Trumpturds on suicide watch

trumpturds on suicide watch

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Suicide watch vs literally shaking. Who wins?

no one gives a shit

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I'm completely convinced he wanted/needed the job for long term financial stability.

100% un-politically motivated, I just believe it's true.

America has a pussy for a president

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Trump actually says that himself on Apprentice from 10 or 12 years ago while bragging about being able to recover from adversity. Doesn't anyone here have a tv set?
I swear liberals have no memory at all.
You're like goldfish or something; angry, squealing goldfish.

you guys help op raid girl lover sites too?

Nah brah, she lost the election.

It's called "Creative accounting." You cook the books to make it look like you lost money so you don't have to pay in, when, in reality, you're rolling in the dough. Movie studios do it all the time: according to official records, Titanic lost millions. Look it up.

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Gold fish love fake news flakes.
Chock full of shit, and ..... vitamins

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In this case, it was actual losses. Russian mob cash was the main thing keeping him afloat.

He going to get curshed lol

don't forget to report these faggots

by who, creepy uncle joe?

we're all shivering with anticipation

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AKA "Tax fraud", confirming the need for congress to see his tax returns.

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It’s not about feelings, y’all just dumb

he shouldn't have got in that situation in the first place. that just shows his incapacity. how can people actually support this retarded piece of shit called president? he's not able to lead a country whatsoever and he goes to prove that every single day.

lol nope. losses are shown in taxes all the time. it's a legitimate write off. ask the IRS, they'll tell you how to do it.

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Oh if it's just big losses, then he's a horrible businessman, contradicting his claims that his business acumen would be of benefit to the country. Thanks for clearing that up.

1 Billion in losses from 20 Fucking years ago who gives a fuck

Putins Bitch

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>not knowing what a billion meant 20 years ago

Dont you have school tomorrow, kid?

The point, my little fishie, is that this is very old information that everyone but the newbiest of newbs already knows about.

Preach the truth my man

>actual tax fraud
The IRS (which always audits rich fucks)
didn't find any fraud but a bunch of worthless dumbasses in Congress are going to find fraud.

So, in 1980 to 1990 he had $200 million in worth as a person (his business was $3.1 billion).

In that decade, the business went from $3.1 billion to $1.9 billion.

In 2017, he PERSONALLY was worth $3.1 billion is worth and Trump Organization is worth around $2 billion.

I don't see what he did wrong or bad or needs to be covered in an overly critical and negative manner on this newspaper?

Actually, she owes him now.

So, Horseface is -$130k and needs to give it to Trump.

Trump slept with a pornstar and she paid him!

His tax returns would show if he has any foreign money coming in. It would reveal potential money laundering. Also tax evasion. Don’t Orange Baffoon supporters ever ask themselves why he’s so unwilling to show his taxes? Gotta be hiding something.

Oh he’s gonna pay. Just wait.

yup, the other "she" won

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the mental gymnastics you trumpies do to defend a guy you would ALL condemn if he were D not R.

U.S.A !
U.S.A !
U.S,A !

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The National Pennant for Snow Flake Republicans

If his taxes had shown Trump making lots of money, Trumptards would praise him for his skill. Instead they showhim losing lots of money, so naturally, Trumptards praise him for his skill.

They like him because they do. Show them proof that he's a shitty businessman who sucks at business, has a small dick and takes away the things they need most to live and they'll still like him.

Let Trump fuck them over and then refuse to help them when a Dem is in office and they wake the fuck up. They're happy to let Trump rob them blind? Then they can deal with the fallout on their own.

lol nope again. many highly successful businessmen have one or more failures in their past. it's far more common than you think and frankly nothing to be ashamed of. the measure of greatness isn't perfection, it's being able to pick yourself up, push forward with a vision and see it through to fruition.

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>one or more failures in their past.
he lost a BILLION.
He was not GM
He was not Goldman Sachs
He was, and is a con man.
Only difference between him and Madoff, is Madoffs marks were smart enough to see they were conned

Why do I give a flipping shit about this? Oh no, he's only worth$3B instead of $10B. Are you worth $3k?

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Ar what point will wealthy Trump supporters need help that the Dems wont be handing out to everybody with a sob story and a.pulse?

Swede here, used to dislike Trump. I've changed my mind after he got to office, I like his Asia politics.

meh... put it in CAPS and sleep on it, I can assure you that you and the other CNN viewers are the only ones who care about this. This stale news is 20-whatever years old and nobody gives a fuck. go ahead and put all your money on creepy Uncle Joe, it's the only real play you Dems have. Trump is going to grab you all by the pussy next year...

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ya, but they didn't think using kids as means of torture was acceptable...

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hahaha 10B... yeah, ok

in 1989 he's on record claiming he was worth "1 billion"


history will be written that the trump supporters were literally the downsyndrome who are only exposed to other assholes like themselves and charicatures of other people, allowed to vote.

the pinnacle of your intelligence is thinking you're hiding your retardation, racism, sexism, homophobia and poor education.

also bran wins game of thrones, jon kills dany, jaime kills euron but dies, tyrion betrays/is betrayed

>He was a russian
Didn't pan out
>He's a horrible businessman
Jesus, I can't wait for what is next. The hair transplant?

Oh ya, that was back in like 2016... I remember that. So anyways ...

>pinnacle of intelligence
>also bran wins game of thrones, jon kills dany, jaime kills euron but dies, tyrion betrays/is betrayed

Lol ok then

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All nonarguments.

Well not only did he win the election, but believe it or not he is currently leading the country. What you really won’t believe is he’s gonna get re-elected! Go cry about it stupid fish

I don’t even like real fish, they’re boring as pets and not the best as food

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The comical thing is ppl say " the economy..","trump is doing great". Policy and planning takes two years for effect. Its Obama's policies that have caused the upswing. look up deficit by year and cross reference to party in power. Under democrats the deficit decreases and under republicans it soars. The deficit under trump is going to be huuge and the economy will falter in 2-3 years because of his policies, but dems will be blamed. Full disclosure- not American but analyst of international pol-sci and economics for a foreign national

Stay mad.

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I tried to give that fucker a chance, even defended his orange ass here a few times.
He's a pompous prick, fuck'em!!

Sure kid.

>implying any of that coming to light would change anything in the minds of his voter base

If we were that rich we would also try to evade the ridiculous tax rates. Or if you were to pussy to actually do it you’d just dream of doing it and continue to get fucked by liberal tax infrastructure

So weak.

>replying to a post calling out non-arguments, with a non-argument

Summer is fast approaching

Just like the president and his mental state.

weak and predictable

> (OP)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>All nonarguments.
Also, all non toasters

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Just like the trump drones

stay stupid
you're good at it

There .. did the work for you.. kid

Blow it out your ass.

Not an argument.

not an argument

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Sure kid.

>Blow it out your ass.
unlike your mom who blows, then takes it in the ass. repeatedly

So weak.

And now the NDA is invalidated, so she's going to make a killing on book deals n shit. And There is no way they're just going to roll over and pay up. Look forward to hearing about a pecker as tiny as his hands.

as opposed to such a strong and witty reply of
>so weak

The delusion is so funny.
He lost a billion?
Where did that money come from?
So he had something, and he lost it, which somehow means that...he causes negative situations and lacks merit?
Or does it mean he managed to gain billions, lost a billion, but still has billions/is rich, in conclusion, he gained, lost some, and still has some, sounds like more positive than negative to me.

Not an argument.

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Sure kid.

Trump 2020! you know it's gonna happen...libtards on suicide watch.

or, if you bothered to read the story, wait nevermind, you are another blind trump follower.
Reality TV star means something to you
REALITY eludes you

Blow it out your ass.

feel the same way about money made by clintons since he left office?
I'll bet a billion you don't

But it is. It points out how we're going to get the nitty gritty of Trump's adultering ways. It's certainly not going to help his bid for reelection.

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

I autist, YAAAAA
2 word posts, YAAAA
wheres my short bus, YAAAA

me too actually. I thought it was a way for him to get some publicity.

Never thought u guys would actually put him in the office lmao

So long as he rapes a flag every now and then they eat it up.

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Also not cucumber. It's also not boolean logic compatible.

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Not an argument

Jess bazos lost 3.2 in a single day

Warren buffet and bill gates are all unsuccessful businessmen according to this

Not arguments.

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Sure kid.

Running a ticket with reparations on it is certainly not going to help the left me bid to win back middle america and centrist but hey you keep trying

trump lost "investors" (aka people he stiffed or conned) money not his own

Obama has the weakest recovery of any president he spend more than it took to get out of the Great Depression adjusted for today’s dollars to get out of a recession

A mail man could fix the economy if you told him you could double the entire us debt doing it like Obama and he literally left office before it was completely fixed

Trumps economy on the other hand is doing better than any president has ever even with a surplus

That’s funny if you read the article that’s literally what they did as well

his father handed him money
he gained nothing

its funny because the right wing playbook is to state others are what they are.

and you're the definition of a cuck

you think important city rich man is valid

it's so impressive to you

when he was handed everything from his dad

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>Obama has the weakest recovery of any president he spend more than it took to get out of the Great Depression adjusted for today’s dollars to get out of a recession


obama's unemployment decrease was about 3x trumps.

trumps is lowest but it just continues the trend obama started.

obama is on pace to have created about 4x more jobs than trump will.

obama was a fucking joke, trump is worse

name 5 things trump has done to help the middle class?

Being the world’s largest douchebag is not “fake news.” He’s a piece of shit.

very weak and predictable


The world's 500 richest people lost a combined $114 billion on Monday alone,
$114 billion divided by 500 people averages
$2.28m per person,
far cry from don the con's billion

honestly the left really doesn't give a shit about politics. our lives are pretty good.

you can have your clown president that literally changes nothing except make the rich, richer.

he runs on draining the swamp then has the most goldman sachs in government of any president.

nothing in my life changed. at least obama had the illusion of helping the middle class and lower with visible changes. even bush had that.

trump literally has had 0 effect, and it keeps the knuckledraggers like you entertained and busy while the left runs laps around you and dominates the upper class.

we feign opposition and let dykes and minorities get angry while benefitting so much from the retards that vote in trump.

>Obama was a nigger Nigger NIGGER NIGGER

not an argument

so stop posting

>slow creeping fascism is good


faggot shut up

Imagine caring about trumps taxes at all even 1%. Lmao tell us more about the piss tapes and Russian meddling you fucking tool.

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Most red states are getting a tax break including me
Lowered regulations on business creating expansion and jobs
Defends and increased industrial jobs under his term
Lowered refugee limits to reduce low skilled labor and social service usage mostly payed by the middle class
Elected a conservative Supreme Court justice that will keep right of the middle class from being trampled in the future while the left goes insane

pretending that US democracy is fair and not a way to make morons think they matter so they shut the fuck up while their mouth is stuffed with fast food and cheap electronics and internet is good too

bran wins game of thrones, jon kills dany

as long as facebook allows you to like a page for a free diabetes milkshake trump supporters are happy. one day the coal mines will open again right after the mexicans that provide slave labor to keep big macs prices down have the wall that ends immigration

>Or does it mean he managed to gain billions, lost a billion, but still has billions/is rich, in conclusion, he gained, lost some, and still has some, sounds like more positive than negative to me.
his tax returns would settle this argument.

I'll bet every penny I have and borrow the same 10x over, that you have some lame excuse why he does not have to release them.

Funny how you trumpturds never go after the rich white people who HIRE undocumented workers hahaha
hahahaha fucking tool

tapes were confirmed taken care of in the #1 bestseller mueller report

Lol are you retarded

Bill gates lost 2.2 billion alone Jeff 3.2

What the fuck is your cope

>elected a Supreme Court justice
shut up trumpturd

About as weak as a limp wristed faggot.

yes but you are wrong

liberals like me very much do care about politics and no our lives aren't good

you shut up im not gay goddammit

He absolutely oversaw his election m8

This might be the only accurate statement in the entire thread.

>Most red states are getting a tax break including me

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2.2 billion out of 200 billion

why are you defending a fake businessman like Trump user lol

make me, retard

Go after how we love to call out Jews m8

Funny how you think we wouldn’t support everify

Justices aren't "elected" you fucking retard shut the fuck up.

I didn't say you were. I said your argument was about as strong as the most flaming among them.

And yet user (you?) couldn't bring himself to admit it and had to paint it like a fucking whore's cock he (you) was sucking.

Cool care to elaborate how my post was wrong

that’s another user replying to you, most likely the one i called weak

No. All you right wing shit tards ever do is complain about people of color "invading" us and here WHITE PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP hire them.

Kill yourself.

ok if you call me gay again I'll fucking punch your lights out

Please into English at some point. I honestly have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say here.

Don't care. Just here to shitpost.

I'll make it easy:

you're a whore
and you suck cock

What does the total loss have to do with what your narrative is lol is this new levels of cope

These men are considered successful business despite losing double if not triple what trump lost in a decade in a single day

Do you even know how many billions we’re lost in that decade and why percentage his one would be?

but you come off like a trumpturd

Oh my aren't we all the most badass on the internet. How's your six figure income and ten inch penis treating you?

no, most red states are getting welfare

except when hillbillies get it they prefer to be called "subsidies"

lowered regulations on businesses is bullshit

more jobs were created under obama in 1 year than trump so far, on pace to have created 4x the jobs

unemployment decrease has slowed under trump after 1/2ing under obama, but the tards celebrate "lowest in 50 years!"

lowering refugee limits = pointless they didn't even hit the lowered cap shitskull

supreme court justice brotard has already rejected 2 opportunities to overturn roe v wade, i wouldn't hold your breath if i were you the first supreme court bro justice knows the importance of abortions

Bill Gates sharts 2.2 billion

your dumb President lost a billion being stupid.

Hence Putin and Deutsche bank

Hey man, all I said was obongo was a spooky ass jungle bunny. I didn't say any of the other shit. In fact, I never even said obongo was a tar baby, I merely agreed about the status of his coon ass.

Again the brown people are invading us and the people who do the hiring would be held accountable if what we wanted is implemented

I don’t see the disconnect

It would be like the left calling for gun control while the people that vote for them most cause the most gun violence

You just come out of a coma? This isn't 2013. Get things figured out.

because trump lost near 100% of his worth, not 1% you fucking mong

Sounds like cope m8

Your narrative is shit just admit it

Jeff bazos lost 3.2 and was down to a couple hundred million after that at you saying he’s a bad businessman

I don't care. I think it's funny that you vindicated my post and yet the poster--who I believe to be you--couldn't muster the admission of his own racism and had to disguise it through "criticism" of Obama.

But Trump is literal shit. Among all presidents he certainly has the least concern for his electorate and yes, I'm including Nixon here.

SeeJeff bazos literally was in the same boat and and and should of wrote off the 3.5 billion and paid no taxes for years

Not an argument

You're copping out again, user. It takes someone like me to point out your abject hypocrisy, that we should put brown people kids in cages, but the people who hire brown people? Give them tax cuts.

That's the stock market. One day is a fluke. A decade of failure is quite the trend.

user I don't think you realize just what a cringe term this is and you really should stop using it.

Your President is a con man. And you fell for it, ok?

Nice deflection
>but Obama
>but Hillary

So liberals just irritate you? Is that it?

tardboy, the article YOU posted stated 500 people lost $114 billion COMBINED.
2nd, those people are ACTUALLY worth BILLIONS individually.
It can be verified.
trump CLAIMS to be worth 5 billion.
no proof
but even if he is he lost 20% of his worth
Whats 2 billion to Warren Buffet's worth?
Do the math. then factor in that donny is not even a billionaire, and it's a no brainer

Just like all donny supporters, no brainers

People like Jeff bazos and bill gates are con men

I'm definitely not the poster you're thinking I am. I'm not about to say a good word about the former race baiter in chief. Singlehandedly brought race relations back 40 years.

That means "shut up" trumpturd

Again that’s the same thing they literally lost 3 times as much money in a single day with such shitty decision making cops all you like

>the former nigger in chief

See, even you can't be honest with your rage for successful people of color.

No the ones that are known to hire them would be prosecuted if we enacted e verify

Again where’s the disconnects

Shut the fuck up hypocrite.

Jeff bazos lost 3.2 and had a hundred odd million left that means he lost 90 percent or more of his wealth is he a unsuccessful business man

Identity politics irritates me. Everyone needs to quit pointing fingers and fucking do something. In all my years I've not once voted for a repubelickin or a democrap in the general election. It's because I strongly feel a 3rd party is needed to bring about real change.

Luckily for Trump, he had all of daddy's money to lose.

Nope again that would be like saying niggers who vote dem and support gun control are hypocrites when they cause the most gun violence

never said or implied it was wrong.
Just that you are a welfare state.

>human rights irritate me

user, you're really not looking good here lol

The fuck are you even talking about? One minute I'm sucking his dick and the next I'm not being honest with my racism? Whatever it is you're smoking maybe you should lay off.

>I strongly feel a 3rd party is needed to bring about real change.
funny how nobody ever gets off their ass and starts one
>inb4 greens, libertarians

>woke man only votes third party.
>woke man ignores fact that voting third party is worthless.

>durr dumbocrats the rill racists
fuck off trumpshit

No, it's not the same thing. The stock market will bounce back and they'll get 3/4ths of what they lost back within the month. Trump sucked wind for an entire decade.

And their taxes weren’t lowered?

Lol how is he at all connected to Putin? Show some credible evidence. Links.

So "race baiter in chief" was a joke aimed at the other dipshit. My bad.

We get it OP, you believed the Democrat lie and thought you were going to get free stuff

Show me your mom's dick user.
There is no debating this.

Again bazos did not make 3 billion back ima day

We can play it even father bill gates is worth a lot more than trump and declared bankruptcy literally losing all personal wealth is he a bad businessman

Where the fuck are you even getting these ideas? I am not saying even one tenth of the shit you claim I am.

You live with Trump's dick in your ass lube free

>Again that’s the same thing they literally lost 3 times as much money in a single day with such shitty decision making cops all you like

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"new tax records reportedly reveal"

Over 2 decades after he wrote "The art of the comeback" in which he specifically talked about his losses and recovery. Fucking illiterate libtards.

>woke man knows how pointless even voting for a president in Massachusetts is

In the entirety of my adult life the closest spread has been 19 percent. usually it's more like 30. Massachusetts would vote for Satan J. Hitler if he ran democrat.

you can't even spell faggot, suck a dick

Then stop giving the wrong impression.
And since right wingers like Republicans are the worst at "identity politics," it's just more projection.

>Trump's books weren't ghostwritten

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Oh like leftist's do a 100% of the time with trump

All the searching I did only turns up a single gates company declaring bankrupt and somehow his personal wealth is listed at about 100 billion. Nice lies.

>And their taxes weren’t lowered?
never said anything about taxes either.
Sorry you cant follow who said what.
I, ME only posted that


The politicians have been corrupt for years. All of them end of rich af. So the dems are scared shitless and are stopping at nothing to get him out before they lose their golden goose. And you sheep are just following their lead. Literally everyone and every employer are better off than they were w Obama. He’s actually doing a good job. Now sit down and stfu

the company I work for and own 5% has operated at losses since 2014 now. my salary is 97k and get bonuses, I use my work cc for gas, and pay my friend decent as a salesman and two others in the warehouse $15 an hour. businesses can operate at a loss and stay open, while a personal wealth grows. that being said, obviously we cannot forever but until we finish going through the changes from the first original owner, we will make due at work, and ill continue making money

I do not have a wing. I an about as centrist as it can get. Both sides are fucking retarded, at least in the way they conduct themselves. Each side has some good ideas, but they're always drawing lines in the sand over moronic shit.

Declaring bankruptcy was supposed to make you a bad business man no?

you mean he's not really a billionaire?

ah poor baby is upset because he spent all his welfare money on hot pockets. If you want I'll fuck your mom again in the ass and give her a quarter, how's that.

If that's your only metric Trump is six times worse a businessman as gates.

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not necessarily.
Repeatedly declaring bankruptcy, YES.

Better answer is: Ask those who got stiffed when said business man declared.

Trump is a master at stiffing people. His favorite trick was taking people to court who could not afford to go to court. Sometimes they could not afford to go to court because trump didn't pay them for the work they did. Other times it was just brown folks living in trumpslums.

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Lol you guys actually believed he lost that money

He washes his dad's money. Trumps claim to fame is that he's a good businessman but a his entire fortune is just his fathers money that was stashed off shore and Trump's failed businesses hide the influx of cash with losses on tax returns. Is money laundering a skill? Sure, but it's not what Trump portrayed himself as and so far it's done fuck all to help him run a country (although he can evade an indictment like a boss, I'll give him that.)
Shit people, there are two books written about it.

Hillary Clinton lost 1.2 billion in a single year hahahah

Born in NY. lived there until 2003.
we all know he's a con. Some just turn a blind eye because he ran as a republican.

Almost every big name celebrity has as much as trumps dad left him why aren’t they billionaires why don’t they own billion dollar real estate like the ones trump acquired after his father was long dead

Don’t bother explaining the I s and outs of business to the left.
You own 5% of a business. You should be taxed so much you can’t live because ceos and business owners are bad people

What demographic is most on welfare and who do they vote for in each blue state

Democrats are obscenely racist and extremely hypocritical for it. Also, wouldn't accusations of racism as an insult indicate a group's dislike for it? Doesn't that go against your retarded narrative?

the reason Trump doesn't want anyone to see his current taxes is simple: when he went broke for the 5th time, the only place that would lend him anything was Deutsche Bank, which was laundering Russian mob money. No one else would lend Trump a dime.

DB is being investigated by at least four countries for money laundering and Trump is up to his eyeballs in it. That is why he is hiding behind executive privilege and AG Barr.

why doesn't donny have a billion?
Or at least didn't before you tards elected him

Ohh no, that's them being helpful. Now if you're talking about racism against whites (which isn't a thing)...

The IRS audits every president every year you fucking moron

Who is this Russian mob?

hahahaha, what a failure

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try harder faggot

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He most likely does he literally owns more than a billion dollars in property I wonder how he did that with only 500 million if he’s a shit businessman
He’ll Obama has more than that why not be a billionaire and give it up
To charity

>reparations will win middle America

>What demographic is most on welfare and who do they vote for in each blue state
I have no clue.
But I"M SURE you have your "proof"

I love that he admitted to tax fraud on twitter to try to distract from the fact that he's a shit business man.

thank you for confirming dems aren't for open borders. We just don't need a useless wall.

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Don’t blacks vote dems by majority?

>we're all shivering
you should be

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It’s not tax frauds it’s literally a common used loop hole again the irs audited him when he became president like all presidents

>he literally owns more than a billion dollars in property
Show us PROOF of this.
His name on a building is MARKETING, it does not mean he actually owns it dumbass

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What do you mean by helpful?

Trump lost all the money he inherited from his father, which he got using various schemes to shelter it from taxation. His father got his money by inheritance, and made some more by FHA profiteering. Trump's grandfather was the only one to legitimately earn his money, and he did that by owning brothels.

Oh, and Trump's daddy? KKK member... but sure, claim he's not a racist.

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So he lost all his money and now is worth billions hmm

Why do you lie

The tax on inheritance was 50% when Trumps dad got sick and there was no way in hell a randian go-getter like the trumps were going to pay that. So Trump sr. bought a shit-ton of real estate and over claimed the price, then moved the majority of his fortune off shore into high yield interest accounts backed by stock firms heavily invested in, you guessed it, real estate. The more he said he paid for land the more the firm said that land was worth and the higher the yield on his interest rates at the bank.
Then Donny sells the land at it's real value, which is still below what the bank and firm say it's worth is, claims a loss on his taxes and when he imports a bunch of money from stocks he bought with the bank money he uses the claimed losses to avoid paying the taxes.
It's a brilliant scheme and technically legally grey so long as you can argue about the value of real estate speculation just enough to say you weren't inflating prices on purpose. But it's entrepreneurial and it has fuck all to do with fiscal policy.

No, it's literally tax fraud, he admitted that he undervalued his properties to show losses for tax purposes, but inflated their values when using them as collateral for further loans to fund his failed businesses.

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>mueller not finding a crime and the irs auditing him means he has something to hide

Don't Obama supporters ask why he went around telling people that he graduated first in his class at Harvard Law but he ordered his records and collehe transcripts sealed?

I mean if he had nothing to hide why hide it.

Again you do know every president elect is audited by the irs right?


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It’s cause he’s their con artist

So basically you have no idea what a paper loss is

>trumpturds on suicide watch
I saw this on Yea Forums so it must be true.

>But it's *not entrepreneurial and it has fuck all to do with fiscal policy
Fucking autocorrect I swear to christ

1) Because it contain information illegal to release, thank to Mueller
2) Because tax returns of citizens are confidential
3) His business deals in Russia are public record, do your own fucking research
4) Stop throwing tantrums over not getting what you want. Faggots.

Trump won't even be on the ballot in 2020. He's fucked. Time to find another absolute moron to get behind repulitards. Your game show host is fucked.

Basically the cope is losing multiple billions of money in a single day does not make you a bad business man because of arbitrary reasons I made up

>Trump won't even be on the ballot in 2020
only in states he would lose anyway, he still wins in 2020

Obama declared that 1% GDP was going to be the new norm. He did nothing for the fact he blamed George Bush for 8 years.

Then Trump makes sweeping changes and the economy does well, and Obozo wants credit.

Aww how sad your life is going to be

Under the national security/foreign intelligence exception to grand jury secrecy, the attorney general can provide grand jury information to the chairs of the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees without asking for court permission.

Jesus Titty-Fucking H Christ... I am SO fucking sick of the NON STOP motherfucking SNIVELING for the last TWO FUCKING YEARS.

You LOST motherfuckers! Do you not get it? Your hag-faced bitch LOST, and you lost with her.

Can we just start the fucking civil war already? Just so we can slaughter you motherfuckers so you will finally SHUT THE FUCK UP

When is he fucking gonna start? I’ll wait

>Only Fox News engages in hypocrisy
>Please ignore the thousands of times that lefty media outlets have done the exact same thing

This he states the left have to win are sure not going to like reparations being literally on the ticket for a live presidential debate lol

forget that every president for the last 40 years has released his taxes.

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Trump donates his 400 million dollar salary for each year of his presidency

I’m pretty sure he’s worth more than that billion today

You don’t need to see it the irs has already confirmed no crime sorry

This has to be bait, the salary is 400 thousand

such as?

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That’s not law nor requirement for office

no crime, but shady dealing and massive failures

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>such as

It's done to show no conflict of interest, who cares if its not law

Most president release their school record too

no, but why not...unless you have something to hide

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So none of your business?

Excuse me I meant thousand my point still stands that someone who’s hurting for money would not do as much

not an argument or a citation

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The narrative I’m getting is he went broke and now he’s worth 3 billion dollars in just assets alone

Did you... did you forget this?

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I don’t have anything to hide and I won’t show you my tax returns.
Wanna post yours here? Or do you have something to hide?

true, but donnie doesn't want us to know something...

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So it’s not required. Ok. Got it.

And Obama doesent?

Why not release them

This will only insure that Trump loses the popular vote but wins the election again. Extra points because that makes liberals more salty.

$3billion worth of Russian money buys a lot of favors.

>Obozo wants credit
You built that business? Nope, Obama did!

the irs looks at that aswell so they would of found it

I guess you didn't read the report m8

>now he’s worth 3 billion dollars
and monkeys fly out his ass every Thursday at 3:00

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The IRS is looking for infractions of tax law, they're not interested in conflicts of interest via income sources

Obama isn't president.

Actually they are google it

They catch companies all the time especially non profits

I seriously couldn't give a shit how much he's worth.

And one day trump won’t be either so calm down

Is that why he isn't taking a salary?

The IRS doesn't police your income sources, they're interested in whether you're paying your taxes, that's it

You do know that insider trading is not illegal for Congress and Presidents right?

...the Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House for the last two years. Tell me, what did they accomplish in that time? Aside from hurting some of our industries so bad that they had to be bailed out, I mean.

Republicans have no interest in governing. They've forgotten how. The only thing they want these days is to "own the libs", and they don't care if the country goes down in flames while they get their lulz.

They do m8 they confirm the legitimacy of the source you fucking retard

Or can I report my drug money from my fake company

I'm not the president or even running for president, but here's this guys:

Way to fall for the con. First of all, if you look at the numbers Trump has claimed to have donated more than he earned. Further, he went on and on about the specific programs his money funded when THE GOVENRMENT DOES NOT ALLOW THAT. Donated money goes into a general fund and is drawn by whoever needs it. Sure, the doland gave up his paycheck, but it was a targeted move to get all of his braindead followers to see what a great man he is. I wonder how happy they'd be knowing that donny himself has definitely funded a number of abortions.

They damn well question the sources.
Are you saying;g I can make 500m but say I work as a Wendy’s sous chef as long as I pay tax?

It's customary to disclose all income sources as literally the leader of the free world in charge of the largest military in the world, I would image the reasons why are pretty obvious and I'm surprised anyone's even arguing this

Cool show me Obama’s college records what was that nigger hiding

Eric Trump himself said there's a disproportionate amount of Russian money finding its way to Trump.

not much

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And? He doesn’t have to release that either.
He’s not president. Nor are you. So there’s no reason for you not to release 10 years of tax records here. Nothing to hide, right?

If making a claim and backing it up with sources isn’t an argument then I guess only your feelings can be.

Money from Russian isn’t illegal. It’s not against the law to do business with Russia


Again his income sources and his criminal culpability have been looked at by the IRS and fbi and cleared

zOMG stop the presses!

I'm not going to argue with you over whether or not 2+2=4. The audacity that you must have to ask me for "a citation" over something so painfully obvious is an insult to your own intelligence.

>BuzzFeed and Vox have never engaged in journalistic malpractice; they can do no wrong.

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The article that’s is he source is quoting Obama’s admission about his gpa lol

China is about to fuck his orange ass into the ground. This will be hilarious. He's about to shit himself in epic proportions and attack Iran. That's were all you kids will spend your college years. Bleeding to death in the sandbox.

New York Times:
"While The Times did not obtain the president’s actual tax returns, it received the information contained in the returns from someone who had legal access to it."

>The Times did not obtain the president’s actual tax returns
>not .... the president’s actual tax returns
>not actual tax returns

>"received the information contained in the returns from someone who had legal access to it."
>received ... from someone who had legal access to it."
>received .... from someone"

so sad
so very sad

New York Times:
"The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view."

>LL.M. in Taxation
>looked over 5 clients' transcripts just today
>all 5 are incorrect
>this is 2019, not 1985-1994
>transcripts are utterly unreliable
>especially those "received from someone"


I'm hiding all those cash payments from your mom

And yet he still donates his entire Presidential paycheck. What a guy!

not an argument

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Doubtful. She’s super religious and doesn’t support faggots

CNN admitted on hidden camera in 2017 that the Russian story was bs but all you leftists lapped it up becUse orange man bad

too many people think of bankruptcy as wiping out all debt - which for an individual is possible - chapter 7

business have no such option.

chapter 11 is essentially a "leave me alone" to the creditors while a business gets their shit straight

chapter 11 a relatively common business tool.

in other words, meme is meaningless

move along

>The article that’s is he source
that english still needs some work Ivan

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I forgot all the leftist politicians that don’t live in gated communities in black neighborhoods while they promise reparations

Again how sad that your quora post links to a source that is quoting Obama in his gpa lol

so I guess she kicked you out of the basement at 18


she likes it in the butt

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Both of those are true. What’s it like being in the basement at 40 whining about the state of America from Europe?

I never said it was, just that being funded by Russians tends to make one look fondly upon Russians. Ask Hillary what she thinks about the Saudis.

>I'm not going to address what you said because logic and reason are scary and foreign concepts.

>BuzzFeed and Vox have never engaged in journalistic malpractice; they can do no wrong.

not as sad as our current president and his retard army of supporters

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I can't wait to see the mega meltdown when trump gets reelected.

/b should love trump he trolls people on twitter and causes butthurt for the lulz.

So no wrongdoing. Got it.

Ask any politicians what they think of the saudis presidents are elected and set their own foreign policy that is literally always been the case

oh noes!

I'm not 40 yet and I also own the two upper floors so feelsgoodman

Noncollusion was found

Best case Russians made Facebook ads that incited blacks and some supporters Hillary as well

While leaking actual bad shit Hillary was doing we as a country should be thanking them for

This is where you are

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Your larding skill are amazing.
Teach us, please

Ask Hillary what she thinks of Russia since she sold our Uranium to them, and funneled the money through the Clinton Foundation.

Mueller specifically pointed out that while he's not saying it was a crime he's also not saying it's not a crime. Essentially the report is a 400 page spiel on what happened with the specific point that someone else make the big decision.

I have no idea what a "larding skill" is

fixed that for you
maybe you guys should just lrn2meme

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>Noncollusion was found

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muh Russia