggest a few things I could do? These guys are criminals so the chances of them calling Police is slim so I'm thinking of doing some dirty shit to get back at them. Poisoning a few sharp Rusty nails and scattering them around my property. Does anybody know of a reliable poison that is easily accessible via store/internet? Or maybe have a few suggestions as to how I can fight back against these degenerates?
Pic related, it's the brick that went through my front window not even an hour ago.
I'm being terrorized by niggers and need suggestions of traps I can lay around my property. (Suburbs)