Empire State Building was hit by a plane, but did not collapse...
Empire State Building was hit by a plane, but did not collapse
a B25 bomber vs a 757???
dam faggot u high
american engineering is just bullcrap. it was specifically designed to withstand planes, it didnt, and officially collapsed because of fire
its just shit, get over it
>Jet fuel cannot melt steal beams.
smaller planes
This is the puddle jumper that hit the empire state building.
That's in pretty good condition for having hit a fucking building.
Didn't know this was a ylyl thread
Exoskeleton vs internalskeleton.
Big difference you stupid nigger
Oh yeah I forgot that every building is built the exact same way.
You mother fucker
stronger building Vs smaller plane with almost no fuel left
Tower 7 wasn't hit by a plane at all, and it still collapsed
Americans build the weakest buildings on the planet.
Never hire one.
never forget that there was a raging fire on several floors in the building and the water lines were severed.
now back to your stupidity
Bruh, you still don't believe 911 was an inside job?
Come on man.
...causing full free fall collapse? Lit by debris from the other buildings? Sure, lol
it was not a free fall collapse, and yes there certainly was a progressive collapse
Uh. Playing with my band. And playing video games with my Amarillo Draft pick.
But we don’t know how hot the stuff in the chemtrails burn.
Notre Dame was built pretty crappy
There are plenty of videos, it looks like something straight from a demolition company's portfolio. Straight down into their own blueprint, all of the towers. What the fuck do we have demo companies for if all it takes is fire? Fucking wool over eyes
Whats it like being a Jew?
Original twist, great segway, nice argument
Empire state building was hit by a small, lightweight airplane that wasn't loaded. It was traveling at relatively slow speed. Each of the twin towers were hit with a 757 going at full throttle.
And yes, jet fuel CAN melt steel beams... but nothing could corner the Dorner.
I think they had to reinforce the empire state building after king kong climbed to the top so that would explain it
video? how else is it supposed to collapse? gravity is the major force at play here, would you expect it to tip over? From the exterior it looked like a uniform collapse but in the interior a series of vertical columns failed and pulled the rest of them down along with them.
Your mom was hit by a train but did not collapse...