Hey democrats, socialist, lefties, etc

Hey democrats, socialist, lefties, etc..
The most efficient person to take care of your needs is yourself.
You are trying to create a world where OTHER PEOPLE are FORCED to take care of everyone.
This will lead to more pollution and wasted resources. Nice job.

Also, in treating ALL men and all white people as if they are misogynists and racists YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT FOR SO LONG.

You are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. DECENT MEN EXIST. DECENT WHITE PEOPLE EXIST.

You're helping build 1984, if you even fucking know what that is.

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Other urls found in this thread:


> when you watched faux news 24/7 with your sisterwife and now completely fried your brain

lol, I can’t believe idiots like you actually exist.

I wish I could be there when it hits you.


How unfair that tax dollars would ever guarantee a right to health care. Much better spent on the military and cutting taxes on people who could never spend it all.

He says the thoughts of a pr firm using a plethora of tools and techniques he doesn't understand let alone invent.

You're not in any substantive sense self directed. Stay owned.

All insults and no rebuttal

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Lol the soy goyim can handle the light if truth.

In a world where not all people have the same opportunities it is a humanistic duty and moral obligation of the more fortunate ones to help the less fortunate ones. And that has nothing to do with the use of resources or pollution.


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Nice healthcare system, ameritards

lets talk about the fact that OP is correct. the world is going soft. men are becoming feminists. everyone is a degenerate pussy.

lets also not forget that Israel has free healthcare, which murica pays for. murica also pays for their free education too.

>inb4 samefag
>inb4 news channel/fake news

Post this on Tumblr for the lulz not on Yea Forums

Yea Forums has discussed shit like this for years newfag. go back to 9gag

Hey, retards , conservacucks, trumpshits,
You do not exist in isolation.
Whether you choose to participate in society or not, you are still a part of society.
Getting cancer isn’t a choice.

You are being exploited by a handful of insanely rich robber barons, who are stealing tax money that should be paying for vital infrastructure and social welfare. Rather than be their cuck, why don’t you grow some balls and stand up to them?
Oh, right....because you’re cucks

this is now a YLYL thread

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You're confusing healthcare and insurance... After two liters of cola a day I don't want my open heart surgery anywhere else then America

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I’m sure most Democrats know what 1984 is since we all went to HS

>more pollution and wasted resources. Nice job.

Why do you care then , cucktard.
You should be all for it.

Typical disingenuous republitard, only remembers they have a conscience or morals when it can be leveraged to “own dem libs”

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>cancer isn’t a choice
Everyone I know got cancer by bad choices... so yeah it kinda is.

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If idiots like you exist, idiots like that exist.

How do you get pancreatic cancer by choice?

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from Fox News

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Quit conflating health insurance and health care. You're a fag.

American healthcare isn’t actually that great when compared to other countries. Unless you are rich and are going to doctors that don’t take insurance.

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Health insurance is what provides most people with the ability to get healthcare.

It's not clear what causes pancreatic cancer in most cases. Doctors have identified factors, such as smoking, that increase your risk of developing the disease.

aka lay off the fags


>got cancer by bad choices
The only thing “guaranteed” to give you cancer is exposure to high levels of radioactivity,
Did every one you know with cancer drink radium? Because otherwise you’re full of shit, faggot

You can’t even lie convincingly you retarded cuck

No one is forced to take care of anyone. You are forced to pay taxes which pay for services you receive. Unless you make over 250k you are paying less than the value of what you receive.

And that's where you're wrong fag

>it’s not clear what causes pancreatic cancer


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>services you receive
I'm white, I don't get the nigger/spic handouts

>faux news

Try thinking for yourself sometime. Its liberating.

So money is no issue, where do you take yourself for care? China with a Somalia doctor?

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As a Marxist. I agree. So why do you let your employer not work and live off your surplus capital if you're so against people being paid to not work?

How? Most people don’t have thousands of dollars to pay for their own healthcare.

Ct/scan 1200
Hospital stay 3000 and up per night
Er Visit avg 1500
General practitioner sick visit 350

U r gay u nigger

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Most people dont like paying more in taxes to see no benefit to themselves. Why should they?

We know it's smoking and bad diet... don't be willfully ignorant forever... You may want kids one day.

Then so are you you gormless retard.

Nationalised healthcare is a form of insurance

The “point” you assume you are making is a non starter

check out this massive get!!

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WTF am I receiving? I'm not a Nigger on welfare you fucking faggot. My income taxes do not go to the fucking road. Hell, even my gas taxes barely go to the fucking roads anymore. The State Police get them because of Democrat Fuck ups like you.

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>do you want kids someday
The “science” behind the claim that smoking causes impotence has been disproven...however, they have decided it is an effective lie in order to convince younger people not to smoke, so they continue to make the claim, despite it being false.

Smoking IS bad for you...but it’s link with impotence and low sperm count have not been proven.

No but you get roads, public services like water, police department, fire department, sanitation, the military protecting the country, social security when you retire, Medicare when you retire, etc

Only about 9% of the federal budget is safety net programs.


fuck yeah brother! it should be a non starter... should of never started in the first place! MAGA!

>smoking causes pancreatic cancer
Smoking causes mouth and lung cancer...what evidence do you have it’s linked with pancreatic cancer?

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No one has duty or obligation to take care of you. Take charge of yourself and your life.

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Money is no issue sure but money is an issue for 99% of people who can’t afford to pay out of pocket.


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When all you have is white pride , you obviously haven’t done anything else with your life.

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When they “be like” that ?


>nigger on welfare

Most people on welfare are white but I digress

Most of your tax dollars are spent on military, medicare(which you may not get now but will one day) and social security (you will probably live long enough to collect)

>be me
>have accident
>shatter elbow
>be unemployed at time
>no insurance
>elbow fixed
>bills total 60K
>pay around $500 total after filling out forms pertaining to financial hardship

But you want to tell me this is impossible. Grow up kid.

i can relate to this. roads in my state are shit. healthcare is ridiculous and retarded; the ER gives you Motrin for everything, including a leg that is broken in 3 spots. trees hanging in the powerlines abandone everyone in my county is on some form of welfare or government assistance. parks are filled with litter and niggers selling drugs. but dont worry democrats, youre all use to this, right?

>The most efficient person to take care of your needs is yourself.
thats why tere r unemployed, poor, homeless and sick

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sucks for them,

Ok so cut funding to the military and cut subsidies to oil and corn then we can talk

You sound like a 15-year-old who just had some "big revelation" and think you are the only one who sees the world for what it truly is.

Congrats on the balls dropping.

Except, of course, for every indigenous race who was a victim of their colonial expansion.

The right can’t meme

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guns kill people.
spoons make people fat.
the pencil mispells the words.

Every race is a global minority...

trump lost 1,000,000,000.00 USD in a 10 year period. YOU were FORCED to take care of his tax losses. Did YOU get 10 years of no taxes? Whats the last thing the repubs did that helped the middle class that didn't also help the rich tenfold?

>fuck hand outs
>takes a 59,500 hand out

Sucks for you too

Same fag

Imagine..,.just imagine for yourself...exactly what this pathetic excuse for a human being actually looks like.

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So, no evidence .

Case dismissed

>The conservative votes against his own interests

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So trying to raise taxes to support all your fairytale land programs wont make anyone rich and will stop those you claim are skimming off the top?


"Conservacucks" mostly want taxes lowered. I'm not sure how that gives the fat cats at the top more money but if you do then let me know.

hmm. maybe create more jobs, as unemployment rates are the lowest theyve been in decades. you can thank Trump for that.

The same reason we should not feed bears in the wiled... Makes them weak, soft, and dependent.

>takes care of wife's boyfriend's son

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Fake news

Trump hasn’t released his tax returns

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Democrats don't comprehend what their best interests are. They are told what their interests are.

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>roads in my state are shit
You probably live in a low tax state that has no funding
>er sucks
That’s what happens when you don’t have good health insurance

>public services like water, police department, fire department, sanitation, the military protecting the country
These aren't things I get, they are things that exist.
>social security when you retire, Medicare when you retire
What if I die at 35 years old? Checkmate nigga

they became endagered, cuz humans had guns, dipshit

Employment rates are slightly below predictions, he’s underperforming

Sure kid.

ProTip: Having your Nation overrun by Third World Aliens is not in your best interests.

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Thanks Obama


I’m sure you think it is.

you must be so much better than everyone else that you was even born with more chromosomes than all of us

>Same fag
I don't think they're trying to hide it
>Imagine..,.just imagine for yourself...exactly what this pathetic excuse for a human being actually looks like.
I imagine he's probably a lot better looking than you

>Most people on welfare are white but I digress
how do percentages work?

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Republitards are incapable of forming an opinion on anything unless it’s been boiled down into a meme for them and highlighted in their Facebook feed by Robert Mercer

Then why are the blacks breeding so much?

What a fucking liberal Democrat this guy is.

Yes it is. Read an economics book sometime. Illegals fill low wage jobs at lower wages therefore reducing costs and allowing more money to flow therefore making the whole richer.

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or more simply said; democrats dont learn to wipe their own ass until age 35

All dems = caring
All reps = evil

Nice worldview faggot

>nothing more than a pointed stick
And working together in packs for the good of the tribe.

Be like them

>when your point proves the opposite

You can even write the word Republican with out weaving some grade school level insult into it.

Obama did all that, trumps just fucking it up, have you seen the stock market? Great business man my ass. Go ahead, im still waiting? Name one law the repubs have passed that qualifies.


>fuck hand outs
I never said that. But I am saying fuck you.

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and most most violent crimes are from white people too?


They work by 43% being higher than 18%


Don't tell me to read an economics book when your double digit IQ statement only works to undermine the working class.

look at this Demofag

From CNN

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More people exist than just the ones you personally know

>no rebuttal
sure looks like it is snowflake

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The working class is going dying whether you want it to or not. America is a service and management economy. The uneducated and unskilled will be hurt by this but the whole of the economy and the majority benefits.

Tl/dr get and education or learn a trade and illegal aliens will help you not hurt you

the real problem is the niggers. we dont need them to pick cotton anymore. can we either send them back to africa or euthanize them now?

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>you insulted me
Fuck off faggot.
Nobody cares about your fee fees


You don't say... I don't care about them and don't want to pay for some half-breed crack baby that needs a cleft palate fixed.

You can’t rebut and argument that is invalid

>things that exist not services i receive
You are an idiot

I no longer have sympathy for Liberal Democrats. They have proven them selves to be nothing but treacherous undermining slaves. They do nothing but parrot what is spoon fed to them.

>There is no reason to interact with these people anymore. None. If someone still identifies with the Far Left. They are beyond reach.

>Stop communicating with them. Let them rot in their own echo chambers.

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depends on what "most most" means.

Mom told me to tell you that your ramen’s ready and come eat at the table.
And she said to tell you, when you start to cry and argue, that yes, she knows it’s an online only game. But you have to get yourself to a save point THIS INSTANT or she’ll throw your ramen away and then you’re grounded.
Hey, don’t yell at me - I’m just telling you what she said.

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I don't care about my feels, little feller. You go on and make your little tike insults like a big boy.




>I don’t care about my feels
Daddy loves you timmy



trump literally confirmed and commented on them today? how is that fake news, when the faggot tweets about it?

You can pay hospital bills 30 dollars a month, as long as you pay something then you are fine.

still no rebuttal
>bonus points

The whole... The Community will benefit. Typical Lies from a Liberal Democrat who only wishes to undermine their Nation.

Aww, shit guys.
I gotta go

The Negro repeatedly and endlessly proves that the sub-species is feral and bestial and unable to be productive in a first-world country. The foul beasts are America's Bane. If it takes Civil War Two to cleanse the country of the loathsome scum then let it commence.


btw coin, im 32 years old and work 40+ hours a week, making average 4k a month after taxes. and i still eat ramen occasionally kek.

It’s fake news that it’s Fake news

Trumps not even president .

Fake news

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No, the problem is the lack of genocide and the infiltration of jews. Every time we have shown mercy, it has bitten us back harder than what we were originally fighting against.

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That’s it.

I tried to warn you.

Now she’s hidden the switch and changed your fortnite password and you’re grounded

Don’t blame me. I tried to warn you

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You're a delusional faggot.


The niggers do that when they are not raping babies to fend off the AIDS virus.

B-b-but MmmmmOOoOoOoOoooooooom

I hate my life

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When all you have is white guilt, you obviously haven't done anything with your life.

Fuck you, hopefully you get peeled like a potato when this all goes down.

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I would argue it’s you who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in this exchange , “faggot”

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Repubs from 5 years ago: "The deficit is too high and the Constitution is above all else"

Repubs today: "Russia is friend and deficit good, Constitution is for ass wiping, RErerERERErERerE"

That doesn't mean they aren't niggers

he must be the niggest

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Public Library, you faggot.

You want us to get our own books for studying? Buy our own computers to look for a job? Try to go to school without benefit of a Library.

You jackass!

You don't know the difference between Hitler + Stalin. You don't know what socialism is; so...

GO STUDY AT YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY. Not just Alex Jones + Facebook

And with searching you WILL find a USA Negro who is law-abiding and fathers his children and earns his own way without relying upon tax payers. A small minority, yes. We are required to deal with generalities in this venue. On the whole, Whites create and Niggers destroy.

Then it’s a good thing I have no interest in your retarded “white pride” or “white guilt” then, isn’t it you faggot retard.

Only habitually poor brainlets give a shit about that stuff

Despite only being 13 percent of the population...

do fags really still play fortnite? i thought everyone moved onto Apex

Only habitually poor brainlets give a shit about their people. Am I right, Goldstein?

80 IQ does not bode well for life in a first-world country. Relocate all Niggers to sub-Saharan Africa and seal the borders. Civilization depends upon doing this.

Cut them for what purpose?

>with searching
Absentee father rates are higher in the white population than in the black population.

But since when did racial stereotyping concern itself with accuracy

obvious 9gag troll is obvious. Yea Forums needs age verification

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Fucking A, I was jumping on my soy boys dick when I saw the fag tweets. We go so hard knowing that he was a fag just like us. All of us in the LGBTQ republicans love fag boy and his words are the best. Anyways have fun being poor and blaming it on brown people, i'm just sitting in my yatch that you paid for with my "tax losses". 9/11 was a republican job, 8 Trillion dollars wasted on iraq, semen tastes like icing.

We really need to stop sending aid to Africa.

Even if you’re only pretending to be this retarded...,it’s still mightily impressive you are able to function an internet enabled device

because they keep sending their versions of AID

Only retards who have never taken an In test lens any credence to IQ tests

See... that's the problem with Modern Internet Connected Devices. It's WAY too easy for people like you to get on here.


I'd imagine they are white so generally more attractive than other races.

I’m sure you had a purpose when you posted this.
It would be nice of you to share it

>no you
Sick burn faggot.
Sick burn

Let's see choice of victims by black offenders

Says the furry

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The taxes are lower for the fat cats, retard

No stupid, most people with cancer smoke daily or eat cheap processed american food for every meal

ive counted a total of 4 fedoras and 19 neckbeards in this thread. unless there are a lot of samefags

Sounds kinda like slave labour to me

What about fight for 15?

Who's going to pick our Fruit? Is their official argument.

>most people with cancer smoke daily or eat cheap processed american food for every meal

No, you absolute retard.
Most people with cancer hold a genetic predisposition to develop cancer , and those external stimuli increase the risk.

Typical republican- utterly clueless yet vociferatingly obnoxious

No point using big words to insult a republican....they won’t know what it means

Thinking that only one side has all the good, man you fuckers are truly lost

Repost something positive Trump has said about the democrats

That’s cheating

You can’t hold republicans to the same standards you old democrats.
That’s an unfair playing field.
You need to be respectful when talking about republicans or they start crying

Smokey eye shadow

Republicans DEMAND your unearned respect

You're a real rebel by doing what you're told. Your leftist media wranglers did a good job with you

Trump has literally just said that he recorded more than 10billion in losses in order to avoid paying tax.

Man. Of. The. People

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Republican here. i just sit back and let my great president do his job and laugh at the democrats crying because they lpst their streak of being in office

You brought up white pride but dont care about it?

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"In multiple years, he appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer" -guess whos that quotes about. ahahahahhaha you guys elected the biggest faggot in the universe and now your cucked to thinking he's on your side

The right wing propaganda industry is in a higher ascendency that left wing ever was, retard.

The people who want to to call other people sheeple are very happy with their work

No, faggot.
Just because you’re retarded doesn’t mean you have carte Blanche to respond

Butthurt is strong with this one

Clearly touched a nerve

but you have more chromosomes than all of us

>great job
The only people who think trump is going a great job is Trump. And a bunch of retarded shit eaters who nobody cares about.

Which one are you, Mr. President?

But you don’t even know what that means

huh? what nerve did you touch? all i did was respond. im not mad about anything. im just sipping coffee and lurking, occasionally responding.


I like to see the skin of the girls I fuck and I like showing off my dashing good looks. Thanks to my white ancestors.

>not mad

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it means that you are metally retarded.

i like how you nonchalantly asked what it means.. kek

everyone always says that Trump does a bad job. but not one of you can say what bad he has done other than a few snardy comments directed toward the media that tells you what to like and what to hate and also tells you to hate Trump.

Just letting you know faggot, as timewasting as this was, and that’s all
I’m here for, you have spent your quota of (you)’s and I will no longer be responding to your retardation.

Enjoy being white. It sounds like it’s all you’ve got

Do you understand that having a lower tax rate doesn't mean they pay less than you and me?

15% of 1 million is a hell of a lot more than 25% of jack shit.

The rich already pay for this country.

How’s losing 11billion in a ten year period , which you and I had to pick up the tab on?

If only we were all as lucky and privileged

Also do you think people aren't entitled to their own money?


pssst, hey guys the secret is that races tend to not care about issues involving other races when it's not their business, but are more willing to try to aleviate internal issues within their familiar group and attack people of the same race.

Or clean our toilets

America reputation as a diplomatic centre is in tatters thanks to trump reneging on agreements that the US were the main architect of.
Diplomats are now under instruction to basically ignore trump. As any agreement urgently made is very likely to also be reneged upon.
America is now deemed an ‘unreliable partner’

Protip - that’s bad

Theres good people on both sides

hmm. nope i double checked. not mad

me laughing signifies that i am mad? i think you have definitions of emotions confused. i will add that i just went from laughy to highly amused. i will do you a favor. "highly amused" means that i am pleased with the outcome and may be grinning very widely now.

"In multiple years, he appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer"

The American tax payer had to pick up the tab to cover Trumps billions in losses.

You think it’s fair that poor people money be taken from them and given to the rich

Tell me something good Nancy Pelosi has said about repubs

>not mad

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Ever think that Yea Forums is just an endless circlejerk of trolls. Im guessing everyone here really doesn't give a shit, but its fun to trigger the other side? That makes us all cuck fags :(

not that bad really. go do this math too. find out how much money democrats cost america each year, mainly for welfare scum and war dollars

“Don’t underestimate your opponent”
Nancy Pelosi

im nearly impossible to trigger Yea Forums.. ive been coming here for the lulz for years now. Yea Forums has me well conditioned for the world

Yea Forumsro*

>this comment

Who's the retard here?

The country needs more than one party dominance.[.].. we need to have a marketplace of ideas

Erally wh

honestly just meed to fire and replace all of congress. the country cant progress if the same decision makers thats been there for 40 years are still deciding how things should be. most of those fucks were raised with moral ideas of shit that was accepted in 1920. and yea, 1920, best decade ever for murica, right?

You must live a very sheltered life

That's what my comment meant, read between the lines.

the nigger is mad that we wont let him have our white women anymore without a fight

You lie like trump you republicunt

Poor people dont pay taxes you joke

She's talking about herself

if dogs can be euthanized, so can deformed and born-retarded babies. keep these bad gene pools in existence will eventually make Mike Judge's Idiocracy become a reality more than it already is. if i had a choice between euthanizing retarded babies or getting rid of the niggers; id say kill the retards

She actually said this?

If so then it's to divert from their attempt to crush the Republican party

this is going to piss every Democrat here off. the ones that left the thread will even return.

Corporations are the largest recipient of welfare, republicuck

This rich people’s profits are actually your tax dollars redistributed into their pockets.

Cucks love to be cucked

dumdum confirmed. its the same as you said when democrats are in office

I can not believe these fucking cuck libtards. Every time you say "personal responsibility" it's always "waah but what about the rich people! I'm the moral police and know whats best for the world!!"

listen you worthless fucks! How many refugees have you brought in to your home? How much do you fucking donate to good causes? None because you're too busy being soy boys fapping to traps on /b

get fucked you fucking soyboy cucks

Truth hurts huh?

You didn’t think you could elect a braggiocio loud mouth clown like Trump, spouting his isolationist retarded bullshit, and there not be any consequences, did you ?

Oh, that’s exactly what you thought....because Trump told you.

Wag the dog


Yes .

Turns out politicians have more in common with other politicians than they do with the great unwashed who vote for them.

Yeah they fucking do you dumbass. You would know this if you weren't a 14 year old incel. Keep letting businessmen rape you faggot, shut the fuck up

Not an argument
You haven’t touched the central point.
Corporations are the largest recipient of government welfare

you like democrats eh? remember Bush Jr?

he believes that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully. and also another reminder, the definition of sovereignty, is to be sovereign.

i think Trump is a much better speaker than your democrat

How many have you?

Is your argument invalid because you don’t embody it?

That’s not how arguments work retard

I’m a Russian troll, so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘my republican’
We elected trump

They’re all the same


The rebuttal is self evident, you're just retarded.

No, the fake truth that your CNN soy boys push is what you lap up like day old bukkake. Who gives a fuck if all these other globalist countries reject the usa? Let's imagine for a minute that the world could go on without the United states, oh wait that couldn't happen.

Both separate cheeks of the same asshole

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yes i have touched the central point. Trump hasnt costed America even a fraction the amount of money that Democrats have costed us. democrats are the ones that want to send aid to foreign countries that dont do shit except exist and use resources. democrats are the ones that want there to be more civilians on welfare and social security. off subject here: democrats even want more than 2 genders to be identified.

>couldn’t happen
It was the default state of existence for pretty much the entirety of the earths history you Fucking naval gazing retard.
It could easily go back to its original state ones the virus expends it’s host

And republitarda redistribute wealth to the rich.
I would argue neither is an economically sound strategy

I'm not the one claiming to be moral police fucking moron. I work, make money and pay health insurance and for medical bills when they arise. So I'm morally consistent. So get off /b, get out of your mommies fucking basement, go fucking get a job

The poor receive much more back in taxes than they ever pay in. If you disagree then you must not be talking about the poor.

to any newcomers in this thread:

throughout this thread you will see how easily triggered democrats are, and meanwhile they blame republicans for being triggered so easily. youll also see them changing the subject in their responses to evade the truth. the evidence is clear. democrats are whiny cucks that are butthurt they arent in office anymore.

Let’s pretend for a moment that I am what you say.

Does that change the tenants of the argument?
Or my identify completely secondary?

You think you can win an argument with a literal ad hominem.
How utterly retarded of you

So you're saying that without the United states then the world would change drastically?

Isn't that what I said?

You sure act like someone being a moral police for someone pretending not to be the moral police.
Just because your moral judgements are different, doesn’t make you any less of a moral-faggot

Man, Democrats are fucking retarded.

Triggered republitard detected

You lost the argument.
No need to be mad faggot

They are the biggest bunch of whiny pussy soyboys. "safe space", "trigger warning" fucking whiny bitches.

If the civil war comes, they would go whining and crawling back under the rocks they were born out of. They are the opposite of evolutionary progress. They should kill themselves, every one of them

>whines for an entire post
>Dems are Whiney

Wew lad

I'm mad at your fucking whore mom for not aborting you

>The most efficient person to take care of your needs is yourself.
tell that to 1488 fascists too

they LOVE to hop on my dick

haha good one!


Actually most posts are me arguing with myself.

I’m bored at work

Am I demanding you to give me free shit? Whining about how oppressed I am?

No, I'm saying KILL YOURSELF

what argument? that was my first post after about 5 minutes of reading and observing.. but thank you for verifying both of my accusations about democrats.

Seriously what did the cave men do without socialized healthcare or free college?


You fucking libtards don't have arguments! That's the point! You whine and bitch, and then when you get debunked with facts you just walk away or block people from speaking

You are the definition of PUSSY


>what argument
The famous republitard intellect In Action

Shouts the loudest , knows the least

What argument?

Who said that?

Where am I?

Fuck off boomer



The democratic party is the party of mob rule and trying to steal everything you earn or ever will earn by telling the masses that they deserve what you have earned.

>less fortunate ones

You mean lazy irresponsible entitled leaches?

I worked hard for many years to get to the stature I am now. Key words "I worked"
There's absolutely NO obligation to give what I have worked for to someone who doesn't think they need to do anything with themselves and shit should just be handed to them because they exist.

If you are too lazy to work for accomplishments and want to survive off your minimum wage job, then that's exactly what you deserve. My taxes already pay for your shity neighborhoods, food stamps, access for your illegitimate bastard children, and you rights as a human being.

>survival of the fittest bitch

Oh yah like all the fucking libtard chants during protests looking like a bunch of brainless, spineless cult followers

Libtards are the biggest bitch of them all

"sage this" "sage" that's all you got really?

You know if we allowed a situation where hospitals would have to compete it would drive prices down? Nearly every moderately populated area has multiple hospitals. The hospital with the best price for decent care would get all the business. They couldn't over charge because noone would go and they would have to provide decent care because again noone would go otherwise. Competition would drive prices down while sustaining quality. The issue is with subsidies. When you say you will help little Johnny pay his bills but dont put in a safeguard to prevent greed they will charge as much as they can. When is the last time you had someone put an invoice in your hand for your hospital visit without having to ask for it? They dont do it because most people dont care. This is because most people expect their insurance provider to cover the bill. This is why they charge $100 for the 50 cent gauze pad.

>this argument with an anonymous shit poster on Yea Forums proves all of my internal bias against my political opponents

What is psyops?

Go back to fapping to furries, or the Mueller report libtard cucks, you know you don't belong on Yea Forums in the first place


this thread is just a libtards playground to complain. time to kill the thread guise.

>survival of the fittest bitch
50% of cancer sufferers go bankrupt within two years of diagnosis in America

If you invent a cure for something, and then withhold that cure based on your ability to profit from their sickness , then you are on the diseases side

It's funny that you say that. Only 30% of our taxes go toward those programs. The remaining 70% goes toward social programs. Regardless of opposing political positions listen to Dan Crenshaw. I dont care what team he is on he is spot on with what he is saying about these topics.

>implying lol Ameritards aren’t forced from school age to mindlessly chant in the name of obedience

I wouldn't even try to reason with them, they won't respond with any sort of intellect at all.


>social programs.
You mean subsidising the low wages paid by corporations owned by ceos with politicians in their pockets

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Oh what are we supposed to chant "Angela Merkel Angela Merkel" yah how'd that work out for you dumbasses

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This isn't really the truth of the situation though. I came from a single mother raising three sons. We lived on welfare and by your views I should be one of those people. Instead I make roughly 150k a year and work through a small business that I own. All the state support seemed to do by my memory was facilitate bad decisions. And yes I am saying my brothers and I were bad decisions. And yes my mother was a drug addict and didnt care because she knew she would be getting food stamps to use to feed us. When you carry someone's weight for them they will eventually realize they dont have to carry it themselves.

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Being this retarded.

I’m sure it seemed like a much smarter point before you typed it out.

Never mind.
Here’s (you)r participation award

You seem to be the definition of SUCCESS

Great work! You are what makes America Great

they are trying to hospitalize the libs!

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>literally a turkey voting for Christmas

There’s no such thing as a self made man

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Being so retarded you invite millions of unvetted refugees from warn torn nations, end up with massive rape gangs, rampant crime and extinguishing of your own culture


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The social safety net clearly worked out for you.

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I watched game of thrones too.
Protip - it’s fiction

Yes that's part of the issue. Again when you have a program that will cover the additional 30% you should be paying your employees why should you pay it? Why should they care? I believe my point still stands. If we cut those subsidies the people who get away with paying "unfair" wages would have to pay more. Otherwise noone would work for them. Their business would fail.

No, that's just your excuse to be intellectually lazy, not have to debate, telling everyone that words are violence and not look at the facts

Ready for 2020?

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Show the proof
You are a prime example of the stereotype
How about you get off your fat lazy ass and make an effort of some sort you sitting there watching fake news believing every conspiracy theory that pops up on channel 10 while I'm out here earning an income and supporting you cheeto covered fingers ass

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love this, so accurate

But, those aspects of the welfare program are going to be the absolute LAST possible change...because the rich make the rules.

Funny how when a rich person robs the welfare system for billions , it’s great, he’s a smart business man, an entrepreneur..
When a single mother steals a few thousand to feed herself and her children, she is literally the devil incarnate.

America is an evil place, with a corrupted moral compass, and is not fit o make decisions for itself

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The wall didn’t stop the white walkers

Sea lions belong in the sea

Get back in the sea mr sea lion

>Actual turd story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of logs since middle school, when some bitch slidded on me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is log crazy, really wants to eat someone's shit
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and skid marks showing through his pants
>visibly defecating
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "she's gonna hate his logs"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated Andy Sixx
>she's worried that he secretly wants to get slidded by Andy again
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"his logs were neither dreamy nor creamy, and they did not produce steam"
>tell my father this
>poops uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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Oh kind of like defeating the Nazi's in WWII while the rest of Europe (ah-hem France) either just accepted it or ran to their safe spaces

Yah, America is totally the most corrupt country in the world (cough cough)

But it didnt. Not the way you think it did. Both of my brothers are failures unfortunately. My younger brother may bounce back but has already done federal time. My older brother is still leaning on the same system we grew up in. I joined the army at 17 after opting to go to military school to get away from that situation. After the army I went into a skilled trade. No college and no support. All i have to give credit to is some luck and a few good decisions that i was fortunate to be able to make.

>repeats every lazy already debunked retarded meme from stormfront
>accuses others of being intellectually lazy

In your vocabulary, Introspection is something that happens to other people, isn’t it?




more sage

have some sage

I appreciate it but I'm just doing what I'm supposed to. Nothing about me or what I've done is special. That's part of the problem. What people consider to be a special achievement is really only what we should be doing.

want some sage?

>defeating Nazis
Game of thrones was fiction

America showed up late to WW2 , once it stopped profiting from the Nazis, because they were beaten back by the combined forces or Europe and Russia , and then showed up at the very, very end to participate in the victory parade through Berlin.

Your grasp of history is typically of someone educated by Hollywood, and not school

sage ing

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sage to eat

I think I see what you did there. I haven't done anything more then put in a little work. That's what we should all be doing. I'm not a self made man. I'm am American citizen doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Using my freedom to make sure I'm the one taking responsibility for my life and support for my family.

sage to sage

sage sage

>The most efficient person to take care of your needs is yourself.
exactly, so why push corporate welfare?

So America showed up late to your Nazi party because we thought "Hey Europe's got this"... Oops our bad, sorry daddy had to travel 3000 fucking miles to save your ass, otherwise you'd be heil Hitler right now fucking eurocuck

wow so much stupidity

I've got nothing, might as well try to debate with a potatoe


sage sage

typical mindless liberal droning

"I have no arguments, drown them out mommy make them go away!"

But you're only half right in my opinion. Even then my issue isn't directed towards the children or that situation. My issue is with the lack of critical thinking and at a baseline decent decision making skills. Also with a lack of responsibility. These programs should be a temporary means to recover from a hardship. To get you along between jobs or to help of you are hurt and cant work temporarily. The kind of support you are talking about should come from the family. After all if we all strived to be decent parents then our children my have enough life knowledge to avoid that kind of situation right? If we fail as parents we should take responsibility for that failure and support our children with their failures.

Eh I try to avoid free things. So no thanks.

>thinking sage does anything
Newfags need to lurk Moar

>Nothing about me or what I've done is special.
You’re right.

Now think.
Where would you be without the social safety net you benefited from as a child?

Pull that ladder up behind you, you fucking snake.

You literally wouldn’t exist without welfare and you want to deny it to others,

True scum