>Imagine living in a nation that bans a plant.
Just got my delivery of nugz.
How's it feel non pot nations?
>Imagine living in a nation that bans a plant.
Just got my delivery of nugz.
How's it feel non pot nations?
I'm pretty sure your nation also has banned some plants.
Nah we lead the coalition troops in Afghanistan for three years to secure opium. We know what's up.
>Imagine bragging about shit tier weed you probably paid out way too much for
Whats the price per gram in your area user?
Well yeah but it's still banned, right?
Its about convenience dude. I didnt need to meet anyone, rely on some dealer.
And I can drive around or walk around with it, without a problem.
Gram is based off thc, got about 4 grams for 30 dollars in total.
13.8% thc lol bunk as fuck dude what did you pay for that
only legal for taxation not sure if letting anyone smoke pot in the name of it as medicine sure i wont argue some people should take it if it helps them for anxiety, depression, seizures, cancer, colitis
but in most cases just a bunch of people getting stoned because why not for me i need to have a good reason to smoke weed or drink or do anything that could have negative results years down the line
I only can hope that Trump will follow though on his work and enforce the laws of our nation and make states comply with federal law. Weed is doing so much damage to our nation and nobody seems to care.
Feels bad man
5 grams is 60bucks here in sweden is that cheap?
Price shown is per gram. I live in oregon in the united states pal so I can take it anywhere I want. Also delivery is free.
it's not cheap but could be worse. depends on quality as well
>Weed is doing so much damage to our nation
How so? It's pretty harmless as far as intoxicants go.
We can buy seeds and grow our own.
And it's the same idea as alcohol, do you really need 70% spirits? Or alcohol at all?
People use it, and will use it either way. As Sean Paul said:
>Some got gold and oil and diamonds - all we got is Mary J.
Legalize it, time to recognise it.
i wont go that far i believe weed is not for everyone if you have underlying mental health problems scitzo or have any other type of condition like that it is quite dangerous people can snap go completely off the rocker this type of information should be provided on weed even if its a small percentage people have the right to know the side effects
You realized trump was on the lmao weed train because of the free money right? Retard.
nice in the uk £80 for half an ounce
You also have the largest stash of weed in north America dude.
you can buy an ounce of good weed for 100 in canada
All you pot heads are going to prison. This is against federal law. You are not as safe as you think.
that looks good for oregon weed lol
by taking away the market the cartels to keep profits up have moved to importing opioids and meth
not listening to me i have 0 problem with it being legal just give the full spectrum of side effects for who can and should not use it some people with mental health problems go crazy when they smoke weed i am talking scitzos
Imagine living in a country where hard working people have been harassed for decades for a plant just for some faggot to use legalization as a way to get elected and then make up a bunch of new laws for cops to harass us for it. Also its only legal if they get tax money
No, his administration has been working to enforce the laws.
i bought mine on tor was mostly sour diesel
God damn I'm sorry man that same dispensary has a deal on a whole ounce for 40 usd right now and that deal is active every 3-4 weeks usually
Honestly I wish we were able to sell outside the US but we haven't reached that point of societal advancement. We could be so rich off of recent legalization.
>14% THC
Weed smokers really do ruin weed for everyone else.
I bought an Oz of primo for 130 got in delivered in the MAIL 2 days later. Have fun going to court over some weed lmao
Just bought 7gs of wax 90 bucks after tax.
Get top quality white widow for 6$ a gram in Nova Scotia.
Fuck legalization it's was just a way for Trudeau to get elected and get more tax money.
Ok well over here in eastern canada theres a million blackmarket dispensaries that sell $100 ounces of premo, right to your door like pizza. Free delivery.
I imagine it's fucking trash
Yo what province? Nova Scotia b'y here
have not smoked weed in 2 years was not in a good place so made the conscious choise to stop not much in my life was going right using it as a aid is something i am against for me to smoke or drink things need to go well in life eg career,social,physical/mental health if the weed got that cheap it would be much hard to not buy some for some people i think
Yeah same
100 dollars an ounce?
Oh hell yea, North Shore here
What's the best way to connect to black market dispensaries in the US?
Move out of the US?
>I imagine it's fucking trash
Imagine being this butt hurt because if YOU get caught, you get to have a big black cock up your ass, at the tax payers expense.
Ontario cunt here, wat site
Why not grow your own?
It gives the cops a reason to raid you indescrinatly.
Trump already federally legalized the growth and sale of hemp and cbd products, thc will follow soon after and all the reefer madness crybabies nixon spawned can wipe their tears with rolling papers. The majority of the nation is destroying their bodies with alcohol, and a good portion is still doing it with nicotine as well. Not to mention the number of people on benzodiazepines, muscle relaxers, opiates and any other form of pain killers. All of these methods of slow release suicide are legal, some require a prescription but that can be easily acquired. Why are you so upset about people smoking weed but not tina the soccer mom having a bar of xanax with a bottle of wine every night before bed. I haven't smoked weed in over a year because I just don't care to but I dont see why so many people flip out about it. A good portion of urban cities are crawling with meth heads and heroin addicts, I would riot over the legalization of either of those things because those people are filth but now that its been legalized here it has brought plenty of people who never would have done it before out of the woodwork, business owners, lawyers, physicians, anyone can use it and still be successful its aboit moderation. If you stay high all day everyday you will probably be a piece of shit but thats the same if you are an alcoholic to that severity which is totally common. It ahould be just as acceptable to smoke a joint after a long week of work just like most people enjoy a beer, cider, or wine. You're just brainwashed cunts.
I have no idea. Right before weed was legal in canada there was a big boom of actual store front ( but illegal) dispensaries. Come legalization most were either raided or closed. Majority of them created websites and do a local online delivery service. Its great
I guess they would only want you to buy their weed.
So what are we supposed to do? compromise and or make laws to pander to the cartels?
Btw the gubment loves opiods. That cash flow doh
fuck you
little piece of shit
Kek nice one
But come on though, Ontario isn't that bad... right?
I use Weedbay, what do you guys use?
So true no one in America seems to talk about that now it’s legal
what is this even supposed to mean?
This isnt mail order pot its a local online delivery service
Chill m9
They don't give a fuck, I know so many people who had completly legal grow ops just to have the Rcmp kick in the door at 5 in the moring.
i could probably get it if i wanted but too much of a shut in loser
tried it before, heart nearly exploded for 7 hours until the morning. took too much, had virtgo. panic attack.
so i'd be worried. is dream market safe ?
I can actually breathe without people reeking of said plant. Medical use is allowed, but isn't smoked.
Feels pretty good.
Its pretty greasy dude
Oh fuck, that sounds even better, think we got that in alberta?
makes sense the money outweighs the few that go insane sadly
You can grow weed in any country dumbass.
Not illegal if you don't get caught
>I will blow the majority of this back into the air.
A fucking waste.
>Imagine living in a nation that bans guns
Just got my delivery of bullets
How's it feel non-gun nations? Like the taste of boot?
You could order weed off the internet for years before legalization, my sister did it all the time. You just had to buy in bulk, nothing less than an oz.
>imagine etc...
hm.. i would order something small from the venor first before getting serious
don't wanna get scammed like a nigger
>13.8% thc lol bunk as fuck dude what did you pay for that
Right, guys not even doing dabs. If you like smoking you need to be doing dabs.
I've been smoking nature's plant 'illegally' for more than a decade
Poppers bruh.
It actually really good shit, I think you could buy it because the website claimed it was for medical research only.
Fuckin ontario dicks
There's bud so fucking good you don't need to do anything with it
That said there's plenty reasons for dabbing, getting high
But to say that the best bud on the planet is not as as good as dabbing makes you look like a fucking kid
This isnt mail order though its local. Some dude drives it to your house. Theres all kinds of them. The 99 dollar ounce pictures i posted up there were all local delivery
is it true that being high can make being not high.. really boring ?
na thats some gay shit
Its also pay at the door
dabbing is just overkill that shit is toooooooooo fucking high
nah lol dabbing constantly will fuck your tolerance up and have you retarded all day. I strictly dabbed multiple times daily from like 2012-2015 and now I just smoke or vape weed. I much prefer it even though I wouldn't turn down a good dab
No it came in the mail
I shit you not you paid with credit card and they shiped it through Canada post.
not talking about OP's w/e
Not the one i use. Online mail order dispensaries have been around forever. The local dilevery ones are new to me
Lol @ 13%
I mean just do smaller dabs. Ive been smoking for 25 years dabbing for 3 or 4. I mean the dabs rock you but I only do it after work and on the weekends. If I'm doing something more complicated ill smoke flower instead or just role a blunt for a car ride. But I love fucking dabs and since I cut way back on the flower I don't cough up black shit anymore
Frig off randy. It's not as bad as BC or Alberta
Don't mix dodgy tabs and weed anons, ive fucked my brain for life thanks to that combo.
-10000/10 would not recomend probably gonna kill my self
Why is your THC so low mines at 27.0%
Don't like the strong stuff?
Yall elected a known crack head twice as mayor, then when he died from crack yall elected his scumbag brother.
Fuck I hate weed snobs, absolutly some of worse people to smoke with.
they usually have dank tho
>implying your use of substances has anything to do with your skill as a politician
I had nothing to do with those elections too
They also can be real jews with it tho.
Nothing like smoking toothpick thin joints with some long ass retared tip listaining to buddy talk for 3 hours about the differance between indica and sativa.
Its bust a gut funny cause its true
Didnt say you did bud, and Rob Ford could have been a great Mayor if it werent for his vices and the media constantly bringing him down for them
Weak ass shit.
What a pussy you are. Man up and smoke something stronger
The DEA spent millions last year on scientists and doctors investigating descheduling pot and came to the conclusion that it is more addictive than crack and more deadly than opiates.
Keep wishing you had a government that cared about its citizens as much as America while addiction ravages your pro pot third world hole of shit!
Crack is like 100 times safer than pot retard
Getting mine from the street and it way better then that
Pot is immoral and unhealthy.
Talking about it will get you investigated you fucking degenerate
So tasty brah. 710 all day. Any east coast cats?
Eastern shore user here reporting in
North shore nova scotia here
*East coast b'ys
CT here those dabs are Maine
Totally not a goverment made discord server to spy on so called alt right pol racists
Hartford County
This is a Fukin Nova Scotia thread now b'ys. 902 master race signing in
Pictou County, Best shittiest place on earth.
Canada is full of guns. But only the criminals have them.
>mfw dabs
Ahh yea page 10 b'ys
And the rednecks livin out in the country.
Shit when I was growing up I was around lots of guns, mostly shotguns and rifle but theres a few pistols out there.