I went on a date with a girl last night, got back to my place after some drinks, and starting making out. Everything was going well until I put the condom on and just went limp. We messed around other ways but I just couldn't stay hard. She was very nice about it, but it's still so frustrating. Anyone else been in this shit-boat before?
I went on a date with a girl last night, got back to my place after some drinks, and starting making out...
op is a limp dicked faggot
loose weight and stop watching porn faggot.
I'm in shape but I could definitely cut down on porn.
Whatever you do just stop thinking about it. It happens. Let dick think about dock, you focus on the girl. Dick knows what to do
thanks m8. it's like a spiral, thinking about it only makes it worse.
Does the condom feel tight when you put it on? Some condoms can restrict blood flow. I had that problem when I started having sex, switched out for magnums and was ready to go. Also magnums aren't for larger dicks, they're average but they do carry xl if you happen to be gifted.
Here's a trick bro, focus your mind on another sensation like touch or kissing...you will relax and dick will be good
It was a random condom brand that she had, it was definitely tight and hard to put on. That coulda been a part of the problem too
Bro same shit happened to me once. Was going down on a girl but my bed was small so I was kneeling on the side in an uncomfortable squat position. Killed my boner and I couldn’t get it back. When I told her to help me out she got frustrated and left
Condoms do this to me too. Just get STD tested and take a pic and keep it in your phone, then carefully choose your girls.
damn that's a rude reaction from her though. at least for me she was nice about it and stuck around. sorry about that man, if she was worth a damn she would have been more understanding anyway.
that's the downside of random girls from dating apps, you can't ever be truly sure of their status even if you're clean
Same thing happened once to me OP. Met her off tinder, drove over to her apartment. Smoked a bit, made out and was rock hard. Then we started fucking and it was just so hot and dirty in her apartment it threw me completely out of the game. Was so hyper focused on the sweat pouring off me I couldn’t get back into it.
nigga fish
That's why you find one good one instead of random whoring. It feels empty after a bit. And just think, for every girl you fuck they fuck 10-20 guys if they're riding the carousel.
Yeah it turned out she only hooked up with me because she was pissed at her bf and knew I liked her
Could work. Should work.
All in the head homie. If u dont rebound from this next time... you'll be thinking about this every sex session for the rest of your life. Pretty sure my friend Jesse since his first 'limp dick' hasnt busted a nut since. Like 9 years ago.. next time is crucial
i feel you. I'm 26 so I'm at an age where I'm just trying to find a nice girl. Not trying to just sleep around and have meaningless sex anymore. I actually like this girl. That might be part of why I put all the pressure on myself during sex.
I was full whore mode at that age. I don't even know how many girls I was with lol. Well over 100. Now I'm 39 and just kind of tired of women's shit. I have a gf but if she wanted to break up tomorrow my response would be 'meh, see ya.'
When I first slept with my now wife I was nervous as fuck because it was my first time and it was a disaster. She knew I was a virgin though and was really understanding. We took a break and went at it again 30 minutes later and had a great time, ended up fucking all night and the next day
Did you have whiskey dick?
Damn you've only ever fucked one girl? I could never relate to that.
nah, wasn't that drunk. I was in my head about performing well because I liked this girl. I've hooked up with others recently and it wasn't a problem but then again I didn't have any emotional connection at all, so there was no pressure.
Yeah, it is what it is. I was a complete sperg before I met my wife and didn’t have much luck with girls. Not really sure how I got my wife tbh
its happened to me before for sure. i think porn contributes heavily, really high expectations. i think im addicted cause whenever im bored or have nothing to do i just default to jerk off
I have a hard time imagining being married. I've been with a ton of women but don't see how guys live with them.
Whiskey dick is a real pain in the ass... you don’t even need to be sloshed to get it either
We have really good synergy and compliment each others personality pretty well. We’re not perfect, but I’d be fucked if I had to be single again. She takes care of so much shit
Oops just noticed u already ruled it out