I'm super bored.
Who wants to chat?
I'm super bored.
Who wants to chat?
Did you want to talk or just show nudes?
k, the weather was nice yesterday.
No ty
I already have you blocked on kik
Well this was a rousing conversation.
Lucky. It's been shit where I'm at.
Sure. Congrats
I'm pissed how my toad in the hole didn't come out right.
Well darn
Shes just a paywhore.
Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
Discord Link
A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc
You can even get Mod just for being active!
>More to come soon:)
Sure brooo
Looks like this server just started and just full of random horny males. I'm good.
Well. How was your day
Kinda shit. Couldnt go to work tonight or do anything g cuz of the weather. So I'm just online and binge watching tv
Dam wether here was super sunny an was nice out an what kinda work u do if u no mind me asking ?
Rarely. But sometimes I bartend too. Mostly just strip tho
it's a shame seeing how fat you've gotten, you used to be so slim and sexy. now you're just another budget slampig
Lol sure bro.
Dude dont ever come to the south if that's what you think is fat. That's what we like down here. Pretty sure shes from the south too
Well u deffnatily are gorgeous as fuck :) if u dont mind me saying
lose weight.
Thanks hun
You must be gay bro
you must like pigs bro
Nice ass any more?
throw out a discount on your manyvids for us?
Really hate ppl who be mean to get a rise or just to bee rude :/ shame there just upset :)
There's a code ^ just for Yea Forums
eh 10% not enough to interest me
That's the most of a discount you'll get from manyvids for my stuff. If you dm me and buy direct I bundle fat discounts. Itd because manyvids takes a cut
fucking snapchat whore kys fag
Wah wah wah
you're too damn fat
Your dick to small to fit between my phat ass?
probably everyone's is, why you don't have any sex videos
Go over to one of the femboii threads since that's what you like bro. Quit hating on her
i only hate on you because you're obese and retarded.
Talk with
shut up you fucking white knight piece of trash
Yikes man. Shes gross.