What do you think about Freddie Mercury?
What do you think about Freddie Mercury?
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I think queen is a pretty cool guy. Eh sucked lots of dick and doesnt afraid of anything.
True dat!
Queen did a few good songs, but they were like flecks of gold in an ocean of shit.
An Artist
amazing vocal range, was a bit retarded for thinking that his teeth contributed to his singing ability. probably would save himself from a lot of insecurities if he got his teeth fixed.
Fred is a cool guy. I like Fred.
We're not talking about you itt
fred is a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid anything
Queen's songs were good for their time but a lot of them sound corny now. Bohemian rhapsody will always be dope.
Also always thought it was interesting that Mercury was a zoroastrian. He seemed cool.
He was a faggot, much like OP
great vocalist, talented band that knew how to compose well, the queen worship has been getting old though. killer queen is their best song, fite me about it.
*cool faggot
unlike OP
Faggot lover detected
>What do you think about Freddie Mercury?
other than he's dead?
>killer queen
Freddie fucking anything that moved did kill the Queen
I haven't heard this one in a long fucking time. Thank you.
a faggot and a sandnigger but also a pretty good singer.
I think he was a decent, even higher end musician. But people started to idolize him because he was gay and because he died.
I do like the fact he seemed to have a quick whit and be a smart ass.
I eat cummie wummies on the daily and still havent died yet. His faggot game was weak as hell.
I've heard Freddie had the vocal range of tenor and opera singer... He never did either, so how would anyone know? Too much praise without foundation.
this is pretty spot on. he got martyr'd just like kurt "cockgobbling" cobain because he died in his prime. at least freddy was actually talented and acknowledged he was an icon. kurt just wallowed around in pity and pretended to hate his fans for ironic street cred. fingers crossed for maynard james keenan to an hero next and never be talked of again.
innuendo is their best song
>people started to idolize him because he was gay and because he died.
i like his music but that's really annoying tbf
cobain was a good composer even tho was a limited musician, but the autistic fandom is unbearable
He is one of the best singers in the know universe
why do you think so?
Cobain knew how to write a very simplistic yet catchy song. Courtney Love's father lives about 10 miles from me in northern california and ive done a few interviews with him. he says kurt was the first to admit he had limited song writing abilities but had the attitude to make it big. I loved Nirvana for a time, but you're right, the autismal fan base killed it for me. So try hard and cringey.
cool fag
it's amazing and a very well crafted song the lyrics are awesome, i feel they're even better about the matter of him dying than the more obvious show must go on
eh just my personal opinion i guess
Like the HMS Titanic....full of rotten semen
Freddy Mercury was an incredible singing. His voice was that of a rockstar angel. He will be remembered.
you would have had to listen to them back then to really like them
he did have a set of big teeth
the distribution of music was different back then
you never went to one of his parties
great performer, singer, writer. he was a fucking legend