If niggers fucking hate america so goddamn much why don't they just fucking go back to africa??

if niggers fucking hate america so goddamn much why don't they just fucking go back to africa??

Attached: childish-gambino-screen-grab-e1544823217362.jpg (760x558, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Too lazy, dumb and poor to make the effort

>watches music video about the real side of America
>gets that butthurt
if you're gonna be a whiny bitch why don't you fuck off to who cares where

Niggers go home!

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hi FBI!

because discord is gay

they were born in America so that makes them American that's like telling you to go back to Scotland if you had x% of Scottish blood in your genes retard

found the white ally

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"the real side of America"
It's just some spoiled slacktivist whose ego has been inflated by guilty whites and white-hating jews. Blacks today are completely delusional about their own abilities and knowledge because any coherent bullshit they spew will be lapped up by white kids who have been raised on anti-white propaganda. This nigger has had life on easy-mode from day 1 and he owes it all to white conquerors.

>the real side

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YOU brought us here, cracker. and now were not going anywhere

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>if white niggers fucking hate america so goddamn much why don't they just fucking go back to europe??

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no, nigger, your nigger friends in africa stole your great-great-great nigpa and trade him for guns and rum

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why go back when they can get welfare here?

niggers are dumb but not that dumb.

Nigger here! I love it here, my life is going well. I'm up for promotion, my new g/f is legit, and my DnD campaign is shaping up nicely. Fuck those crybaby bitch ass niggers and fuck hood niggers.

dude, you're white. sit the fuck down poser.

I just grew up in the suburbs. I assure you that I'm literally chocolate midnight fren.

my mole is darker than you. shut your poser ass up.

Post your mole Doubting Thomas.

>real side of America

Attached: niggers3.gif (332x244, 1.98M)

They can't afford to

Imagine punching a girl and calling it racism because she doesn't want to date some incel who's begging for dates and feet pics

time to start giving free one way trips to africa for niggers


oh that one doesn't have audio. weird


Have to admit I do love shooting at shit randomly so pretty accurate video over all

If you consider jews, insects and technically niggers to be white then that meme is fine.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies


Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies


shit bot plz die

So black people have a weakness to black people, like how dragon type Pokemon have a weakness to dragon type attacks.

I mean... in fairness, Africa fucking sucks.

africans hate african americans

there's a whole tourism industry for sheltered black people to 'reconnect with their ancestry"

in fact there's a word worse than the n word reserved specifically for this

I think you completely missed the point of that video.

that niggers are dumb and ungrateful?

No free money and no white pussy.

If you're at all familiar with Gambino, that song was not his usual style. That was satire, a sharp indictment of the contradictory themes of most hip-hop: glorifying criminal activity and complaining about police harassment. He's making fun of those rappers, not buying into their schtick.

oooh what's worse than the Nword!

What is the term?

Because africa is a shit hole. They need white people to work/ generate their welfare, maintain infrastructure, industries, etc.

the k word
americans don't know about it yet though, so keep it on the down low
it means literally too worthless to even be sold as a slave

because wakanda irl is lybia

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I wish they would.


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OK I know what you mean

usually spelled with an E

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Actually it's the german word for extended family

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Thats a slur to jews so its about 6,000,000 times worse then any other slur directed at some dumb goy.

I am a seceond generation polish american.

So most of the niggers here have much more of a right to be here than I do.

but still. as a society the majority, not minority needs to do something about their "society". what are their norms, and how they interact amongst their communities.

Until they start working from within nothing is going to change.

its not like its only white cops killing blacks, its black cops killing blacks at the same rate.

>run from the police. get shot

y i gt sht?!?!

>reach into pants during arrest

y i gt sht?!?!

>attack police officer

y i gt sht?!?!

obviously there is a lot more to this, but i strongly believe its an internal issue.

American cia, fbi, etc has a long history of literally poisoning those communities.
They used radiation, fire, mass hangings, crack cocaine and forced sterilizations.
They stalked people like MLKJ and progressive black rappers and artists, treating them like criminals.

That influence continues today, the difference is when a black person rises above the ghetto they're told to leave and never look back.

The issue is beyond being solved alone

The CIA made me steal all those bikes!

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hey retard, your ancestors brought them here

>what is liberia

dont forget these stats put mexicans in with whites lol

Fugin Niggars muah man
Deport dem back da abfrika to muadafugin mudaland
sheeeit nigga dis some crazy sheeeit nigga
whitey ows me a lot
pfree wadamellons foh evaa
cracka we wuz kangs muh man. um done biatch nigga. peace out YO

I've lived in Detroit 25 of of my 37 years. I likely have a fuck load more experience with black society than you. I can almost assure you of this.

Theres a lot that can be done within blacks own society to change on their own than doing absolutely nothing at all.

But yes, I agree it wont be with themselves alone. Their any color but White, so why would they be expected to put in any effort at all.

Because Europeans brought all the good ones to the US as slaves so now Africa is not as great as it would have been.

That's basically the point of the music video in OP's pic. Watch the video again, ignore the lyrics and just watch the symbolism.
>we could have folk music
nah, let's be gangsters
>we could have gospel music
nah, let's be gangsters
>we could get along
nah, let's be gangsters
>why cops chasing me?

The lyrics are just flatly mocking mainstream rap the whole way through.

Thats my ignorance on the video. I tried watching it but have a hard time with that style of rapping.

I think Donald Glover is extremely talented, great actor and funny as hell. But that song is just grating to my ears.

You're saying he's mocking current pop ethnic music?

We tried to send you back after and YOUR ancestry chose to stay blame your own for the problems you now face . Which btw it's not the white man fucking up your neighborhood , leaving your children fatherless and killing blacks at record numbers . That's all you nigger

yeah you are, the fuck back to work sorting cans at my recycling center so I can make money

like I don't own six niggers

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Niggers in Africa started slavery

Can't handle the "hate facts"?

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You brought us to America. So you have to pay for our travel expenses.

>good ones

top kek

Slaves were the beta niggers who got captured by the alpha niggers and sold to whoever would buy them.

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fkn love bangs rootbeer

they were probably gay bro

Not the guy you're replying to, but check out his album Awaken My Love. It's good shit.

>if niggers fucking hate america so goddamn much why don't they just fucking go back to africa??

That would make too much sense.


But I don't think America is fundamentally flawed.

Even better if no brainwashed crack a kids bought rap records dem niggers would be broke as shit

if racism was measured by murder rates, this would prove something. however it is not.

Good sir you are no Nigger you are a black man. Black men are alright, but niggas got to go

They're not from africa anymore. They've been here for generations. That's like you saying to OP "why don't you just go back to whatever european country your great grandparents came from?"

Because he's never lived there and doesn't know anybody and has no attachment to the nation.

Yes, he's making fun of them from the lyrical content to the lazy verse structure. It's basically a spoof along the lines of Thugnificent's "Nigga Song" from Boondocks or Bo Burnham's "Country Song" but just subtle enough that it went over most people's heads, especially people who hadn't heard his other raps.

maybe racism results in single parents?

If the best and brightest people are targeted/ forced to leave then what we're left with is the miserable bottom tier
I have not seen Detroit, but I have lived in white hick ghettos and they offer no brighter picture, the flavor is meth instead of crack

I don't think there is much hope and I think the phrase 'leave the ghetto' is a sad admission of that

you guys do realize that these female are teens and that guys is probably late 20's... CP much?

Facts are actual facts, what you have is called "propaganda" and is better suited for /pol/ where you actually have a chance of winning an argument

most "young" rappers are 30+

must be nice in hollywood..

Is there anything that niggers are responsible for?

Or is everything the white mans fault?

Attached: nigs gonna nog1.jpg (1024x430, 75K)

this was fake


it's weired some chinese people are now going to africa and fucking black africans and the half breed chinese children are ruling over the blacks

also south africa had chinese living there forever and they had a riot like they have iin the usa they beat up the chinese poeple there

there was also a resturant in nirobi or some other african shit hole some chinese resutrant said no black customer pls the news media lost there shit

Are you suggesting that these statistics are fake?

I have the sources in all of the images if you don't believe me.

Attached: crime rate.gif (576x302, 29K)

Fair point. I havn't had much experience with poor whites other than maybe 1/10 people I interacted with growing up. At work they seem corny as hell but a lot more of what I want to be as a person.

I am trying to move to a rural area as soon as possible which is kind of poor in some parts, maybe I'll experience a lot of the same issues with a different percentage of melanin haha.

Chart manipulation is 6th grade science
It presents a microscopic view of the situation, at the authors intent
here is an example of false correlation vs causation

Attached: file.png (975x529, 48K)

Where is the chart manipulation?

I mean it's 6th grade science, so you should have no problem pointing it out.

Attached: homicide rate.gif (516x328, 14K)

He calls out black people in the video too though. Basically telling them to step up and take responsibility for the shitty aspects of black culture. I respect that.

>real side of America

It's data which is filtered to suit a viewpoint
consider all the information which is left out of that graph

like this one another user conveniently posted in the same thread

Minnesotafag here. The first wave of Somali immigrants that started showing up from Kenya (and Somalia) about 15 years ago were the most kind, generous and thoughtful people. So thankful to be here and all of the opportunities. The younger ones started hanging and associating themselves with the local black population and all that graciousness went to hell in a few year's time. And it's only cascaded from there. It's all learned behavior unfortunately, with no change in sight.

Thats literally just the arabic word for non-beleivers muslims use it all the time

source: surrounded by em in canada

Unrelated, but I love how the one thing they are bested in are liquor laws.

historical origins vs modern usage

nigger was the color black, just a color

Post worst word




Because Africa is an unstable shit show, filled with drug trades child soldiers, and disease, the countries are poor so they cant have much social programs, and the rich south African countries are essentially stealing farming land from the rich whites to give to blacks who dont know nothing about farming, it's not worth it for anyone to go to Africa.

Attached: file.png (200x200, 32K)

So where is the "chart manipulation"?

Sounds like you don't have anything to counter all this evidence.

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>save pics in folder
>post to win argument

that stopped working years ago
pol is a safe space for anons who can't understand that

it's no longer on me to prove that you're silly, it's on you to form an argument

The injuns love thier fire water. Gotta give it to em!

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Reals > Feels

Show evidence for your claims or accept reality.

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If you hate black so much why don't you fuck off to europe?

Because Africans don't want them.

Well, it’s not like they asked to come here in the first place

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damn based jap
can I also go to africa to cop a feel of dem nigger titties or is that a chinese-only privilege?

>debunk my argument
>posts no argument

the picture is too perfect

almost reported for watch spam

ElOn MUsk heRE


Niggers are America

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Nigger spotted!

Difference is that OP more than likely isn’t shitting on the country about how bad it is. Niggers literally bitch and moan but don’t want to leave.

A better analogy would be a vegetarian eating a steak, but complaining that it has meat, and still eating the steak.

Their parole officers won't even let them leave the state, let alone the country

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>Let me expose the real side of America and express my concern.
>I don’t want to do anything about it though.
>Gib money pls.

Nigga, you do get the whole point of that song is to tell you all to stop chimping out, right?

You claimed the CIA and FBI made niggers do all the crimes.

I'm saying that niggers do crimes because they are pre-disposed to criminal behavior.

I have posted a half dozen sources showing that niggers commit crimes of all types at a disproportionately high rate.

Tou have posted zero evidence. The only thing you have done is whine that you don't like my "hate facts."

Let's see your evidence. Put up or shut up.

they don't hate america they just hate white people. get it straight.

>You claimed the CIA and FBI made niggers do all the crimes
classic strawman

misrepresent the opponent's argument, then demand evidence while avoiding either making an argument or defending one

seriously you will be more comfortable on /pol/

me again, here's option 2

>make silly argument
>make silly snowflake fight against it
>use memes as evidence
>have nothing to lose
>upset when shut down
>n-n-niggers b-b-bad orange man g-g-good

reply for more

I think you have brain damage

fuck you mommy says I'm special

go to /pol/ tard brain

I asked this to one of them once. It's because they can't afford it. Like between 10% to 30% would leave if we literally paid them to fuck off.

I for one think it is a good investment.

This is something you would hear about every once and a while on the news.

I was at one point looking to move up to the twin cities but after all of that I am looking westward. Cheyanne or SLC

I will say this. I dont disagree with you but am also not willing to argue about it either.

i don't hate america but ok fuckin racist.

Cuz we hate white people

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Kys nigger

So racism is more troublesome than murder? Are you normally this retarded?

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I reported you to discord earlier
they replied that it has been elevated

I will keep watch on other discords, to make sure they keep up with your movements

OP here. I've been reporting these faggots too. Pretty smart actually to put spam under an unrelated image

White boys know you fucking history....exhibitions.nypl.org/africanaage/essay-garvey.html

his ass of course

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Service violations are the key to breaking spam
Every website host in the world has a clause prohibiting advertising on Yea Forums, and for good reason

Fucking morons bitching about being in the greatest country in human history...

Look at dem feet doe

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They're pampered here. Most know it. Donald Globber is actually the only black person I know who is against guns