Hello all! Current abduction?

Hello all! Current abduction?

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Selection 011 house.

Attached: Selection_011.png (678x830, 860K)

In aproxamitly 3 mins family is taken aboard.


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would you trust anyone who can't spell "approximately", even with autocorrect?

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Only way to hide amongst terran and to easily take for treatment or for Dulce

Sorry my current understanding of terran language is limited

I want to fuck that. What's wrong with me?

Power is off Xomof

Attached: vlcsnap-2012-02-01-19h35m21s7.png (384x288, 77K)

We do this in case of terran retaliation since terran eyes cant see beyond light spectrum

please take me alien-san
Ill be a good pet on your spaceship. Just feed me and let me out for walks.

We have much in store for you. We have visited you before. 4/1/19 ●

Family is now aboard and ready for Dulce transfer.

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Terran technology does much interference with our tech

Here is to know if we are watching you just so you know. Look for lights in you're floral

Here is family. We take we keep we demand all.

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Ayy alium do you know where I live ?
And why do you keep drilling holes in Bluebeard2011's kneecaps ?

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From Dulce hall of nightmares.

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Alien dulce abductees fait.

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Why are your fingers so long

Oh God help that poor creature

op is shit at guitar

You're a virgin and will stick it in anything warm.

I'm not terran.

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ayy lmao.

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Some years ago I did a dream where some grey aliens tell me a code message to write.
Their voice were so metallic. Can you explain me what happened? It was really a dream?
Unfortunately at my awakening I didn't remember the code.

dobby is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Some things are implanted during a test. For a possible dulce transfer. ●□○□●■●

so they made me a test?
Where part of my body they implanted something?
I need more info

I can not tell you. It travels. Last check was 4/1/19

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Tell me what you can so

Just know this it helps us to better ourselves genetically and to know where you are at all times when needed. Our subjects are visited when they are 5 earth years till either death or 90 earth years.

On that note family has been returned.

how did people are choose for this kind of test?

Genetic traits and certain health conditions that qualify.

More details pls

Or merely coincidence by curiousness.

If you genetically dont carry the cancerous genetic you qualify if you have unknown anomaly in genetics you qualify. If you have a strong reproductive system then you qualify to help in hybrids.

and what are the consequences of the tests on my body?

I am merely stating youre traits as many have unique traits. The consequences are those who are born with many complicated genetic traits that you terrans look down upon. It happens to only 3 out of 10.

You're species is not the only one to be observed as there are many other amongst terran knowledge. You have not taken the first steps to have known us. Some of us including me do reach out at times.

I dream more and more often people I don't know or ever seen, this can be a consequence of these tests?

Although you have made yourselves known to us when you were just starting as a species by the images you have made in the matter of your planet. Soon we will meet again. You will not remember but you will remember one thing. Me.

[Smoothskin racism intensifies]

>soon we wiil meet again

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For those wondering, this thing is real. Some brazilian wannabe predator.

This is alien byproduct!

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Mr alien can we hang out right now?
Also how do I know if I’ve ever been abducted?

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Do you ever have a feeling of importance or feel you are here for a higher cause or have fantasies or delusions of grandeur? Or feel like you've been awake for hours but dont remember a thing after getting out of bed. Then you probably have.

How many bad photoshop

double dubs of truth

How many bad grammar?

Alright spacefag if you’re real abduct me right now.

Dude I wouldn't say that... They can take and keep you. Meaning say bye to earth and whatever hell they put you in.

They can also eat my ass

I easily see similarities in the faces and gestures of people that others don't notice, and then they agree with me.
Can you explain this? Can be related to some sort of abduction where I learned something? May my senses improved by these test?

Don't play this.

Attached: Area 51.webm (640x360, 802K)

There is a connection mentally and physically. There is also an aura all living things emit and sometimes they can connect by intervention of third party afair.

They're gonna torture you're ass.

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another dubs checked
>and sometimes they can connect by intervention of third party afair.
explain more of this if you can, thanks

Some of these things can not be explained as they will be exploited by terran leadership.

Wasnt this proven real and they were chasing a fleet of these.

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Can you explain your point of view about deja-vu?
I experienced lot of them lately, and it's sounds strange to me.

Merely a side effect of memory wipe when coming to return.

But it's a collateral effect of abduction or not?

Indeed it is.

but a lot of people experienced it sometimes.
So can be related to abduction only if you have them constantly? Or just to had it 1 time prove it?

What are the signs of Abduction if you get your memory wiped

We have mastered over the years to hide these visible signs to prevent panic of subject

Yes if they are a long term subject. These sometimes have an aura effect causing some to experience this.

Well I have had some weird experiences
with lights camping... could I have been abducted and not known it.

What % of global population has been abducted at least one time?

It's area 51 a lark mirror?


No Dulce is where we reside amongst human elite.

Yes you can. I really depends on the subject really.

19% so far.

so high???

Yes we plan to inspect 100%

checked, nice number

Should I trust the government?

Any UK bases?

If you have seen lights amongst trees those are merely scanners observing.

eurpean bases?

No for they have mistreated us on several occasions. Currently we have 5 in capture.

Yes though these bases are very well hidden underground. They intertwine with ours.

Deja vu
I've just been in this place before
Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go



what's the meaning of this date?
also nice dubs

UK Base 51.980964, -3.656244

Terran you are mistaken to try and fool us I will answer no more.

I'm guessing this is complete BS, why be on Yea Forums & not /x/ is a clear sign.

Whatever 'They' do, it isn't good & it isn't safe, why the memory wipe but leaving you with the Sense & rememberence of Abductions happening in the first place?

After what i saw, who fucking knows. Like i said, OP isn't 100% in-the-know.
Fyi Terran = Earthling


Why is this important?
Why did you post that?


that's not what I wanted to do, I am sorry

43.277432,-116.434195 5/13/2019 •○■○•°

>Implying I'm getting abducted after mothers day.
C'mon op, you can be more spoopy

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48.650551, 45.723157

3:00AM •○■○□•

Terran you are showing signs of possible enforcement.

Some of these lats and longs..... are genuine some are not

5/13/2019 3:00AM

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And what's way out in the middle of no where by snake river in idaho

Abduct me Mr. Alien. I could do with a a vaction from the washing machine of shit I exist in.

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And what's any out in the middle of no where Idaho by snake river

Kapustin Yar Russia

Where we come to drop and collect. Outside of terran eyes.

Is the Alien gone now?

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I am still residing.

Whats the agenda?

The terran race.

what's your final goal?

And the outcome?

To eat every living creatures ass

To better ourselves to have a superior genetic outcome. The outcome for terran is to take the first step to be amongst us.


What's the deal with the Boötes void?

We visit a total of 38 subjects weekly in cycle. All are tagged for specific groups.

A rift of travel. ●○

We travel interdeminsionaly as well.

Have any died from your abductions?

Why y'all stick things in guy's asses?


We examine terran phenomena as well.

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That is merely a terran idea.


Some have in the primitive times of you're species.

Where does 9/11 fit in with your plans

Schultzberg, is that you?

No where that was a terran plot against you're own kind.


Is KIC 8462852 surrounded by your mega-structure?

Was Alien tech used?


Terran only.

What exactly do you expect me to do with coordinates to a country i don't even live in & as you are answering questions, try answering mine. Thank you (:

Are the Black Triangles you>?

Exactly what you are called to do. That is a place we will be known. A place that is still where time is no longer a factor.

No they are another race breaching into our selected planet.

The anomaly you call dark knight satelite is suppose to keep threats away from terran space and to keep threats from terrans.

Are you observing us with the black knight satellite?

In ways. If you're species was to become to advanced to quickly with levels of threat that can exterminate life we will intervene.

What other races?
Please tell us the factions at play on earth

What did you think of End Game?

The ones you call reptilians which have infiltrated you're world. We do hunt them at night. That is the time they come out. That is why you have been seeing anomalies at night with bright auras. There is also the ones in the less superior triangular ships the seltan. They are a lesser species trying to commence chaos those lights you saw over you're huge city was us fighting them off.

You're gonna find my foot probing up your ass in a minute, space negro.

Btw, is racism/speciesism a thing in space? Or is it just a scientific approach that some are better than others at certain things? Any cultural/sociological aspect to it for you Ayys?

Speciesism is a thing scientifically. Some species are more genetically less in comparison. Seeing animals are to terrans.

I've only seen the first avengers..Not really a fan of the series.

Do not trust all greys you may encounter. Not all care for the terrans.

These grays cause pain and fear during collection and they do not speak to terrans.

These grays deal with you're government elite. Do not trust any of them. We can not do a thing to them for they are protected.

Can your species mate with humans in the normal way?

Rubber johnny.