Creepy/Scary thread

Creepy/Scary thread.
Any experiences and stories, pictures or general unsettling sharing space. Anything that's offputting goes.

>Bonus points for greentexts/personal stories

/x/ is full of delusional people, wanna see what you fags have seen

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I'll start by dumping some images

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General weird shit too

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I live in 200 year old house, some stuff happens once in a while but this is the most recent event:

>One night as I was getting ready to sleep.
>I heard someone walking in my hallway and then, maniacally tried to open my door.
>I began to say “what?”, kept going. “What?!”, I asked again as the locked door knob kept trying to pry open by who I assumed was someone in my family trying to prank me.
>Once again I say “WHAT?!” And it stopped. Then, heard someone running in the hallway.
>Decided to go and confront my sister who I thought was the prankster.
>Went to her room and saw she was drooling in her sleep. Wake her up and indeed she was legit asleep.
>Tell her the story and freaked her out.

I seriously thought it was her. Nobody else in my house would do that.


damn, is that the first time this happened?

>5yrs old
>trying to sleep
>see open backpack facing towards me on a chair 2 meter away
>see some white ball on my backpack
> white ball moves and a face appears
>face looks towards me and grins
>turn on lamp
>white head still there
>tries to see if its a drawing or something
>realize its threedimentional
>manage to see details like veins and rugged skin.
>think head hasnt noticed I saw it
>pretend to sleep
>fall asleep
>wake up
>7 am
>rappidly turn on lamp
>backpack is opened as if the head is still there
>see empty backpack with the space the head left
>pretend like nothing happened and go have breakfast

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Attached: skinwalkerlongversion.jpg (3560x2280, 1.56M)


back when I was in highschool grandparents had to move in with my family since they are senile and need help to take care, grandpa has parkinsons. Had to move houses to be able to accomodate new living conditions.

>be me
>maybe 15 at the time
>grandparents move in with us
>family decides to move into a bigger house
>perfect house up for listing, generally good location
>house is in gated community next to city morgue, no more than 100 meters from my house accross street
>hear bullshit stories about dead people showing up around in quiet nights
>hear story about a kid in particular that keeps fucking with neighbors
>first couple of weeks setting in be sleepin in new bedroom, i have a window in my room that has view to a huge, and i mean huge backyard
>blinds are positioned in such a way that i can see a through a small crack between the two, some nights i feel like something watches,shrug it off
>wake up one night kind of unsettled,check time ~2am
>need to take a shit, as I stand up i see out of the corner of my eye through the small gap between shades and window a pair of eyes
>sees me and rushes away
>ff about a week
>sleeping in bed, wake up to the feel of a breeze through my legs
>open eyes and see my bedsheets falling onto my legs as if I had been kicking them up to rearrange them, except i didnt
>door was slightly ajar and I dont remember cracking it up, ignore and go back to sleep
>later that week chilling by the pool in lawnchair ~11pm, hear baby crying from other side of the backyard wall
>on that other side theres nothing but really high grass and goes deep into like a mountain

a bunch of really weird shit kept happening to me in that house, made me sweat a lot but i never told many about it, specially not parents since worrying about grandps

here's the other skinwalker creepypasta i've got

Attached: skinwalkerselfie.jpg (668x580, 52K)

more like this?

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jesus that shit gave me shivers and i don't even understand why

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Pic related?

Lol is that a nigger doll? Id be afraid too. Might steal all your sheeeeiiiiiit.

user what the fuck.

and people are completely unwilling to explore the possibility that "ghosts" or things alike exist.
They're either cringe worthy obsessed ghost hunters or fanatics

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Rember seeing this thread. OP was a cool guy obsessed with dolls

Some other stuff happens once in a while, but this one was the most recent. Sometimes I often hear footsteps in the hallway, I try and ignore it now.

Not really a ghost hunter. I accept this shit happens in my house, but it becomes a common phenomena in my place after years of this. Whatever it is, its not aggressive and only wants to mess around.

Cool story

wierd things happen around my house all the time. seen a plate rattle for no reason. a fan flew across the room while i was falling asleep one time. and also, sometimes when I am falling asleep I feel like someone sits down at the edge of the bed next to me.

oh and I see shadow people all the time. 3 of them. one of them big and scary. the other two stay far away.

oh and 3 nights ago I had sex with a succubus in a dream. I didnt even know what a succubus was until i told a friend about my dream.

actually really good. got more?

i've posted all he creepypasta i've got on this laptop

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