Wanted to see Ghost kick some ass

>wanted to see Ghost kick some ass

oh, ok just one frame of him jumping into battle

>Expect emotional goodbye between Jon Snow and Ghost before giving him to Tormund

Nothing what-so-ever.

What the fuck happened to GOT?

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No budget lulz

D&D happened

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At least he gets to hang with Tormund. I hated this whole fucking scene, but Jon is at least right that Ghost would probably be way happier up north


This scene sucks

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dave and dan, the two hbo showrunners

they tricked george rr martin into letting them make his books into a show by pretending to be fans, they then did a great adaptation of the books into show, when they ran out of books they then proceeded to take a giant shit all over the series

yeah the show got more popular than the books and they still wanted to make money off the show. Now its just fan fiction

this for fuck's sake.
they fucking ended all the direwolfs subplot.
in season 6 they killed ghost and used the budget for a fucking zombie polar bear

i want him to follow me for life

Any info on whether got is simply badly written fan fiction as they no longer have source material? Afaik GRRM gave them important plot points. But yeah wow, if this is the direction the books are also going, being no longer any different than classic predictable fantasy, then fuck that, GRRM can croak all he wants before finishing them.


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Yea Forums said it well.

Its gone from something different, to some different kind of thing normies love.

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i liked the mormont girl.
i really don't mind some romance here and there, i mean, the world was going to end, did you expect everyone not to fuck the night before?
i really can't stand how they killed the NK, what about the ice fortress they showed? what about Nymeria? what about the faceless men? are they going to let arya slip out of their hands like that? what about Bran? what was he useful for? we had to watch seasons of him wandering around the north for what? so that he could become the ugliest cripple bait for the NK?

None of this will ever be answered
They cut out a lot from the show

who fucking knows, but again, many more story arcs could have been completed (Yea Forums again with the goods)

At this point I am hoping the war in the south fucking kills everyone but Jon and he returns to Winterfell and checks all is well with Sansa, Arya and Bran and goes north of the wall and finds Tormund and Ghost and lives out his days there

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Get that dire wolf outta the way!

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my only hope is the books now

The show never gave a shit about the direwolves let's be honest. That whole scene in the first episode with them finding the direwolves seems to have no relevance to anything now lol, in the books the starks were all wargs

couldnt they warg into the wolves or some shit

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Not for me anymore.
He will die before
And I would not want to read them anyway if this is the direction the books will also go to

That's a good point about ayra, she literally parred off and killed one of the most dangerous assasins in the world, and they knew her name and everything. That's the show now tbh, everything used to have consequences now it's just, kill this guy, no one cares, all of their followers sometimes even follow me for some reason (Dany with the Khals, Ramsey Snow, Cersei)

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I remember in the books all starks could do this to an extent

GHOST! fucking rhaegal got shot down like it was fucking nothing, excuse me WTF.

check'd. Are the books worth reading?

The show isn’t called game of wolves ya fuckin brainlet. No one cares about ghost. Maybe the characters of the show aren’t sentimental homos like you and your swingin dick mom. They just fought a battle where lots of people died and John just found out he’s probably got to take the iron throne from the only woman he’s loved since Ygritte and he’s got a lot on his fuckin mind. Jesus fuck dude, stop being a whiny little faggot.

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If you like the genre they are actually. Expect pages upon pages of descriptions of whatever the fuck is on the banquet table. Fatmonster GRRM has a fetish for this shit. A lot will already be spoiled for you but yes it is a good series. Also do not expect to get an ending.

I'm ok with that ending.

just pray, and pray hard to whatever god or gods you favor thats where D&D take it and they dont fuck it up

Ending's already out morons
Dany gets jaime and imprisons him
Grey Worm manages to start a riot in a surrendering KL forcing Drogon to burn the city
Dany tries to execute fucking everyone in KL making Tyrion and Sansa start to scheme against her
Varys dies
Cleganebowl ends with both dead
Tyrion is executed
Bran apparently wargs to somewhere in season 1 but it was unclear
What comes of Dany and Jon is unknown

exactly. They were fucking amazing when they had the books, but they don't know shit about writing a good show

At least they won't fuck up the pacing of the last episodes, despite the story already being so damn predictable. It'll be entertaining, but that's about it


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To make new ww's
Probably nothing or won't be explained
Probably will never know

This is a good comment, well commented friend.

Oh lord here we go.

You guys are a bunch of pussy fat furry fucks. Go cry some more about a shit fuck dog. I watch GoT because of the story. Not for your gay furry fantasys.

Go eat some dog shit and jerk of you losers

Jon will die but warg into Ghost spending his days fucking bears with Tormund up north. Happily ever after

>warg into Ghost
Ghost is dead you moron

hey fuck you buddy prove it

Brevity happened.

He didn't even bother to tell Ghost that he was a good boy. Fuk Jon Snow. I'm glad the Night's Watch killed him. faggot bastard