You made a black version of the white thing.
dont try n respond darkies we all know you GIVE UP blackboi
Is this all Yea Forums is now? Endless low quality porn threads and "u mad white/black boi" race baiting bullshit. Why the fuck do I even bother coming back to this place. Force of habit I guess
Fuckin' skinbois man, that's all they talk about.
its like panning for gold bro. theres 1000 shit threads and then one nugget of gold where OP throws dog shit at scientologists or something and posts timestamped pics
agreed, old b is never coming back
More black gays than whites I'm afraid
it's been full of cuck spam for at least 10 years
>implying I said anything about that.
nice b8 1/10 made me reply.
I found these threads amusing, but got fed up eventually
Not only are niggers stealing your white girls, these niggerfags are also stealing your white men
Based and whitepilled
Jew PsyOps man. Fucking Jew media...
>posts furry
you were always the cancer of b, shut up
too lightskinned
Kill yourself tranny cuck faggot