I cant make the suicidal thoughts stop i need them to stop

I cant make the suicidal thoughts stop i need them to stop

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Then... Uh..

Please see a psychologist

They are memes they do nothing for you but take your money

Did this twice. Hospitals just try to charge you or your insurance company as much money as possible. no point.

I'm at the end of my rope.

Mate, I've been depressed for the past two years. Basically broke up with gf, dog died, best frend died and my pet lizard died, also some shit at work and some more small shit all in three weeks. I almost killed myself three times. Ok anyways u get the picture. Basically a month ago I tried a huge amount of shrooms. First time ever doing shrooms ang I took like 6g. It was amazing but that's not the point. Basically the next day I had the clearest head ever and basically that lead me to make some decisions that changed my life mate. I can gove you more info if you want, just hang in there bro, we're all fucked equally, ppl who arent depressed are just stupid and can't understand how fucked they actually are

I'm 30. I've tried shrooms. Suicide attempts range from 4-10 depending on if you count the not quite so serious attempts.

I want out. I can't do this anymore. No friends or family just a job I spend most of my life stuck in so I can barely pay bills. Nothing to look forward too. I'm a cog in a machine and I'm tired of serving other people and I dont have the will to serve myself. I just want the machine to break.

Basically the problem with me was, I was working a job I hated, I hanged out with toxic people, I was chatting with horrible chicks who demanded way too much and was still in pain because of my ex. After shrooms I quit my job and stopped with the other stuff. Just basically bailed on my life and started over. That is what I suggest you do too mate. Look I really tried to kill myself, I drank a pack of sleeping pills and sat in my chair, but I puked them out in like 15 minutes. So not a small attempt. Bro, it's never too late to start from scratch, basically your plan y is to live like a hardcore life of crime lol, and plan z is suicide. Give it a shot mate, you can only die once, don't waste it

I dontknow if I'd be capable of doing that. I'm stuck in a relationship with a narcissist and I don't make enough money to live on my own. I'm trapped with their soul sucking ways

Dude, tell her what the problem is. I know it fucking sucks, but letting other people drain you is not fair mate. And you'd be surprised how little money you need to survive

This. user don’t think in thoses things. Your family and friends would be really sad if you die and you would destroy their lifes. You only live once, so no waste it

trips of truth. also they dont do shit but diagnose you asap and often incorrectly.

Try working out or exercising trust me it's the hardest thing in the world to do when you're depressed and suicidal but it will be more helpful than any medicine or some quack doctor will ever give you

I have no friends and I have no family.

I run 3 miles a day and I lift mon/wed/fri.

They were all “not so serious attempts “
Quit being such a faggot. Move to tribal Africa for a year, then move back home. Depression cured

Ah yes the two statements people with depression love.

What would your family think if you died?

Other people have it worse, so you can't feel bad!

Amazing user. You've solved depression. Congratuwelldone.

Depression is the worst thing ever, mate trust me, bail on your life. You aren't born with depression, you get depressed. Tell everyone to fuck off, maybe even move somewhere else. But most importantly mate, hang in there, it will get better.
P.S. ppl on Yea Forums being supportive... If this isn't a sign from the above, nothing is :)

Stay strong brother.
Just remember...bad times are just times that are bad.

not in my case, it's always been great
just like doctors there are always some bad apples here and there

Why do u need them to stop? Cuz society says so?

weed fixes all

>Nothing to look forward to.
U are completely brainwashed by society

look at it from the other way
'i wish i was dead' is the same as 'i wish i was happy'
with all that's going on the last thing you need is self abuse on top of it all
and there's no shame in asking for help

Well said!

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