I'm looking for pretty much any hard drugs to kill myself. I'd be able to meet in Edmonton or anywhere near it and pay...

I'm looking for pretty much any hard drugs to kill myself. I'd be able to meet in Edmonton or anywhere near it and pay, I've got cash. If you've got some you're willing to sell or know someone else who could get me some plz reply.

Not pity bait btw, I dont want to hear why I should keep living or whatever.

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That's not how it works. What you're really supposed to do is drive or Uber to the tallest place you can get to and jump from it. It's more instant trust me it's better

Nice try retard I ain’t getting robbed by an addict tonight! No sir not this night!

Oh wow everyone wanting to kill themselves it honestly so sad to see this i just bought a glock 9 man you know suicide wouldnt be this fucking high if people stop being useless bitches but theyll learn once people like us are dead and arent there to help society theyll cry for us and kill themselves too

Im also high af writing this i might just go ahead and do it hopefully when i start over ill het a genetic lottery or maybe itll just be darkness who knows see you soon though if there is a "other side"

Why are you spouting this incoherent nonsense? No one cares that you bought a gun and no one's going to kill themselves just because you did

idk tbh i might pussy out but people will do it if i do it im gonna have a radio blastimg nirvana with some converse hanging down gonna be so epic

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Theres really nowhere tall enough that I could access
I doubt any /pol/fags will sell me fentanyl but thanks anyway

jump off the e-train bridge into the river ! or go to red deer and fucking go in a 7/11 at 3 in the morning

Just buy a gun dumbass

Do you think that would be tall enough? Honestly I guess I might as well try

You need a license for that, not wasting my time doing that

If you're going down, go down a legend. And shoot up the nearest place where (((they))) gather and kill as many as you can. Gasoline, propane, bring it all

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Then you will fail your suicide attempt.

oi you got a license to kill yoself mate?

What's ur name?

this. do this you'll die a hero.

Goodluck suicide barriers nigger

Yeah maybe don't do that, but if you do at least go out in style. Kind of agree with the shooting dude.

would you?

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it's like a good 200 feet, into maybe 5 feet of water, you'd turn into ground beef my guy

Look, ik this is Yea Forums and I'm supposed to tell you to do a backflip or something, but think about your family. Your friends (then again this is Yea Forums). A friend of mine committed a while ago and even his bullies were fucked up by it. The dude that beat him up told me he felt like shit. Don't do it man. Not worth it.

Just go to a shooting range, register then kill yourself

They deserve to feel like shit then

I mean, yeah, I'm with you on that. He was kind of a nobody. I mean, he was a great friend of mine but I don't think he had many friends. The last person he ever talked to told him to kill himself. That guy felt like shit and even changed school. I know I'm just some faggot who's never been in a fight, but I will do whatever I can to fuck that guy up if I ever see him.