Here's my setup AMA

Here's my setup AMA

Attached: setup1.jpg (4032x3024, 1.25M)

What country are you from?
Do you sleep in that bed (no sheets?)?
The computer looks really new, did you just set it up?
Why do you live in the basement and why post this here?


Attached: taikkari.jpg (1701x3024, 676K)

Could be pretty sweet, take the stuff off the walls and paint a nice color. Get some area rugs or patio carpet and a computer chair pad. Bigger desk if possible. It has potential OP.

Get on this level.

Attached: 20190419_164234.jpg (4032x1960, 1.88M)

I live in USA i am very sad so I posted this here to talk to somebody
Recently moved back from school and parents made me live in basement

Nice softgun

Sorry to hear that user, best wishes and many tendies be apon you.

i cracked my neck trying to look at this image also take the funko pop out of your computer case please god

It's not a funko and no I like him in there.

This looks exactly like a place I lived for a year - even the paint on the wall is the exact same color. If you didn't say it was your parents' basement I would have thought it was the exact same place.

is that a twisted rat's nest of CAT-5e or CAT-7 ?

Comfy. Only normies wouldn't understand the comfort of a nice little basement settlement.

I see, I take it school didn't go that well./?
It's hard times now in the west, despite what people make it look like.

I failed the most important class for my major and now i have to switch to something else or finish in an extra year (and extra tuition)

I stole this Ethernet cable from my friend's roommate when he wasn't looking

Thank you for the tendies and wishes

What are your parents using your old above-ground room for?

Here's more pics live in south btw

Attached: setup2.jpg (3024x4032, 1.33M)

they moved me to the basement because I failed university and use my old room for a closet

dead nigga storage

Sounds fair. Do you have to pay for food or rent or anything? Do you have any plans on how to not be such a fuck up?

I have to pay for food but not rent
I have a job working as food delivery but it makes very little money
Not many other jobs in my small town tho

Yeah the place I was at was in Kentucky.

Been there, done that.
I got two different degrees (nautical and mechatronics) and I still can't get a decent job.
Cheer up, one day we'll make it.

How does the food purchase arrangement work? Do you just buy your own food and make it and eat it alone, or do you pitch in for the food for family meals?

My upstairs setup. Laptop not in shot

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-212208_Gallery.jpg (1440x2560, 832K)

>childish leds
>aio cooler
op's rig is way cooler than yours

I have my own fridge and microwave in the basement sometimes parents get food for me but I usually buy and make my own food

Do you merch for bepsi?

heres mine niggers.
on a scale of 1 to 10 how jelly are you

Attached: reply or your mom dies in her sleep tonight.jpg (962x718, 384K)

Wow, that sounds pretty fucking pathetic. How many years do you have to work your shitty delivery job before you can afford to move out?

I make minimum wage with tips so probably a couple years if I want a fresh start in a new city

Well, I guess at least the existence of people like you can make the rest of us feel a bit better about our shitty lives.

at least I'm contributing to society in some way

your parents got a divorce didnt they?

Good guess, but no. I'm a 33 year old virgin.

luckily user, I did get pussy at uni
good luck on your quest

I make 6 figures and own my own house, and I'd almost trade lives with you. Almost.

>I want to anally rape you.

Attached: dumbfuckfascist.jpg (186x186, 6K)

Lul I play SMITE.

I've been playing since S2
I kinda stopped during uni but am back to it now

I just started fun af.